Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read and translate the text. In this lesson you learn


In this lesson you learn

Ø about stages of industry, chains of distribution, types of services

Ø about types of goods

Essential vocabulary

chain of distribution commercial services consumer consumer services end-user extractive industry finished goods manufacturer manufacturing industry natural resources   private services processing industry public services raw materials render services retailer saleable semi-finished goods wholesaler   мережа реалізації комерційні послуги (кінцевий) споживач споживчі послуги (кінцевий) споживач видобувна промисловість готовий товар, продукт виробник виробництво (як галузь) природні ресурси; корисні копалини приватні послуги переробна промисловість суспільні (державні) послуги сировина надавати послуги роздрібний продавець готовий для продажу напівфабрикати оптовий продавець

Read and translate the text.

Text A

There are three stages in the process of making saleable products from raw materials:

1. Extractive industry

The raw materials are extracted from natural resources, for example the miner mines iron ore and the farmer grows wheat.

2. Processing industry

The raw materials are processed into a form suitable for further use, for example the iron is made into steel and the wheat is made into flower.

3. Manufacturing industry

The results of the processing stage are made into semi-finished and finished goods, for example the steel is made into knives and the flower is made into bread. Finished goods are goods which are complete in themselves, for example steel forks. Semi-finished goods must be assembled before they can be used, e.g. wooden knife handles and steel knife blades.

Through the chain of distribution the goods reach the consumer or end-user. Normally the manufacturer sells his products to the wholesaler, the wholesaler sells to the retailer, and the retailer sells to the consumer. However, depending on the type of product, one or more stages may be missed out.

Other people do not contribute directly to production, but are needed e.g. to transport the goods from manufacturer to the customer, to ensure the goods etc. These render services. There are several types of services:

1. Public services:

People in public services are employed by the government, e.g. civil servants and teachers.

2. Private services:

Private services are rendered by skilled people with their own organizations, e.g. lawyers and doctors in private practices.

3. Consumer services:

Consumer services are services used by people in their everyday life, e.g. electricians and hairdressers.

4. Commercial cervices:

Commercial services are rendered by people who are needed for the efficient distribution of goods, e.g. exporters, bankers, agents.

Answer the questions to the text.

1. What are the stages of industry?

2. How many stages of industry are there in the process of making saleable products from raw materials?

3. What are the saleable products made of?

4. What is the extractive industry?

5. Where are the raw materials extracted from?

6. What is the processing industry?

7. What is the manufacturing industry?

8. What are finished goods?

9. What are semi-finished goods?

10. What is the chain of distribution?

11. Who consumes goods?

12. How many types of services are there?

Find the stem-words in the text to the given ones.

produce, mine, sale, process, manufacture, finish, suit, farm, use, consume, teach, commerce, distribute, export, bank

Combine a verb from a right-hand column with a noun from the left-hand column and make a sentence.

1. make 2. extract 3. sell 4. render 5. assemble 6. transport 7. employ 8. distribute a) semi-finished goods b) goods c) goods d) services e) people f) products g) goods h) raw materials

Communicative situation.

1. Choose one or more of the following products and describe (in as much detail as possible) the process it undergoes from the time the natural resources are extracted to the time it reaches the consumer:

o bread

o paper

o leather shoes

o wooden chairs

o copper pipes

2. Which type of service do you think is the most important? If possible, rank them in descending order of importance (most important to least important) and explain why.

Граматичний коментар

Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect
S+Vo/Vs (es)  
S+ am


    have S+                                                              V3 has
Виражає дію, що відбувається 1) звичайно, завжди, іноді ... 2) в моменти мовлення – з дієсловами to see, to hear, to recognize, to want, to understand. Виражає дію, що відбувається: 1) в момент мовлення (now, at the moment); 2) в даний період часу; 3) яку ви маєте намір здійснити в найближчий час. виражає дію, що відбулась 1) до теперішнього моменту та пов’язана з ним своїм результатом; 2) більш ніж один раз в минулому; 3) що починалась в минулому і триває зараз. ! Час виконання дії не вказується.
always – завжди; often – часто; usually – звичайно; sometimes – інколи; rarely – рідко; occasionally – час від часу; every day – щодня … now - зараз; at the moment – в даний момент … ever – коли-небудь; never – ніколи; already – вже; yet – вже; (в питальних реченнях), ще ні (в заперечних реченнях); just – тільки що; lately – останнім часом; today , this week , this month … - якщо даний період часу ще триває.


