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Сохранение памятников изобразительного искусства и культуры. Исследования и реставрацияСтр 1 из 11Следующая ⇒
Сохранение памятников изобразительного искусства и культуры. Исследования и реставрация
16 ноября 2018 г. Государственный Эрмитаж, Главный штаб Санкт-Петербург, Дворцовая площадь, д. 6/8
17–19 ноября 2018 г. Конференц-зал Научно-исследовательского музея при Российской академии художеств Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., 17
Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation St Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Russian Academy of Arts
VII St Petersburg International Cultural Forum
III International Scientific Conference
Preservation of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage. Research and Conservation
November 16, 2018 State Hermitage Museum, General Staff Building 6/8, Dvortsovaya Square, St Petersburg
November 17–19, 2018 Conference-Hall of the Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts 17 Universitetskaya emb., St Petersburg
Ноября / November 16 16: 30–18: 00 Государственный Эрмитаж, Главный штаб State Hermitage Museum, General Staff Building _____________________________________________________________________________
Открытие конференции Приветственное слово
Семен Ильич Михайловский Ректор Санкт-Петербургской Академии художеств, председатель секции «Изобразительное искусство» культурного форума, член Президиума Совета при Президенте РФ по культуре и искусству, академик РАХ Semyon Mikhailovsky Rector of the St Petersburg Academy of Arts, Chairman of the section “Visual Arts” at the Cultural forum Member of the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Culture and Art, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts
Юрий Григорьевич Бобров Доктор искусствоведения, профессор, академик РАХ Институт имени И. Е. Репина Проректор по научной работе, зав. кафедрой реставрации живописи Памятники древнерусского искусства. Опыт исследования и реставрации Псковской иконописи Yury Bobrov Doctor of Arts, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Repin Art Institute Vice rector (Head of Research), Head of the Painting Conservation Department Medieval Russian Art. Some Results of Researching and Conservation of the Pskov Icon Paintings
Мария Пафити Искусствовед, Институт Курто, Лондон Мозаики VI в. из Канакария на Кипре. История возвращения похищенного Maria Paphity Courteau Institute, London VI century mosaics from Kanakaria in Cyprus. The story of the return of the kidnapped
Тамара Ивановна Анисимова Новгородский музей-заповедник Зав. филиалом «Центр реставрации монументальной живописи» Фрески XII в. церкви Благовещения на Городище – новый опыт работы с руинированной живописью Tamara Anisimova Novgorod State United Museum Branch manager of Mural Restoration Center Frescoes of the XII century of a Church of Annunciation on Gorodishe – new experience of working with ruined art
Ольга Дмитриевна Баженова Доктор искусствоведения, доцент Белорусский государственный университет Профессор Новые открытия белорусских реставраторов. Проблема сохранения сильно руинированных произведений Olga Bazhenova Doctor of Arts, assistant professor Belarusian State University Professor New opening of the Belarusian Restorers. Problem of conservation of strongly ruined works
Хурэлбаатар Дамдинсурэн Правительство Монголии Культурный посланник Монголии в России, советник вице-премьера Монголии Роль петербургской Академии художеств в сохранении и развитии искусства Монголии Khurelbaatar Damdinsuren The Government of Mongolia Cultural envoy of Mongolia, Adviser to Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia The role of the Petersburg Academy of Arts in the preservation and development of the art of Mongolia
Madina Mussakhanova PhD in History, associate professor Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov Professor Kazakhstani restorers’ contribution to the preservation of cultural heritage
Ноября / November 1 7 Конференц-зал Академии художеств Letizia Montalbano Director of Institute of Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence Institute for the Restoration of the Italian Restoration Center “Opificio delle Pietre Dure”
Annalisa Lusuardi International Training Projects ITP, Florence
Andrea Santacesaria Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence
Vladimir Vaingort Doctor of Economics Baltic institute of the housing economy and policy Member of the Board Historical and cultural legitimacy and significance of the reconstruction of the disappeared monuments (on the example of the restoration of Gogol’s estate “near Dikanka”)
Yury Varfolomeev Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation Limited liability company «Research laboratory of building expertise of Barents region», Arkhangelsk Scientific director Problems of Conservation of Cultural Monuments on the Middle-Sized Territories of the North of Russia.
