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Adoption from different languages translated by any type of translation


A great amount of English phraseological units is connected with the antique mythology, history and literature. The majority of such phraseological units have an international character, as they are found in many languages.

To the antique mythology we could attribute the next phraseological units: Achilles' heel (or the heel of Achilles) – ахиллесова пята; the apple of discord – яблоко раздора; Augean stable(s) – авгиевы конюшни; the golden age – золотой век (this expression we meet at the book «Works and days», which was written by Greek poet Hesiod. In this book there was written how people lived at the Saturn century, they lived like gods, without cares, wars and hard work); a labour of Hercules (the labours of Hercules) (also a Herculean labour or Herculean labours) – геркулесов труд; a labour of Sisyphus (also А Sisyphean labour) – сизифов труд; Lares and Penates – лары и пенаты, то, что создает уют, домашний очаг (lares and penates at ancient time in Roman mythology were Gods, who protected hearthside). 

    With Homer    poems «Iliad» and «Odyssey» were connected the expressions:

between Scylla and Charybdis – между Сциллой и Харибдой, в безвыходном положении; Homeric laughter – гомерический хохот (this set phrase was connected with the description of God’s laugh by Homer); on the knees of the Gods – одному богу известно; Penelope's web – «планы Пенелопы», тактика оттягивания; winged words – крылатые слова.

    The expression the unwritten law – неписанный закон belongs to Athenian law-giver Solon.

    From philosophic works of Plato such expressions were taken: hand on the torch – передавать светоч знаний, мудрость; Platonic love – платоническая любовь.

    The expression beg the question – начинать с желательного для себя вывода, а не с доказательства belongs to Aristotle.

    Some expressions come from fables of Aesop and other Greek fairy-tales and fables: blow hot and cold – колебаться, делать взаимоисключающие вещи, занимать двойственную позицию; kill the goose that laid the golden eggs – убить курицу, несущую золотые яйца; cry wolf too often (also cry wolf) – поднимать ложную тревогу (from the fable about shepherd, who had fun to cheat people crying «Wolf! Wolf! »); the lion's share – львиная доля; cherish (nourish or warm) a viper in one's bosom – пригреть змею на груди; an ass in a lion's skin – осел в львиной шкуре.

    The majority of English phraseological expressions were connected with Ancient Rome. For example: a bed of roses – счастливая, безмятежная жизнь. (Nowadays this expression is used in negative sentences, take for instance, life is not a bed of roses – жизненный путь не усыпан розами. In Ancient Rome rich men strewed their couch with rose leaves).

    Many of English phraseological expressions were adopted from Latin language through French. But there are some expressions, which were adopted from the Latin language escapes French. This we could prove with that there are not such expressions in the French language: anger is a short madness – «гнев – недолгое безумие» (lat. ira furor brevis est - Гораций); forewarned, forearmed – «заранее предупрежденный – заранее вооруженный, кто предупрежден – вооружен» (lat. praemonitus, praemunitus); like cures like – клин клином вышибают (lat. similia similibus curantur); one fool makes many – глупость заразительна (lat. unius, dementia dementes efficit multos).

    Some phraseological expressions were adopted from the French language: after us the deluge – после нас хоть потоп (fr. apres nous Ie deluge); appetite comes with eating – аппетит приходит во время еды (fr. rappetit vient en mangeant); burn the candle at both ends – прожигать жизнь (fr. bruler la chandelle par les deux bouts); castles in Spain – воздушные замки (fr. chateaux en Espagne. This expression is connected with epos «Chansons de Geste», whose heroes, knights got tenure unconquerable castles in Spain); the game is not worth the candle – игра не стоит свеч (fr. Ie jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle); gilded youth – золотая молодежь (fr. jeunesse doree); it goes without saying – это само собой разумеется (fr. cela va sans dire).

    Not many English phraseological expressions were adopted from Old French Language. For example, cry havoc – разрушить, производить опустошение; подорвать, нанести тяжелый удар (OF. crier havot); curry favour with somebody – заискивать, подлизываться (OF. estriller fauvel – чистить скребницей рыжую лошадь (red horse was a sign of cunning and lies).