Dear Janet,

       How are you? Im writing (write) to you from Hawaii. The hotel we … (stay) in is amazing!

       It’s very hot here and we … (have) a great time. Today, we … (be) all at the beach. Right now, my sisters, Carla and Daniela, … (build) a sandcastle. Mum and Dad … (play) beach volley and Giovanni, my brother, … (just/go) diving with his friends. They … (go) diving every day. So far, I … (try) windsurfing. It’s really thrilling!

       We … (not/do) much sightseeing yet, but tomorrow we … (go) on a trip round the island. We’re all looking forward to it.

See you soon.



Dear Madam,

My name is Carol Albert and I … (write) to you about the advertisement in today’s newspaper for the post of hotel receptionist. I … (leave) school and at present … (study) hotel catering at night school. My typing … (be) good and I also … (speak) two languages, English and Spanish. I … (take) courses in Computer Studies, Accounting and Office Management and I … (feel) that these courses … (give) me a lot of experience for the post you … (advertise). One day, I hope to become a hotel manager. I … (hope) that you will consider my application. I … (enclose) a C.V. with my personal details and other information which I … (think) may interest you. I … (look) forward hearing from you very soon.

Yours faithfully,

Carlo Albert

Grammar revision
Subject Verb Object Agent
active The farmer grows wheat  
passive Wheat is grown   by the farmer

The object of the active verb becomes the subject in the new sentence. The active verb changes into passive form and the subject of the active verb becomes the agent (the person who does the action) and is introduced with ‘by’.

We say ‘by + agent’ to say who or what did the action.

We use ‘with + material/instrument/ingredient’ to say what instrument or material is used by the agent.

The passive is used:

Ø when the agent is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context;

Ø when the action is more important than the agent.


Text B

Various types of goods

International exchanges involve the transport of a large variety of goods whose nature varies according to the economies of their countries of origin. Roughly speaking less developed countries (L.D.C.s) mostly export their produces and raw materials, while a large part of industrialized countries’ exports is made up of their products and manufactured goods – or “processed goods”.

Examples of the first categories of goods would be timber (construction wood) and logs (tree trunks) from African ports (which can even be carried to these ports from landlocked countries – without any coastline), ore, livestock (live animals, cattle), not to mention oil products – or – “petroleum products” – (mainly crude oil although refined oil represents a significant part of the traffic), and perishable goods such as bananas and tropical fruits.

Developed countries more readily export the output of their industries and agricultures: grain and in a more general way foodstuff – possibly processed –, chemicals (incl. NDC’s – Non Dangerous Chemicals), valuables of all sorts …

These goods are often classified in the shipping trade as “general cargo” – or “mixed cargo”, “break bulk cargo”.

A large part is even carried as dry cargo – or “bulk cargo” (not to be mistaken with “bulky” – or cumbersome - cargo) – when not packaged into units.

Define the following terms.

Cargo, bulky cargo, bulk cargo, general cargo, output, goods, perishable goods, valuables, traffic, trade

Project work

Using the information provided in texts A, B and using the additional information speak about the transportation as a significant part of one of the stages of industry.


In this lesson you learn

Ø about packaging of goods

Ø about goods insurance

Essential vocabulary

airtight consignor bag bale bear signs against box commodity consignment consolidation crate dimension display gross weight groupage handling operation   label marshalling area measurement net weight pack packaging pallet payload refurbish repair rough handling stevedore   stow strip stuff stuffing shed tare weight waterproof герметичний вантажовідправник мішок тюк містити знаки від ящик товар вантаж об’єднання пакувальна клітка/ящик розміри показувати вага брутто об’єднання завантажувально-розвантажувальна операція етикетка, наклейка сортувальна станція розмір вага нетто упаковувати упаковка піддон корисне навантаження відшкодовувати ремонтувати грубе/необережне поводження навантажувати (розвантажувати) корабель вантажити, завантажувати розвантажувати, розбирати заповнювати завантажувальний ангар вага тари водонепроникний


Text A


       One of the requirements for the safe transport of commodities is the packaging, which must be adapted to the specific goods, e.g. airtight or waterproof packaging. Different commodities may however be packed together if they are of the same type.

