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Intelligent Transportation Systems( ITS)

Intelligent Transportation Systems( ITS)

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are advanced applications which, without embodying intelligence as such, aim to provide innovative services relating to different modes of transport and traffic management and enable various users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and 'smarter' use of transport networks.


Although ITS may refer to all modes of transport, EU Directive 2010/40/EU (7 July 2010) defines ITS as systems in which information and communication technologies are applied in the field of road transport, including infrastructure, vehicles and users, and in traffic management and mobility management, as well as for interfaces with other modes of transport.



Recent governmental activity in the area of ITS – specifically in the United States – is further motivated by an increasing focus on homeland security. Many of the proposed ITS systems also involve surveillance of the roadways, which is a priority of homeland security.[2] Funding of many systems comes either directly through homeland security organizations or with their approval. Further, ITS can play a role in the rapid mass evacuation of people in urban centers after large casualty events such as a result of a natural disaster or threat. Much of the infrastructure and planning involved with ITS parallels the need for homeland security systems.


In the developing world, the migration from rural to urbanized habitats has progressed differently. Many areas of the developing world have urbanized without significant motorization and the formation of suburbs. A small portion of the population can afford automobiles, but the automobiles greatly increase congestion in these multimodal transportation systems. They also produce considerable air pollution, pose a significant safety risk, and exacerbate feelings of inequities in the society. High-population density could be supported by a multimodal system of walking, bicycle transportation, motorcycles, buses, and trains.


Other parts of the developing world, such as China, remain largely rural but are rapidly urbanizing and industrializing. In these areas a motorized infrastructure is being developed alongside motorization of the population. Great disparity of wealth means that only a fraction of the population can motorize, and therefore the highly dense multimodal transportation system for the poor is cross-cut by the highly motorized transportation system for the rich.


exacerbate( усиливать,углублять, усложнять, обострить)

Inequities ( неравенство , несправедливость , различия )

Intelligent transport technologies

Intelligent transport systems vary in technologies applied, from basic management systems such as car navigation; traffic signal control systems; container management systems; variable message signs; automatic number plate recognition or speed cameras to monitor applications, such as security CCTV systems; and to more advanced applications that integrate live data and feedback from a number of other sources, such as parking guidance and information systems; weather information; bridge de-icing (US deicing) systems; Additionally, predictive techniques are being developed to allow advanced modeling and comparison with historical baseline data. Some of these technologies are described in the following sections.


Wireless technologies

Various forms of wireless communications technologies have been proposed for intelligent transportation systems.

Radio modem communication on UHF and VHF frequencies are widely used for short and long range communication within ITS.

Short-range communications of 350 m can be accomplished using IEEE 802.11 protocols, specifically WAVE or the Dedicated Short Range Communications standard being promoted by the Intelligent Transportation Society of America and the United States Department of Transportation. Theoretically, the range of these protocols can be extended using Mobile ad hoc networks or Mesh networking.


Longer range communications have been proposed using infrastructure networks such as WiMAX (IEEE 802.16), Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), or 3G. Long-range communications using these methods are well established, but, unlike the short-range protocols, these methods require extensive and very expensive infrastructure deployment. There is lack of consensus as to what business model should support this infrastructure.

Auto Insurance companies have utilized ad hoc solutions to support eCall and behavioral tracking functionalities in the form of Telematics 2.0.


Computational technologies

Recent advances in vehicle electronics have led to a move towards fewer, more capable computer processors on a vehicle. A typical vehicle in the early 2000s would have between 20 and 100 individual networked micro controller/Programmable logic controller modules with non-real-time operating systems. The current trend is toward fewer, more costly microprocessor modules with hardware memory management and Real-Time Operating Systems. The new embedded system platforms allow for more sophisticated software applications to be implemented, including model-based process control, artificial intelligence, and ubiquitous computing. Perhaps the most important of these for Intelligent Transportation Systems is artificial intelligence.



Sensing technologies

Technological advances in telecommunications and information technology, coupled with ultramodern/state-of-the-art microchip, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), and inexpensive intelligent beacon sensing technologies, have enhanced the technical capabilities that will facilitate motorist safety benefits for intelligent transportation systems globally. Sensing systems for ITS are vehicle- and infrastructure-based networked systems, i.e., Intelligent vehicle technologies. Infrastructure sensors are indestructible (such as in-road reflectors) devices that are installed or embedded in the road or surrounding the road (e.g., on buildings, posts, and signs), as required, and may be manually disseminated during preventive road construction maintenance or by sensor injection machinery for rapid deployment. Vehicle-sensing systems include deployment of infrastructure-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure electronic beacons for identification communications and may also employ video automatic number plate recognition or vehicle magnetic signature detection technologies at desired intervals to increase sustained monitoring of vehicles operating in critical zones.



