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Text 2. Computer Programs in the Architecture


Computer-aided architectural design

Computer-aided architectural design (CAAD) software programs are the repository of accurate and comprehensive records of buildings and are used by architects and architectural companies.

The first program was installed back in the 1960s, to help architects save time instead of drawing their blueprints. Computer-aided design also known as CAD was originally the type of program that architects used, but since CAD couldn’t offer all the tools that architects needed to complete
a project, CAAD developed as a distinct class of software.


All CAD and CAAD systems employ a database with geometric and other properties of objects; they all have some kind of graphic user interface to manipulate a visual representation rather than the database; and they are all more or less concerned with assembling designs from standard and non-standard pieces. Currently, the main distinction which causes one to speak of CAAD rather than CAD lies in the domain knowledge (architecture-specific objects, techniques, data, and process support) embedded in the system. A CAAD system differs from other CAD systems in two respects:

It has an explicit object database of building parts and construction knowledge. It explicitly supports the creation of architectural objects.

In a more general sense, CAAD also refers to the use of any computational technique in the field of architectural design other than by means of architecture-specific software. For example, software which is specifically developed for the computer animation industry (e.g. Maya and 3DStudio Max), is also used in architectural design. The exact distinction of what properly belongs to CAAD is not always clear. Specialized software, for example for calculating structures by means of the finite element method, is used in architectural design and in that sense may fall under CAAD. On the other hand, such software is seldom used to create new designs.

In 1974 Caad became a current word and was a common topic of commercial modernization.

Three dimensional objects:

CAAD has two types of structures in its program. The first system is surface structure which provides a graphics medium to represent three dimensional objects using two dimensional representations. Also algorithms that allow the generation of patterns and their analysis using programmed criteria, and data banks that store information about the problem at hand and the standards and regulations that applies to it. The second system is deep structure which means that the operations performed by the computer have natural limitations. Computer hardware and machine languages that are supported by these make it easy to perform arithmetical operations quickly and accurately. Also an almost illogical number of layers of symbolic processing can be built enabling the functionalities that are found at the surface.


Another advantage to CAAD is the two way mapping of activities and functionalities. The two instances of mapping are indicated to be between the surface structures (TM1) and the deep structures (TM2). These mappings are abstractions that are introduced in order to discuss the process of design and deployment of CAAD systems. In designing the systems the system developers usually consider TM1. Here a one-to-one mapping is the typical statement, which is to develop a computer based functionality that maps as closely as possible into a corresponding manual design acti-vity, for example, drafting of stairs, checking spatial conflict between building systems, and generating perspectives from orthogonal views. The architectural design processes tend to integrate models isolated so far. Many different kinds of expert knowledge, tools, visualization techniques, and media are to be combined. The design process covers the complete life
cycle of the building. The areas that are covered are construction, operations, reorganization, as well as destruction. Considering the shared use of digital design tools and the exchange of information and knowledge
between designers and across different projects, we speak of a design

An architect’s work involves mostly visually represented data. Problems are often outlined and dealt with in a graphical approach. Only this form of expression serves as a basis for work and discussion. Therefore, the designer should have maximum visual control over the processes ta-king place within the design continuum. Further questions occur about navigation, associative information access, programming and communication within very large data sets.

ArchiCAD is an architectural BIM CAD software for Macintosh and Windows developed by the Hungarian company Graphisoft. ArchiCAD offers specialized solutions for handling all common aspects of aesthetics and engineering during the whole design process of the built environment – buildings, interiors, urban areas, etc.

Development of ArchiCAD started in 1982 for the original Apple Macintosh. ArchiCAD is recognized as the first CAD product on a personal computer able to create both 2D drawings and parametric 3D geometry. In its debut in 1987 ArchiCAD also became the first implementation of BIM under Graphisoft’s «Virtual Building» concept. Today more than 100 000 architects are using it in the building design industry.

AutoCAD Architecture (abbreviated as ACA) is a version of Autodesk's flagship product, AutoCAD, with tools and functions specially suited to architectural work.

Architectural objects have a relationship to one another and interact with each other intelligently. For example, a window has a relationship to the wall that contains it. If you move or delete the wall, the window reacts accordingly. Objects can be represented in both 2D and 3D.

In addition, intelligent architectural objects maintain dynamic links with construction documents and specifications, resulting in more accurate project deliverable. When someone deletes or modifies a door, for example, the door schedule can be automatically updated. Spaces and areas update automatically when certain elements are changed, calculations such as square footage are always up to date.

Appendix 3 GRAMMAR BANK http://guruenglish.ru/artikli-v-anglijskom-yazyke/



Артикль это служебная часть речи, которая служит для выражения категории определенности/неопределенности и ставится перед существительным или перед словами, являющимися определениями к нему. В русском языке артикли отсутствуют.

1.1 Неопределенный артикль (The Indefinite Article)

Неопределенный артикль а/аn употребляется перед словами, начинающимися с гласной происходит от числительного one и означает один из многих, какой-то, любой.


I am a student. - Я студент (один из многих).

Не is an  engineer. - Он инженер.

Если перед существительным в единственном числе стоит неопределенный артикль, то во множественном числе он опускается.

This is a  computer. - These are computers.

Иногда артикль a (an) переводится словом один. in a week - через (одну) неделю

Неопределенный артикль употребляется в некоторых устойчивых выражениях:

it’s a pity - жаль

in a hurry — в спешке

it’s a shame - стыдно, жалко

it’s a pleasure - приятно

to have a good time - хорошо провести время

1.2 Определенный артикль (The Definite Article)

Определенный артикль the переводится словами этот, это, эти, Употребляется перед существительными, как в единственном, так и но мно­жественном числе.

Определенный артикль употребляется:

- когда речь идет об определенном лице или предмете:

Where is the doctor? - Где доктор? (известный нам)

- перед существительным, если ему предшествует прилагательное и превосходной степени или порядковое числительное:

It is the most expensive restaurant in our city.

Это самый дорогой ресторан в нашем городе.

The second exam will be in English – Второй экзамен будет по английскому языку.

- перед географическими названиями (названиями океанов, морей, рек, горных хребтов, частей света и т.д.)

the Pacific Ocean - Тихий океан

the Thames - Темза

the Baltic Sea – Балтийское  море      

the Alps-    Уральские горы

the West - запад

the South - юг

- перед названиями ряда стран и местностей (с определяемыми словами States, federation, Republic и т.д.):

the United States of America- Соединенные Штаты Америки

the Crimea ~ Крым

 перед существительными, единственными в своем роде:

the Earth – Земля

the  sun ~ солнце

the moon - луна

- перед фамилиями, употребленными во множественном числе для обозначения членов одной и той же семьи:

the Smirnovs – семья Смирновых

the Browns - семья Браунов

-в выражениях:

in the morning - утром

in the evening - вечером

in the afternoon (in the day-time) - днем

to play the piano - играть на пианино

to keep the house - сидеть дома

to tell the truth - говорить правду


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