       To make handling operations easier, goods tend to be more and more dispatched in unit loads, i.e. standardized parcels. Hence, the evolution has been towards the packaging of smaller parcels into pallets and crates, of liquid cargoes into drums, of such goods as cotton or flour into bales or bags, which are all much more convenient to handle and stow.

       Some parcels must bear special signs indicating their contents or warning stevedores against rough handling. These signs may be stencilled directly on the parcel or displayed on a label, e.g. “D.G. Labels” (Dangerous Goods Labels), “to be kept dry”, “keep in a cool place”, “this side up/down”, “handle with care”, “no hooks”, etc.

       The development of containers seems to have been the most striking feature of the evolution of packaging in recent years. Easy handling and stowing explain their rapid growth, but so does the range of possibilities they offer: standardized containers (20-footers, TEU’s) are available for goods of all types.

A single consignor may need a complete container (FLC/Full Container Load) or only part of it, in which case “groupage” will take place with several shipments (LCL/ Less than Container Load). Packing a consignment into a container is the stuffing operation, carried out in the stuffing shed. The opposite operation is referred to as stripping.

Labels placed on each container should indicate a number of information: measurements, payload, tare weight, gross weight and net weight. Each box should also bear a date plate as well as a CSC plate (Container Safety Certificate) to indicate it conforms to approved standards of safety.

On arrival in the terminal, containers are generally stored in the marshaling area, where they can be collected by consignees or transport operators. If a few containers prove to be in a bad state, they may have to be sent to a specialist firm in order to be repaired or refurbished.

Граматичний коментар

Past Simple Past Continuous Past Perfect S+V2
S+ was




  S + had + V3 Виражає дію, що відбулась в минулому. Виражає дію, що відбулася: а) ) в певний момент в минулому; 2) в минулому і була перервана іншою дією; 3) водночас з іншою в минулому. виражає дію, що відбулась 1) до певного моменту в минулому; з ним своїм результатом; 2) раніше іншої минулої дії yesterday – вчора; last week – минулого тижня; an hour ago – годину тому назад; last Monday – у понеділок; in 1995 – у 1995 році (рік, який уже пройшов, минув) at 5 yesterday – о 5-ій вчора; from 5 to 7 yesterday – з 5 до 7 вчора; when he came – коли він прийшов By 6 yesterday – до 6-ти вчора; by last week – до минулого тижня; before he came – перед тим як він прийшов

October, 29

7:00 am – 7:10 am: do morning exercises

7:10 am – 7:30 am: take shower and get dressed

7:30 am – 7:45 am: have breakfast in the dormitory room

7:50 am: leave for the university

8:15 am – 11:45 am: attend classes at the university

12:30 am – 1:30 pm: have lunch at the university canteen

2:00 pm – 3:35 pm: do laboratory work in Physics

3:50 pm – 5:00 pm: get ready for English test in the library

5:30 pm: meet Ann at the Obolon’ café and have dinner

7:30 pm – 9:30 pm: watch a film on TV

11 pm: go to bed

First, Alex did morning exercises. …

Task 9. Ask and answer questions about what Alex was doing at the times listed below as in the example:

7:00 am    7:30 am    7:40 am    8:30 am   1:00 pm 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm

A:  What was Alex doing at seven o’clock in the morning?

B: He was doing morning exercises.


