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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Fill in the gaps using words of Adverbial Clauses

1. The house stands ___the road turns to the left.

2. ____the treaty had been signed, the delegation left Moscow.

3____you come, they will be ready.

4. Jack will really go to Spain in November ____it is his dream.

5. I gave him the text-book___he might learn his lesson.

4. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1, 2, 3:

1. If there (to be) no such accident with the uranium bisulphate, the discovery of radioactivity might have been postponed for а long period of time.

2. If the magnetized steel ring be cut across at any point, the poles (to find) there.

3. What would they have done if we (not to help ) them?

4. He (not to go) there unless he is invited.

5. If I (to be) you, I would accept the offer.

6. If there (to be) no such accident with him, he would not have left his native town.

7. I (not to bother) about it if I were you.

8. Hadn`t they helped us, we (to finish) the work in time.

9. If the North Star (to cease) to exist, the Earth would continue to receive light from it for about 44 years.

10. If she (not to fail) in her present job, she would not have thought about another one.

5. Find the odd word:

1. Since that you feel tired, you should rest.

2. He spoke as if  since he knew this question very well.

3. I will stay here until whatever you return.

4. He played so well if that everybody admired him.

5. She spoke as though where nothing had happened.


1. State the type of the Abverbial Clause:

1. The dog sleeps where he wants.

2. We haven’t seen our groupmates since we graduated from the university.

3. In spite of having no qualifications, he got the job. 

4. He can not go to the party because he caught cold.

5. She must speak louder so that everybody could hear her.

6. Though it was only eight o’clock, there were few people in the streets.

7. If you find the book I asked, I will fulfill my promise.

8. He came to the conference too early so that he got a good seat.

9. She is looking at her mother as if she doesn’t recognize her.

10. He reads as quickly as he can.


2. Translate № 2, 3, 5 , 6 ,8 , 9 from Task 1:

3. Fill in the gaps using words of Adverbial Clauses:

1. ______the weather was rainy, they went for a walk.

2. We have not had any news from her ____ she left our town.

3. This old man wanted to live _____ he was born.

4. ___ more time you spend in the Crimea, ___ sooner you will recover.

5. ___Max hadn’t lost Ann's phone number, he would have called her.

4. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1, 2, 3:

1. If Max (to be) here we would have met him.

2. If you (to take) a taxi, you’ll be at the office in time.

3. If I ( to be) you I wouldn’t leave the native town.

4. The chief (to be) very disappointed if you aren’t at the meeting tomorrow.

5. My uncle wouldn’t have been so tired this morning if he (to go to bed) earlier last night.

6. If I knew English well I (to be) an interpreter.

7. If our friends (mention) this yesterday, everything would have been done.

8. If my sister had gone with me to London last month, she ( to see) a lot of places of interest too.

9. Mark would be a healthy man if he (not to smoke.)

10. If she (to go) shopping, I will buy a new smartphone.

Find the odd word:

1. If as you had signed the papers yesterday, we would have sent them today.

2. He works as quickly since as I do.

3. Whatever what happens, my friend always will support me.

4. She was so stressed that because nobody could understand her.

5. Unless since you have completed your work, you may go home.



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