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Rambha Acts as AsokasundarVs Messenger

Rambha said:

1. O auspicious one, abandoning the penance, what are you looking at? By pondering over a man your penance would perish. Asokasundari said:

2-5. My mind was completely absorbed in penance. Gods, demons or serpents could not lead me away (from it). (But) O you glorious one, on seeing this one my mind becomes very uneasy. Going to him I desire to dally with him. It has become thus (i.e. so much) eager. O you beautiful one, such a change was (there) in my mind. Therefore, tell me its cause, if you know it well. The magnanimous gods have created me as the wife of Ayu's son. Why is my mind eagar to dally (with this man)? Rambha. said:

6-11. O you glorious one, O you beautiful one, the ancient soul, Brahma himself, of the form of knowledge lives in all embodied forms. Though he is bound by the organs of sense functioning to assist him, and full of the nooses of delusion, yet he is always perfect. He, (when bound by sense-organs) does not at all know the Nature — the portion of the highest and the worldly knowledge: (yet) O beautiful one, this pure righteous soul knows (it). Though you, seeing this very intelligent one, have mental anguish, he abandons sin and runs to truth only. This son of Ayu is your husband. This is the truth. There is no doubt about it. (A lady like you) would entertain doubt by seeing any other man of sinful characteristics. Such is the ordinance, bound by the noose of truth which the gods have made that the son of Ayu will be her (i.e. your) husband.

12-16a. Like this was heard by the soul, O beautiful lady. Knowing the truth of its substance, he remained (there). It does not recognise that your husband has come. Knowing this your chief soul today only runs (after him). The soul knows everything. The soul is the ancient god. This is just that brave Nahusa, the lord of heroes. Therefore your heart goes to him; it desires a contact with the truth. Knowing that Ayu's son (will be your husband), it does not at all go to anyone else, O good lady.

16b-19. I have thus told you all that is perpetually in your mind. Killing the very fierce, mean demon Hunda in a battle, he will take you to his own place — Ayu's excellent house. The best hero was kidnapped by the demon; (but) survived because of his religious merit. The best hero was separated from his relatives from his childhood. In the great forest he grew without his mother or father. Now with you only he shall go to his father's house.

20. Having heard these words of Rambha, the daughter of Shiva full of great joy, said to (Rambha) born from the ocean:

21-24. " This certainly is my very brave husband of a truthful nature. My mind, very much perturbed due to being full of grief, runs (to him). There is no other god like the mind that knows (things) definitely. O you of a charming smile, I really saw a fine picture — a man of divine characteristics and resembling Cupid. O friend, as my mind runs (after him) on seeing him, it does not run to any other man, O good lady. It does not think highly of any other man. We two shall go to him. Let our friends go home."

25. Knowing her to be eager to go to Nahusa, that Rambha spoke like this and started going.

26a. Then that Rambha said to her: 'O respectable lady, why do you not go (with me)? "

Suta said:

26b-28a. Reaching well with her friend Rambha, Nahusa with marks of a hero, she sent her dear friend to his vicinity (i.e. to him): " O you illustrious one, go to Nahusa of a godly form, and tell him the account, and that I have come for him." Rambha said:

28b-29. Oyou (my) friend of a good vow, I shall do this which is very dear to you. Saying so Rambha went to prince Nahusa holding a bow and arrows, and as it were another Indra.

30-36a. Rambha went to him and told him the excellent words of her friend: " O you glorious son of Ayu, I am Rambha who has come to you. I have been sent by that daughter of Shiva, O hero. For you the lord of gods, the goddess (i.e. Parvati), the god have created this excellent and best gem of a woman in the form of your wife, difficult to be obtained in the worlds. This gem is difficult to be obtained by best men, gods along with Indra, devotees, gandharvas, serpents, siddhas and bards of meritorious marks. For you, it has come of its own accord. This gem of a woman is perfect and created with merit, O you very wise one. (It's) name is Asokasundari, who remained in penance for (obtaining) you. She practised very severe penance. She always longs for you. Realising this, O illustrious one, honour her who adores you. That beautiful lady does not at all solicit any other man than you."

36b-44. Nahusa heard and understood what she said; and replied: " O Rambha, listen to my words. I know all that you have said before (i.e. to me). Formerly the noble Vasishthahad told me. I know everything — her excellent penance (also). O auspicious one, listen to the reason by which there will be happiness (for both of us). 'Without killingthe demon Hunda I shall not go to the excellent lady. I know all this account and also that you are created for me, and that you have practised penance. There is no doubt that destiny has made you my wife. Resolving for (getting) me as your husband, you practised penance. From there the very wicked one took you, following restraints, away. That mean demon separated me, who was a child, from my father and mother, (kidnapping me) from the lying-in-chamber, O respectable lady. Therefore I shall kill that Hunda, the mean demon. Then I shall take you to Vasishtha's hermitage.' Well-being to you, O Rambha, tell like this to her who has done what is dear to me."

45-48. Thus dismissed by him, Rambha again quickly came (back) so Asokasundari and told her all his (good words) in brief, O best dvija. That Asokasundari, understanding the good words of that great hero Nahusa, was full of joy. Then she stayed there with her good friend, Rambha. (She said: ) " I shall ever see what kind of valour my husband has."



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