Граматичний коментар

Future Simple Future Continuous Future Perfect S + shall (will) V0
S+ will


              will S + + have + V3              shall Виражає дію, що відбудеться в майбутньому. Виражає дію, що відбуватися: 1 ) в певний момент в майбутньому; 2) запланована на майбутнє, у цьому випадку можна також вживати Present Continuous; 3) ми часто вживаємо Future Continuous коли запитуємо про плани людей, особливо, коли ми хочемо щось зробити ( be going to do smth .). Виражає дію, що вже відбудеться (закінчиться) до конкретного моменту в майбутньому. tomorrow – завтра; the day after tomorrow – післязавтра; next Monday – наступного понеділка; tomorrow morning – завтра вранці; in 5 days – через п’ять днів; in 2035 – у 2035 році at 5 tomorrow – о 5-ій завтра; from 5 to 7 tomorrow – з 5 до 7 завтра; when he comes – коли він прийде by five o’clock – до п’ятої години; by the end of the year – до кінця  року;  by Saturday – до суботи; by that time – до того часу …

! У підрядних реченнях часу та умови , які вводяться сполучниками if, when, till/until, before, as soon as, after використовуємо Present Simple на позначення майбутньої дії.

Task 9. Complete the sentences about what Megan will be doing next week / will have done before her parents get back from their holiday. Use the verbs in brackets in the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect.

1. Megan will be leaving home early on Monday morning.

She will have left home by 9 o’clock in the morning.

2. Megan … (water) the plants this evening.

She … (water) the plants by the end of the day.

3. Megan … (clean) the house after she comes from the university on Wednesday.

She … (clean) the house by Wednesday evening.

4. Megan … (do) the shopping on Saturday morning.

By Saturday afternoon, she … (do) the shopping.

5. Megan … (watch) a DVD with some friends on Sunday evening.

By the end of the weekend she … (watch) a DVD with some friends.


Text B

Essential vocabulary

abandon abandonment Act of God/force major circumstances addendum to (pl. addenda) amendment to assess the damage average   bring an action against   cancel a policy claim for damages   come to an end complete waif (for ships) cover current/present value damage damages   date of expiry disclaim any liability erroneous statement expiry of a policy flotsam     franchise get insured incur a loss insurance insured party insured value issue a policy jetsam     jettison the cargo liability litigation loss meet a claim mutual consent at a month’s notice notification of loss loss (partial, total) policy holder premium renew a policy run aground settle a claim shipwreck subscribe a policy survey report   surveyor take out an insurance … with a company … against a risk terms of the policy underwriter write-off (for cars)   відмовлятися відмова форс-мажорні обставини   доповнення поправка визначати суму збитку аварія (збитки, заподіяні судну, вантажу й фрахту) збуджувати дії проти, притягати до суду скасовувати поліс позов про відшкодування збитків закінчуватися цілковитий уламок покривати поточна вартість збиток, втрата, ушкодження  компенсація/відшкодування збитків; збитки термін закінчення заперечувати відповідальність помилкове твердження закінчення терміну дії полісу вантаж, змитий з корабля  або викинутий в море під час аварії привілей, франшиза застрахуватися зазнати збитків страховка застрахована сторона страхова сума видавати страховий поліс вантаж, скинутий з корабля під час аварії і прибитий до берега викидати за борт під час аварії відповідальність позов втрата відповідати на позовну заяву взаємна згода з місячним повідомленням повідомлення про втрату втрата (повна, часткова) власник страхового полісу страховий внесок відновити страховий поліс піти на дно, затонути вирішувати спір корабельна аварія виписати страховий поліс звіт про обстеження, інспектування контролер, інспектор застрахуватися … у страховій компанії … проти ризиків умови страхового полісу страховик розбитий автомобіль


       Sending goods by sea, air, road or rail makes it necessary to take out an insurance – or “get insured*”, “subscribe a policy” – with an insured company against any risk during transport. Shippers need not contact the insurer directly (or the underwriter as they are often referred to in marine insurance), instead, they can get in touch with an insurance broker who will act as middleman between the company who will issue the policy and the insured party – or “policy holder”.

       When subscribing a policy, the shipper must make sure that the terms of the policy, or contract, cover all the risks that may occur. In particular, he must be aware of the distinction between the current value – or “present value” – of the goods and their insured value. In case of damage, the compensation may vary significantly according to the terms of the policy agreed on. However, should the subscriber desire an alteration to these terms, he can still ask his company for an addendum – or “amendment” – to the original contract.

