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What are the most important inventions and innovations for you: at home, at work? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Technological change is developing rapidly nowadays. Now we can't imagine our life without different inventions and innovations like telephone, TV, car, the internet. But look here, people use all these things thanks to long studies and development of geniuses. Inventors develop and design innovations to make our life easier. Creating something new is always an expensive process and only developed countries can allot surplus money for it. As for me, the most important invention at study is the internet, which can’t be used without a computer, because manager always require new information and the data. Telephone is necessary to communicate with my relatives and friends. At home the most important invention for me is my bed to have a healthy, sound sleep. Of course I should say about other creations as fridge, table lamp, spoon, cup and so on. Besides technical inventions there is the greatest invention of mankind called sport. Different kinds of sport attract people; help them to spend free time with the good of their health. Teenagers don’t waste spare time for drugs, alcohol and crimes. In addition, serious enthusiasms for any kind of sport may bring success; become your job and return. Текст 5. What is important for showing a person’s status in an organization? Mutual relations between person and direction depend on his status in this company. If you work as the courier you do not get any special privileges. If you are a qualified top-manager, you are treated in another way by staff. The status of the worker depends on many factors, but the basic certainly are professional skills and abilities. In fact, if you are general manager of a large company, you will not be treated in the same way, as it is concerning worker of an average link. Secondly, status depends on your privileges and opportunities in the company. If you have your own office with a window which has more than one seat you can easy engage in the business and carry on the important negotiations. Having a secretary is quite good: it releases you from such trifles, as reception of bells, arrangement meetings and various paper work, or work with different documents. The presence of a company credit card or taking holidays when you like tell about a high level of trust to you on the part of a management of the company. A company car with reserved parking space and your name on your door also underline your high status in this company.
Текст 6. Describe any organisation in terms of good and bad qualities. There are a lot of different adjectives, which describe good and bad qualities of organization. I think it would be better to tell you about each of them. In my opinion any organization should be professional. It means that the manager of a company and its staff should know the aims of organization and the way they can be achieved. If organization will be professional, it can increase competitiveness of the company. Further, discipline in any organization is also an important factor. Expert management and marketing depends on this factor first of all. Staff should not be allowed to sit where they want and work when they want. The observation all of these aspects especially needs and request of the staff will describe the organization as democratic. And of course it’s a good quality. The next I’d like to add is that professional direction of a company will try to make it decentralized to give their staff enough freedom to realize its activity. Centralized company is characterized by plan economy which doesn’t show wonderful results. To sum up I’d like to tell, that if I was a manager or a sole trader I’d take into account all these factors and among other things my company would be welcoming to create a good impression. Текст 7. |
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