Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

A. The shelves are on the wall

B. The pictures are on the wall

C. The bookshelves are on the wall

D. The shelfs are on the wall

E. The shelfs are on the wall

F. The book are on the wall

G. The mirror are on the wall

H. The shelves is on the wall

Уровень 2

62.Choose the right sentences (повтор)

A. My sister is 22 years old

B. My sister are 22 years old

C. My sisters is 22 years old

D. My brother is 22 years old

E. My brother are 22 years old

F. My aunt is 22 years old

G. My uncles is 22 years old

H. My uncle are 22 years old

12. Choose the right sentences

A. What is your name?

B. Where is your from?

C. What are your name?

D. Where are you from?

E. What is your phone number?

F. What is your names?

G. What are his phone number?

H. What are her phone number?

13. Choose the right sentences

A. This hotel is very expensive

B. These hotels are very expensive

C. That hotel is very expensive

D. These hotels is very expensive

E. That hotels is very expensives

F. Those hotel are very expensives

G. These hotel is very expensive

H. This hotels is very expensive

14 Choose the right sentences

A. It’s a delicious lemon pies

B. It’s delicious lemons pies

C. It’s a delicious lemon pie

D. It’s a cigarette

E. It’s a cigarettes

F. It’s black tea

G. It’s black teas

H. It’s black teas

16. Choose nouns with “the”

A.  Moscow

B.  Kazakhstan

C.  Congo

D. Almaty

E.  Astana

F. Ukraine

G.  London


17. The correct plural nouns are …

A. Oxes

B. Sheep

C. Foot

D. Goose

E. Womans

F. Men

G. Oxen

H. Childs

18. The correct plural nouns are …

A. Flys

B. Bois

C. Buss

D. Ladies

E. Foot

F. Toys

G. Roofs

H. Mouse

Уровень 2

19. Choose the correct sentences

A. He is late

B. They is lates

C. We are lates

D. I’m happy

E. He are late

F. I’m fond of

G. I is fond of

H. He are fond of

20. Choose the right sentences

A. Last year she was 22

B. The weather was terrible yesterday

C. I am hungry yesterday

D. He is berd

E. He was a student

F. Her child were ill

G. It is warm yesterday

H. They is at work

24 Choose the correct sentences

A. Where is Mary?

B. Where are Mary?

C. Where are you?

D. Where is he?

E. Where are she?

F. Where are he?

G. Where is they?

H. Where is we?

25. Choose the correct form

A. Good morning

B. Good the morning

C. Good afternoon

D. Good night

E. Good night

F. Good the mornings

G. Good the night

H. Good the night

26. Choose the correct form

A. How are your parents?

B. How is your parents?

C. How is your mother?

D. How is your father?

E. How is your mothers?

F. How is your grandparents?

G. How is your fathers?

H. How is your friends?

15. Choose the right sentences

A. I am glad to meet you here

B. He is glad to meet you here

C. We are glad to meet you here

D. He are glad to meet you here

E. She are glad to meet you here

F. We is glad to meet you here

G. I is glad to meet you here

H. They is glad to meet you here

1. Correct answers are:

A.Do not forget to turn off light when you go out.

B. Do not forget to turn off the light when you go out.

C. What is the name of this village?

D.Canada is very a big country.

E.Amanda is a student.

F. We live in an old house near station.

G. What is the name of the director of film we saw last night.

H.I like this room but I do not like colour of carpet.

2.Find the sentences with definite articles: 

A.The sky is blue and the sun is shining.

B. What is the name of this street?

C. Our apartment is on the second floor.

D.Would you like go to moon?

E.Do you live in a town or in the country?

F.We are going away at end of May.

G. What did you have for breakfast?

H.My dictionary is on top shelf on right.

4.Find the sentences with Possessive case

A.I stayed at the house of my sister.

B. Do you know the phone number of Bill?

C. My brother’s job is interesting.

D. Paula’s favourite colour is blue.

E.When is the birthday of your mother.

F. The house of my parents is not very big.

G. The manager of the hotel is on holiday.

H.The walls of this house are very thin.

6.Antonym for “active”:


B. passive

C. common



F. rigid

G. slow


7.Synonyms for evident:


B. patient

C. vague



F. noticeable

G. indefinite


12.Find the correct sentences:

A.My favourite sport is tennis.


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