Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
PART 1 BUSINESS TERMS /4.1/ freight forwarding agency - a shipping agency which organises the collection, carriage and delivery of goods between the premises of manufacturers and ports consignment/shipment - a set or group of goods sent from one place to another to comply with (regulations/rules) - to act in accordance with, to obey to fill in a form - to write information in the spaces on the form cargo - goods being transported application for Special Stowage Order - form which must be filled in when goods need to be stored in a special way, or in a special area of a ship or aircraft gross weight - the full weight of the goods plus packing net weight - the actual weight of the goods, without packing or any kind of container f.o.b. value - the value of the goods, including all expenses incurred by the seller in putting the goods on to a ship named by the buyer destination - the place to which the goods are sent to handle all the documentation - to deal with the documents needed for the shipment Bill of Lading - a document prepared by the shipowner or his agent which acknowledges the receipt of the goods on board and with which the buyer can claim the goods insurance cover - provision of insurance by an insurance company or underwriter premium - money paid by the insured to the insurer in return for insurance cover Shipping Application - the form that must be filled in by the shipper or his agent, giving details of the cargo. Before a shipping company accepts dangerous freight, they must know exactly what sort of dangerous goods the exporter wants to ship the Declaration - a statement by the shipper, giving details of the shipment and promising that the details are true and correct container freight station - the place where the goods are packed into containers before being shipped
IDIOMS /4.1/ a lot of paperwork - many forms, documents that have to be completed Fire away! - I am ready to give you any information you may require to twist smb's arm - to put pressure on smb. to beat smb. down - to make smb. lower the price up to my eyes - very busy
PART 2 BUSINESS TERMS /4.2/ import merchant - a person who buys foreign goods, stocks them, and sells in his home country Office Manager - a manager in charge of an office. He/she has special responsibility for dealing with documents, records, and the passing of information needed by management and other workers in an organisation shipping agent - the business representative of a shipowner at a port to release the goods - to allow the importer to take away the goods Import Licence – a document obtained from the government which permits someone to import certain goods to expire - to come to an end, to no longer be effective to come into effect - to come into operation to renew - to extend the time for which the licence is to be effective to present the documents - to show formally the documents to apply for - to make a formal request for Certificate of Value and Origin - a document signed by the exporter or a Chamber of Commerce showing the value of the goods and the country in which they were produced or manufactured to countersign - to add a second signature to a document to stamp - to put an official mark on a document, using a special instrument (stamp) Chamber of Commerce - an association of firms engaged in a variety of business activities which seeks to promote and protect the trade interests of member firms Consulate - a government office in a foreign country which carries out certain commercial duties Customs Declaration Form - a statement made to the Customs listing goods on which duty will have to be paid Commercial Invoice - an export invoice sent by the seller to the buyer - either directly or through a bank - recording the sale of goods Consular Invoice - an invoice which requires the signature of the consul of the country to which the goods are being sent Insurance Certificate - a short document issued by an insurance company declaring that an insurance contract exists and repeating the essential conditions Customs clearance - authorisation by the Customs allowing goods to be removed (cleared) from Customs for delivery elsewhere
IDIOMS /4.2/ You can say that again! - You are absolutely right to be held up - to be delayed What are they playing at? - What are they doing - the suggestion is that they are doing smth silly or not serious every document under the sun - every document they could possibly require to start from scratch - to start from the beginning, from zero to pull a few strings - to use influence with people who can help you get what you want red tape - silly rules, full of details, that delay business snags - unexpected problems, difficulties to get on to smth right away – to deal with smth immediately
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