По архитектуре


Одноранговая сеть (децентрализованная или пиринговая сеть)

По типу сетевой топологии



Двойное кольцо





Смешанная топология

Fat Tree


По типу среды передачи

Сети хранения данных

Серверные фермы

Сети управления процессом

Сети SOHO, домовые сети

На основе Windows

На основе UNIX

На основе NetWare

На основе Cisco

Некоторые ГКС построены исключительно для частных организаций , другие являются средством коммуникации корпоративных ЛВС с сетью Интернет или посредством Интернет с удалёнными сетями , входящими в состав корпоративных . Чаще всего ГКС опирается на выделенные линии , на одном конце которых маршрутизатор подключается к ЛВС , а на другом коммутатор связывается с остальными частями ГКС . Основными используемыми протоколами являются TCP/IP, SONET/SDH, MPLS, ATM и Frame relay. Ранее был широко распространён протокол X.25, который может по праву считаться прародителем Frame relay.

ГКС связывает компьютеры , рассредоточенные на расстоянии сотен и тысяч километров . Часто используются уже существующие не очень качественные линии связи . Более низкие , чем в локальных сетях , скорости передачи данных ( десятки килобит в секунду ) ограничивают набор услуг передачей файлов , преимущественно не в оперативном , а в фоновом режиме , с использованием электронной почты . Для стойкой передачи дискретных данных применяются более сложные методы и оборудование , чем в локальных сетях .

Глобальные сети отличаются от локальных тем , что рассчитаны на неограниченное число абонентов и используют , как правило , не слишком качественные каналы связи и сравнительно низкую скорость передачи , а механизм управления обменом у них в принципе не может быть гарантированно скорым .

В глобальных сетях намного более важно не качество связи , а сам факт её существования . Правда , в настоящий момент уже нельзя провести четкий и однозначный предел между локальными и глобальными сетями . Большинство локальных сетей имеют выход в глобальную сеть , но характер переданной информации , принципы организации обмена , режимы доступа к ресурсам внутри локальной сети , как правило , сильно отличаются от тех , что приняты в глобальной сети . И , хотя все компьютеры локальной сети в данном случае включены также и в глобальную сеть , специфику локальной сети это не отменяет . Возможность выхода в глобальную сеть остается всего лишь одним из ресурсов , поделенным пользователями локальной сети .

ИТ - инфраструктура :

Intelligent Transportation Systems( ITS)

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are advanced applications which, without embodying intelligence as such, aim to provide innovative services relating to different modes of transport and traffic management and enable various users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and 'smarter' use of transport networks.


Although ITS may refer to all modes of transport, EU Directive 2010/40/EU (7 July 2010) defines ITS as systems in which information and communication technologies are applied in the field of road transport, including infrastructure, vehicles and users, and in traffic management and mobility management, as well as for interfaces with other modes of transport.



Recent governmental activity in the area of ITS – specifically in the United States – is further motivated by an increasing focus on homeland security. Many of the proposed ITS systems also involve surveillance of the roadways, which is a priority of homeland security.[2] Funding of many systems comes either directly through homeland security organizations or with their approval. Further, ITS can play a role in the rapid mass evacuation of people in urban centers after large casualty events such as a result of a natural disaster or threat. Much of the infrastructure and planning involved with ITS parallels the need for homeland security systems.


In the developing world, the migration from rural to urbanized habitats has progressed differently. Many areas of the developing world have urbanized without significant motorization and the formation of suburbs. A small portion of the population can afford automobiles, but the automobiles greatly increase congestion in these multimodal transportation systems. They also produce considerable air pollution, pose a significant safety risk, and exacerbate feelings of inequities in the society. High-population density could be supported by a multimodal system of walking, bicycle transportation, motorcycles, buses, and trains.


Other parts of the developing world, such as China, remain largely rural but are rapidly urbanizing and industrializing. In these areas a motorized infrastructure is being developed alongside motorization of the population. Great disparity of wealth means that only a fraction of the population can motorize, and therefore the highly dense multimodal transportation system for the poor is cross-cut by the highly motorized transportation system for the rich.


exacerbate( усиливать,углублять, усложнять, обострить)


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