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Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Ex. 1. Insert the necessary prepositions.
1. We are going to put the latest model of the machine __ the market __ the beginning of December. 2. This important sales documentation should be kept __ file. 3. He has the edge __ other sales managers because he works harder. 4. We ran ___ ___ problems with the authorities. 5. The goods were __ display in the shop window. 6. The washing machine seems to have broken __ again. 7. I’m afraid we have no spare parts __ stock __ the moment. 8. The council set __ a committee to look __ the ways of creating more jobs in the area. 9. She was praised __ the skies __ her achievements in the field of marketing research.
Ex.2. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary. 1. We have made several changes in the arrangement and planning of the machines. 2. Show me the material advertising your goods. 3. They give you an advantage when you compete against other firms. 4. The things you are saying are hard to believe. 5. The director of the factory said that the machines were wonderful. 6. The computers were shown to potential buyers at the exhibition. 7. The machine stopped working. 8. What methods do you use to increase your sales? 9. They solved the problem. 10.They have already sent us the spare parts.
ex.3. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Они выпустили эту машину в продажу три месяца назад. 2. Недавно цены были пересмотрены. 3. Представьте нам всю торговую документацию: прейскуранты, каталоги и брошюры. 4. Мы столкнулись с рядом технических проблем, но, в конце концов, мы их решили. 5. Полный комплект включает в себя: высококачественный продукт, конкурентоспособную цену, двухгодичную гарантию, надежное послепродажное обслуживание и инструкцию по эксплуатации. 6. Мы перевернули все вверх дном, чтобы доставить запасные части заказчикам в срок. 7. Каковы Ваши методы продажи? 8. Машины, которые нам показали в действии, имеют высокую производительность и совершенно бесшумны. 9. Назначенные цены останутся неизменными до конца года. 10. Высокая скорость наших машин дает нам преимущество перед конкурентами.
Ex.4. Read the following statements. Say whether they are true, if not correct them. 1. If you want to get a good idea of the product range and see the models in operation you should visit the manufacturing plant. 2. It is not necessary to offer a product with high performance if you want to sell in overseas markets. 3. If the company wants to develop its product and to make various design modifications in the machines it doesn’t take a long time. 4. The specifications of the models are given in brochures. 5. It is not necessary to keep all the sales literature and any other publicity material on file. 6. To keep the machines running you should offer a good after-sales service. 7. All the suppliers move heaven and earth to get spare parts to customers as fast as possible. 8. When a company sells machines it offers only after-sales service.
READ AND TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING TEXT: Sales documentation When you travel by train, you need a ticket as proof that you have paid. When you send a consignment of goods by rail or road you also need a receipt to prove the transport company has taken the goods. A consignment note is both a ticket and a receipt. A consignment note for goods sent by air is called an air consignment note or an air waybill. A consignment note for goods sent by sea is a Bill of Lading. A combined transport document is for goods sent by more than one means of transport. When companies buy goods, they send an order to the suppliers. If the buyers are regular customers, the suppliers send the goods and then send an invoice. The buyers do not always pay the invoice immediately. Usually the suppliers send a statement at the end of the month which shows all the transactions between the suppliers and the buyers in that month. The buyers then pay the amount outstanding on the statement. Sometimes when the suppliers receive an enquiry, they send a pro-forma invoice. This is a quotation which looks like the final invoice so the buyers know how much they have to pay. If the suppliers do not know the buyers, the buyers might pay in advance against the pro-forma when placing their order.
Answer the questions: 1.Which documents are requests for payment? 2.Which documents are receipts for goods? 3. What is a pro-forma invoice? 4.Household Designs in Manchester sent goods to a customer in Liverpool by trailer. This was the first time the customer had bought anything from Household Designs. Which documents were used? 5.Household Designs sent goods by air to a regular customer in France. Which documents were used?
ROLE PLAYS. Make up dialogues using the expressions from the dialogues in Unit 2: 1.Mr.Johnston is discussing the results of his first visit to Textafabrik with his colleagues in the U.S.A. 2.Mr.Johnston is speaking to his colleagues and they make a decision about the deal. 3.Mr Johnston is visiting a factory in Bulgaria. They are using some machines produced by Textafabrik. Mr. Johnston is interested in the machines and gets some information about them and their producers. 4.A: You are showing your potential customer round your factory. You don’t want him/her to see some machines. Try to talk him out of visiting the shop and speaking to the shop-floor workers. B: You are visiting a factory which produces machines you are interested in. Try to find as much information about them as possible, and see the machines in operation.
Problem-solving: On a business trip to a Third World country you see an interesting and unusual product which you are sure could be successfully marketed in your own country at a price which would be both attractive to the consumer and profitable to you. When you visit the factory which makes this product you find that the working conditions of the workforce are bad and the pay rates are low. Should you make a contract with them? Answer the questions on the topic: 1.Prove that it is important to meet with a potential customer. 2.How can sellers attract their potential customers? 3.Why do companies produce sales literature and publicity material? 4.What sales techniques do you know? 5.Speak on the topic: Meeting with a potential customer.
