Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

What usually lies on the floor?

A) chandelier;

B) fork;

C) carpet;

D) cupboard;

E) armchair.

Вопрос 506

It’s Thursday today, …

A) is it;

B) doesn’t he;

C) isn’t it;

D) are they;

E) wasn’t it.

Вопрос 507

You ’ ve got two sisters …

A) hasn’t he;

B) haven’t you;

C) are they;

D) isn’t it;

E) wasn’t it.

Вопрос 508

Where can we wash ourselves?

A) bed-room;

B) sitting-room;

C) living – room;

D) bath-room;

E) balcony.

Вопрос 509

Where do people hang their clothes?

A) hall – stand;

B) mirror;

C) arm-chair;

D) sofa;

E) wall unit.

Вопрос 510

Найдите слово не соответствующее теме « My flat »

A) kitchen;

B) nursery;

C) plane;

D) bedroom;

E) balcony.

Вопрос 511

My name is Alex. I…18 years old.

A) am;

B) are;

C) is;

D) were;

E) was.

Вопрос 512

They aren ’ t French,

A) aren’t they;

B) haven’t they;

C) are they;

D) isn’t it;

E) was it.

Вопрос 513

They … an English lesson every day.

A) has;

B) had;

C) have;

D) have had;

E) had have.

Вопрос 514

Mary studies at the University. She … a student.

A) Are;

B) Is;

C) Am;

D) Was;

E) Were.

Вопрос 515

One of the oldest Universities in Britain is…

A) Sorbona;

B) Harvard;

C) London;

D) Oxford;


Вопрос 516

Выберите слово не подходящее по смыслу.

A) university;

B) lecture;

C) tutor;

D) season;

E) teacher.

Вопрос 517

Выберите слово не подходящее по смыслу.

A) semester;

B) term;

C) kitchen;

D) credit;

E) debts.

Вопрос 518

Выберите слово не подходящее по смыслу.

A) part-time student;

B) rector;

C) department;

D) patient;

E) teacher.

Вопрос 519

Before exams start students are to pass…

A) control;

B) credits;

C) pairs;

D) holidays;

E) lectures.

Вопрос 520

His name … Bob

A) am;

B) are;

C) is;

D) were;

E) am.

Вопрос 521

They … an English lesson every day last year.

A) has;

B) have;

C) had;

D) have had;

E) had have.

Вопрос 522

Mary and Ann study at the University. They … students.

A) are;

B) Is;

C) am;

D) was;

E) have.

Вопрос 523

I feel some pain … my back.

A) on;

B) at;

C) in;

D) of;

E) into.

Вопрос 524

I (to use) to read a lot about famous people.

A) uses;

B) used;

C) are used;

D) is used;

E) had used.

Вопрос 525       

 … you … to live in village in your childhood?

A) did, use;

B) do, use;

C) does, use;

D) used;

E) had, use.

Вопрос 526

She (not to ask) him about anything.

A) did not ask;

B) is not asked;

C) not asked;

D) not asking;

E) do not ask.

Вопрос 527

He (to play) tennis twice a week last year.

A) play;

B) playd;

C) had play;

D) is played;

E) played.

Вопрос 528

She (to learn) French and German two years ago.

A) lernt;

B) is learnt;

C) learnt;

D) was learnt;

E) were learnt.

Вопрос 529

We (to keep) our car in the garage last winter.

A) kepting;

B) kepted;

C) was kept;

D) were kept;

E) kept.

Вопрос 530

They often (to make) mistakes at the lessons.

A) make;

B) maked;

C) had make;

D) was made;

E) were made.

Вопрос 531

When I lived with my parents I (to help) my mother about the house.

A) helped;

B) helpt;

C) was helped;

D) help;

E) helps.

Вопрос 532

They (not to do) their shopping every day last year.

A) do not do;

B) did not do;

C) does not do;

D) not did;

E) not do.

Вопрос 533

We (to go) to the university by metro yesterday.

A) go;

B) gone;

C) goes;

D) went;

E) did go.

Вопрос 534

The concert (to begin) at 6 p.m yesterday.

A) began;

B) begun;

C) begined;

D) begint;

E) begand.

Вопрос 535

I (to stay) at school yesterday.

A) stay;

B) stayed;

C) was stay;

D) were stay;

E) stays.

Вопрос 536

It often (to rain) last autumn.

A) rain;

B) raind;

C) rained;

D) rains;

E) rraint.

Вопрос 537

Tom (to get) excellent marks in English yesterday.

A) gott;

B) getted;

C) get;

D) got;

E) was got.

Вопрос 538

Always go abroad during their summer holidays.

A) they;

B) he;

C) she;

D) us;

E) her.

Вопрос 539

Give... the book, please.

A) I;

B) she;

C) we;

D) me;

E) their.

Вопрос 540

He is an old friend of....

A) my;

B) your;

C) mine;

D) her;

E) their.

Вопрос 541

He washed and dressed....

A) he;

B) herself;

C) himself;

D) ourself;

E) his.

Вопрос 542

Sister made some mistakes in her test.

A) My;

B) He;

C) Mine;

D) Them;

E) Yours.

Вопрос 543

Is... absent today?

A) somebody;

B) anybody;

C) nobody;

D) anywhere;

E) some.

Вопрос 544

I can’t help you. I have... free time.

A) much;

B) many;

C) little;

D) few;

E) a lot of.

Вопрос 545

If you ever have... problems, let me know.

A) any;

B) some;

C) no;

D) every;

E) something.

Вопрос 546          

Did... meet him yersterday?

A) somebody;

B) anybody;

C) nobody;

D) everybody;

E) anything.

Вопрос 547

How... new grammar rules do you know?

A) many;

B) much;

C) little;

D) few;

E) more.

Вопрос 548

Don’t worry. We have... time before the train comes in.

A) little;

B) few;

C) much;

D) many;

E) more.

Вопрос 549

These books are..., take... if you want.

A) my / it;

B) our / them;

C) mine / it;

D) her / them;

E) mine / them.

Вопрос 550

I have lost... pencils, may I take...?

A) mine / your;

B) your / your;

C) my / yours;

D) her / your;

E) yours / my.

Вопрос 551


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