       Together with the risks covered, the policy should define the price to be paid by the insured party (“the premium”), the amount of the franchise* for any damage and the date of expiry of the policy. Most often, you can renew a policy yearly by mutual consent of the two parties. However, any of the parties can decide to cancel the policy by sending a letter of cancellation to the other party at, say, a month’s notice.

       When an average takes place, the incurred party will send the insurer a claim for damages – also called “notice for claim” or “notification of loss“. In order to meet this claim – or “settle the claim” -, the insurer will ask a surveyor to assess the damage in a survey report. The compensation will vary according to the degree of the damage and it be partial or total loss.

       The surveyor will also have to define the liabilities. When an Act of God (when nobody can be held responsible for the average) is recognized, e.g., one of the parties may disclaim any liability for the loss. Sometimes, the ship’s captain may have had to decide to jettison the cargo in order to prevent shipwreck (prevent the ship from sinking or running aground), which would have resulted in higher damage, i.e. the ship becoming a wreck – or “a complete waif”. (Note that for cars or lorries, the insurance company would refer to a complete waif as a “write-off”).

       In some cases, the injured party may prefer the compensation to keeping the damaged goods, in which case he will abandon the goods to the company.

       Should the injured party make an erroneous statement to the insurance company in the hope for receiving a higher compensation, the insurer will consider this a case for litigation and may bring an action against the party at fault.


*In both British and American English “ensure” means “to make certain”. In British English “insure” is only used to mean “to protect against loss or damage by means of insurance”. E.g.: “She insured her camera for five hundred dollars”. However in American English “insure” is used with both these meanings.

*franchise – an authority that is given by a company to someone, allowing them to sell its goods or services in a particular area

2. A. Find in the text terms concerning the insurance sphere and translate them into Ukrainian.


Student A You are an insurance broker of Providna and have to insure the transporting goods (silicate brick). Discuss the terms of the policy with the representative of RivneSich. Student B You are a representative of RivneSich, a company that has to transport building materials (silicate brick) from Poland to Ukraine. Discuss the terms of the policy with the broker of Providna.

Annotate the text.

Project Work: Speak about the role of packaging and insurance while transporting goods.



In this lesson you learn

Ø about stages of industry, chains of distribution, types of services

Ø about types of goods

Essential vocabulary

chain of distribution commercial services consumer consumer services end-user extractive industry finished goods manufacturer manufacturing industry natural resources   private services processing industry public services raw materials render services retailer saleable semi-finished goods wholesaler   мережа реалізації комерційні послуги (кінцевий) споживач споживчі послуги (кінцевий) споживач видобувна промисловість готовий товар, продукт виробник виробництво (як галузь) природні ресурси; корисні копалини приватні послуги переробна промисловість суспільні (державні) послуги сировина надавати послуги роздрібний продавець готовий для продажу напівфабрикати оптовий продавець

Read and translate the text.

Text A

There are three stages in the process of making saleable products from raw materials:

1. Extractive industry

The raw materials are extracted from natural resources, for example the miner mines iron ore and the farmer grows wheat.

2. Processing industry

The raw materials are processed into a form suitable for further use, for example the iron is made into steel and the wheat is made into flower.

3. Manufacturing industry

The results of the processing stage are made into semi-finished and finished goods, for example the steel is made into knives and the flower is made into bread. Finished goods are goods which are complete in themselves, for example steel forks. Semi-finished goods must be assembled before they can be used, e.g. wooden knife handles and steel knife blades.

Through the chain of distribution the goods reach the consumer or end-user. Normally the manufacturer sells his products to the wholesaler, the wholesaler sells to the retailer, and the retailer sells to the consumer. However, depending on the type of product, one or more stages may be missed out.

Other people do not contribute directly to production, but are needed e.g. to transport the goods from manufacturer to the customer, to ensure the goods etc. These render services. There are several types of services:

1. Public services:

People in public services are employed by the government, e.g. civil servants and teachers.

2. Private services:

Private services are rendered by skilled people with their own organizations, e.g. lawyers and doctors in private practices.

3. Consumer services:

Consumer services are services used by people in their everyday life, e.g. electricians and hairdressers.

4. Commercial cervices:

Commercial services are rendered by people who are needed for the efficient distribution of goods, e.g. exporters, bankers, agents.


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