Unit 3 Clinching a Deal PART 1 DIALOGUE 1 Mr. Johnston, an American businessman, is in England. He is visiting Textafabrik, a firm which manufactures textile machinery. In this conversation he negotiates a deal with Jack Evans, Textafabrik's Sales Manager.
johnston About those stitching machines, Mr. Evans. I called my colleagues in New York last night. They’ve given me the go-ahead to purchase. We want to place a firm order for the РХ5. EVANS Excellent. How many do you want to buy? johnston We'd like five for immediate delivery, and thirty in two months’ time. Bу the end of June, that is. EVANS I see! That's a very substantial order. Of course, I'm delighted. JOHNSTON Perhaps I'd better explain. I represent a very large textile group. We've got plants in most of the major cities on the East coast. So, our buying requirements are considerable. EVANS I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware of that. I mean, I didn’t realise you were that big. JOHNSTON My fault. I should have made it clear. We need the stitching machines fairly urgently. Recently our factories have been working below capacity, but last week we got some big orders from a clothing store chain. EVANS Ah, so you'll be going flat out to fulfil them. JOHNSTON Exactly. EVANS Well, you know the price of the machines — four thousand five hundred pounds (£ 4, 500). That's without freight and insurance. When we invoice customers, we usually quote prices f.o.b. Southampton. But perhaps you'd prefer the goods to go by air? johnston No, air freight's too expensive. They can go by sea. But if you don’t mind, I’d like you to quote CIF New York. We prefer it that way. evans All right, we can do that. You want us to quote for thirty-five PX5s, CIF New York, goods to be shipped by sea. johnston Correct. There's one other thing. As this is a bulk order, I was wondering … evans Yes? johnston What sort of discount could you offer me? Would five percent be reasonable? evans Uh, I don't think we could go as high as that. As a special concession... since you're a new customer, I could possibly give you two per cent (2%) off list price. johnston Two per cent (2%)? That's not much. This order will be worth over a hundred and fifty thousand pounds (£ 150.000) to your company. evans Yes, I realise that. johnston And don't forget, we may place orders for some of your other machines... evans I tell you what. I don't want to haggle with you about this. How about two-and-half per cent (2, 5 %)? johnston (hesitates) Er... Oh, I suppose that's fair enough. OK then, agreed. evans Good. Let's recap, shall we? We're agreed on price, delivery dates - five immediately, thirty by the end of June — and on the discount, two-and a half per cent (2, 5 %). What else is there to discuss?
Answer the questions: 1. Why did Mr. Johnston call his colleagues? 2. What did they tell him? 3. How many machines did he want to buy? 4. When should these machines be delivered? 5. Why was his order so substantial? 6. Why did he need these machines urgently? 7. What was the price for the machines? 8. Was the price quoted FOB or CIF? 9. What discount did Mr. Johnston ask for? Did they haggle for a long time? 10. What was the final discount? 11. Why was Mr. Johnston given a special concession? 12. What business matters were discussed in the dialogue?
PART 2 DIALOGUE 2 Mr. Evans and Mr. Johnston are about to conclude their deal. They discuss the method of payment for the stitching machines. EVANS There is one other thing we've got to decide. That's how you're going to pay us. JOHNSTON Right. Well, I'm quite happy to leave that up to you. If you want to specify a particular method, it's fine with me. EVANS I’d like to do it this way, if you agree. First, let's take the five machines for immediate delivery. We'd appreciate it if you could pay cash for those. johnston Certainly. That means I'll have to transfer the money from my bank in New York to your bank here. I could arrange that fairly easily. evans Good. Now about the other thirty machines. We'd like you to pay us by Irrevocable Letter of Credit. How do you feel about that? JOHNSTON That’d suit me fine. I was expecting you to suggest payment by L/C, or something like that. evans Well, when we deal with a new customer, we always insist on payment by Irrevocable Letter of Credit. That way we make sure we get paid. JOHNSTON Very sensible. You can't be too careful these days - especially with payments. But I hope that when we get to know each other better … evans Oh, I can assure you, as soon as we're trading regularly together, we'll offer open account terms. johnston I look forward to that time. We're going to be ordering a lot of equipment from you, so we want to establish good business relations. EVANS I agree with you. There is one thing you could do to help in that respect. johnston Oh, what's that? evans Well, as you say, we know very little about your organisation. Would it be possible to provide us with some references? johnston With pleasure. I could give you a bank reference, one from the local business bureau and some trade references. evans That would be fine. I hope you don't mind my asking. johnston Not at all. I quite understand. You've got to check us out, make sure we're creditworthy. I'd do the same if I were in your shoes. evans OK. We seem to be agreed on everything now. You'll pay cash for five machines and settle by Letter of Credit for the other thirty. And you'll provide us with the references. johnston Great! That wraps things up nicely, I'd say. evans I think so. We've covered everything now. Look. I’d like to celebrate this deal with you. Would you be free to have dinner with me tonight? johnston That's very kind of you. Let me see... I don't think I have anything lined up for tonight... Yes, I'd love to.
Answer the questions:
1. What was the last question Mr. Evans and Mr. Johnston discussed? 2. Who offered the method of payment? 3. How should Mr. Johnston pay for the five machines for immediate delivery? What does it mean? 4. What method of payment was offered for the other thirty machines? 5. Why is this method used when they deal with a new customer? 6. What method would they use in the future? 7. What references did Mr. Evans ask Mr. Johnston to provide him with? 8. Why did he need these references? 9. What was the end of their conversation?
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