Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


1. Send to:

  Via U.S. Mail Treasurer, CCC U.S. Department of Agriculture 14th & Independence Avenue, S.W. Stop 1025 Washington, DC 20250-1025 Via Express Mail or Courier Treasurer, CCC U.S. Department of Agriculture 1250 Maryland Avenue, SW Suite 420 Washington, DC 20024

2. If the letter of credit is to apply to any Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP) Invitation:

“The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) has a right to the amount drawn in accordance with the terms and conditions of one or more Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP) Agreements entered into by the exporter pursuant to 7 C.F.R. Part 1494, and the applicable DEIP Invitation(s) issued by CCC.”

If the letter of credit is to apply to a single DEIP Invitation:

“The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) has a right to the amount drawn in accordance with the terms and conditions of one or more Dairy Export incentive Program (DEIP) Agreements entered into by the exporter pursuant to 7 C.F.R. Part 1494, and DEIP Invitation No. ________________.

If the letter of credit is to apply to more than one specific DEIP Invitation:

“The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) has a right to the amount drawn in accordance with the terms and conditions of one or more Dairy Export incentive Program (DEIP) Agreements entered into by the exporter pursuant to 7 C.F.R. Part 1494, and DEIP Invitation Nos. ________________, ___________________, and _________________.”

3. Insert the last date of the month in which the 90th day after the date of the letter of credit falls (e.g., if the date of the letter of credit is March 15, 2003, the date to be inserted would be Jun 30, 2003).

4. Insert a time period of either “one (1) year” or a specific number of whole month(s) which total less than one year (e.g., “one (1) month,” “two (2) months,” etc.).

5. Insert the same time period as inserted in the previous space (e.g., “one (1) year,” “one (1) month,” etc.).






Shipper/exporter (name and address including zip code):


Baking Technologies, Inc.

45 South 7th Street

Minneapolis, MN 55402

Booking/shipment number:


B/L or AWB number:

MXVZ 9707503

Export references:

Baking Technologies, Inc. quote number BT10102

Mendez Panaderias S.A. purchase number M3652

Consignee (name and address):


Mendez Panaderias S.A.

Col. Roma

Mexico D.F., C.P. 06760


Forwarding agent (name and address - references):


Yellow Freight

12400 Dupont Avenue South

Burnsville, MN 55337

Intermediate consignee/notify party (name and address):


Galfiro Montemayor

Avenida de Colombia

1025 Veracruz, Mexico

Point (state and country) of origin:

MN, U.S.


Domestic routing / export instructions:


Yellow Freight

Minneapolis, MN to Houston, TX

Pre-carriage by:

Yellow Freight

Place of receipt: Minneapolis, MN

Exporting carrier:

American President Line

Port of loading/export: Houston, Texas

Transportation method:

Ocean Vessel

Foreign port of unloading (vessel and air only):

Veracruz, Mexico

Place of delivery by on-carrier:

Mexico, D.F., C.P. 06760

Containerized (vessel only):

 YES       NO

Container No. / Seal No. / Marks and Numbers: Number of Packages:

Description of commodities,

Model/Serial number, harmonized number

Gross weight (kg):

    Model BT002043 Addressed and Numbered 1 of 4…     4 Crates



Baking/Kneading Equipment

Tariff Classification 8438.10






  1680 Cubic Feet  


The undersigned _____________ (Owner or Agent), does hereby declare for the above named shipper, the goods as described on the above date and consigned as indicated and are products of the United States of America. Dated at _________ on the ____ day of _______, _______.

Sworn to before me this _____ day of _______, _______.         ___________________________

Signature of Owner or Agent

The _______________________, a recognized Chamber of Commerce under the laws of the State of ______________, has examined the manufacturer’s invoice or shipper’s affidavit concerning the origin of the merchandise, and, according to the best of its knowledge, finds that the products named originated in the United States of America.                                                                                                                                      Secretary __________________________



Exporter reference no.

Importer purchase/order/reference no.

Invoice expiration date

Exporter/Shipper (Name and physical address)

Tel:                   Fax:                Email:


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