    In the English language we could find adoptions from different languages:

1. The Russian language: the Sick Man of Europe – «больной человек Европы» (the Russian King Nicolay I named Turkey with such words. Nowadays this expression means any country in Europe with poor economic position).

2. The Danish language: an ugly duckling – «гадкий утенок» (the person who was estimated lower his own value).

3. The Dutch language: forlorn hope – отряд, выполняющий опасное задание или обреченный на верную гибель; (Dutch verloren hoop); still life – натюрморт (Dutch stilleven).

4. The Italian language: every dog is a lion at home – всяк кулик в своем болоте велик (It. Ogni cane e leone a casa sua – каждая собака – лев у себя дома).

5. The Chinese language: lose face – потерять престиж, быть униженным

(Cn. tiu lien).

6. Phraseological expressions connected with Arabic literature: from the

fairy-tale «One thousand and one nights» were adopted next expressions: Aladdin's lamp – волшебная лампа Аладдина (talisman, which hits all spots of its owner); rub the lamp – легко осуществить свое желание.

We need to mention that analogue phraseological expressions are translated variously into different languages. That into the English, French and Spanish languages is translated as word-combination, but in German it is translated very often as a difficult word. Some phraseological expressions in modern languages correspond as calking from old classic languages, especially from the Latin language.

So, Latin phraseological expression sub rosa – секретно, тайно (a rose was a symbol of silence in Ancient Rome) is translated into English as under the rose by calking, into French – sous la rose, into German – unter die Rose.

Latin phraseological expression sal Atticum – тонкое остроумие, изящная шутка was translated into the Russian, English, French, German, Italian and other languages by calking: «аттическая соль » - Attic salt – sel attique – attisches Salz – sali attici. This expression belongs to Cicerone.

A lot of phraseological expressions coincide in Russian, English, French, Italian and German without any adoption. Take for instance, перелетная птица (eng. a bird of passage, fr. oiseau de passage, it. uccello migratoro, ger. Zugvogel).

Not always we could find the sources of adoption of any phraseological expression with accuracy. So the translation of the proverb, a close mouth catches no flies – «слово – серебро, молчание – золото» could be from Italian proverb in bocca serrata mai non entro mosca or from Spain proverb en boca cerrada no entran moscas.

The set phrase make love – «ухаживать за кем-либо», could be translated from French expression faire 1'amour or from Italian expression far 1'amore.

Language – is a weapon of literary man, as a gun of a soldier. The better the gun, the better the soldier… Maxim Gorkiy.

We cannot disagree with these words. If there were not any adoptions from any languages the language would be poor in lexicon.

The lexicological wealth of language consists of synonyms, phraseological expressions, neologisms, polysemantic words, adoptions and obsolete words. With this we need to mention that the Russian language has all things mentioned above.

In history of the Russian language we need to note that there were a lot of words which we do not use nowadays and even do not know them. But in XIX century in the Russian language there were a lot of changes, appeared a lot of new words and adoptions from the English language.

With the words of famous Russian writers we see that they were against adoptions. The famous Russian writer A.S. Pushkin said «There are not such words in the Russian language as woman’s drawers, tailcoat, and waistcoat». Peter I tried to avoid adopted words, where it was possible. Nowadays the Russian language is one of the most complicated languages. There are a lot of phraseological expressions in Russian, which cannot be translated into other languages.

The English language is popular simple language. It has a lot of borrowings, adoptions of phraseological expressions, but it is not wealth in grammar and lexicology.

Phraseological expressions improve our speech. Sometimes it is easier to say a phraseological expression to tell our thoughts and sense than try to find necessary words and sentences. But there are such phraseological expressions which can be translated variously into different languages.

With these we would like to say that without phraseological expressions our speech would be considered as poor. So, if we want to improve our speech we need to know and understand phraseological units in our native language. And if we want to avoid problems with the translation of these phraseological expressions we need to learn them by heart.


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