Роман Юрьевич Прохоров Художник-реставратор первой категории, археолог, водолаз-исследователь Центр подводных исследований Русского географического общества Руководитель отдела подводной археологии и реставрации Три века под водой. Спасение, исследование и реставрация затонувшей Библии Evgeniya Mymrina Paper conservator, member of the Artists’ Union of Russia The Grabar art conservation center Paper conservator Roman Prokhorov Conservator, archaeologist, diver-explorer Center for Underwater Research of the Russian Geographical Society Head of the department of underwater archeology and restoration Three centuries under water. Salvation, research and restoration of the sunken Bible
Наталья Паренко 12: 0 0–12: 2 0 Курсы Института имени И. Е. Репина во Флоренции Профессиональная терминология консервации-реставрации. Международный словарь Natalia Parenko Repin Art Institute courses in Florence Professional Dictionary of Conservation & Restoration
Наталья Леонидовна Борисова Доцент МГХПА им. С. Г. Строганова Новый метод реставрации масляных стенописей XIX–ХХ века (На примере реставрации росписей Оршина монастыря Тверской области) Vladimir Buryj Professor Stroganov academy Natalia Borisova Associate Professor Stroganov acadeemy A new method of restoration of oil murals of XIX-XX century (on the example of restoration of paintings Orshin monastery of Tver region)
Galina Maximova Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov Restorer, lecturer, Head of the laboratory for restoration of paintings Problems of Identity and Composition of the Moscow St John the Warrior Church Iconostasis
Обед / Lunch 13: 00–13: 40
13: 40–17: 40 Модератор заседания – Филипп Юрьевич Бобров, кандидат искусствоведения, профессор кафедры реставрации живописи Института имени И. Е. Репина Meeting moderator Philipp Bobrov, PhD in Art History, professor of the Painting Conservation Department (Repin Art Institute)
Rezida Khramchenkova PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences Institute of Archaeology of Tatarstan Academy of Science Senior researcher Investigation of St Christopher’s fresco of the Assumption Cathedral of the Sviyazhsk Iceland
Elena Shishkova PhD in Art History State Hermitage Museum, Laboratory of Scientific Restoration of Oriental Painting Head of Laboratory The experience of restoration Chinese scroll from Hermitage collection. The collaborative project with Chinese restores
Philipp Bobrov PhD in Art History, assistant professor Repin Art Institute Professor of the Painting Conservation Department Technical and Technological Aspects of Retouching in Painting Conservation
Nadezhda Nefedova Laboratory for conservation and restoration of church art at the Department of the restoration at the St Tikhon’s Orthodox university Head The painting on church lectern from the collection of the Archaeological church museum of the St Tikhon’s Orthodox university: problems of restoration and presentation
Нино Граниевна Кавтария Кандидат искусствоведения Национальный Центр Рукописей Грузии им. К. Кекелидзе Зав. отделом Истории Искусств Иконографическая программа миниатюр фронтисписа и заставок II Джручского евангелия Isolda Chichinadze Doctor of Arts Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Humanities Institute of History and Theory of Art Professor Nino Kavtaria PhD in Art History K. Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts Head of Art History Department Iconographic Program of the miniatures of the Frontispiece and the Head-pieces of the Jrutchi II Gospels
Vadim Zuev Scientific-Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts Senior Researcher, Keeper of the Antique molds and European sculpture collection PhD in History Plaster copies of the Trajan’s Column reliefs in the Collection of the Academy of Arts Museum
Olga Silina Kirillo-Belozersky State Historical Architectural Art Museum-Reserve, the Branch “The Museum of Dionisy’s Frescoes” Excursions and methodical Department’s Researcher “Mother of God Blachernae with Archangels” in the 1502 Wall-Painting of the Ferapontovo Monastery Cathedral
Natalia Folomeshkina The Grabar Art Conservation Center Artist-restorer 1 category The investigation and restoration of «St John the Baptist – Angel of the Desert legend» icon from the collection of Vyatka region Vasnetsov Brothers Art Museum
Ирина Фанисовна Кадикова Государственный научно-исследовательский институт реставрации (ГОСНИИР) Старший научный сотрудник Лаборатории физико-химических исследований Стилистические и технологические особенности икон Романовского иконостаса 1913 года в Вильнюсе Tatyana Chalenko The State Research Institute for Restoration Head of the Department of scientific restoration of icon Artist-restorer Irina Kadikova The State Research Institute for Restoration Senior researcher of the Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Research Stylistic and technological features of the icons of the Romanov iconostasis of 1913 in Vilnius
Yana Shemyakova Kirillo-Belozersky State Historical Architectural Art Museum-Reserve Scientific Department’s Researcher Thematic Lines of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery Cathedral-porches wall-painting: to the Question of Sacred Space Formation
Natalia Chernova The Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Saint-Petersburg Branch (Laboratory of conservation and restoration of documents) Senior researcher, restorer of the highest category Natalia Pavlichenko Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of Russian Academy of sciences Senior researcher The Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Saint-Petersburg Branch Researcher Alexander Wojnarowski Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics of the St Petersburg State University Professor Research and restoration of the squeeze (paper impression) of the Greek epitaph from the Syrian Maalula
Ноября / November 1 8 Конференц-зал Академии художеств Zinaida Vakhovskaya PhD in Chemistry Russian State Library Leading Researcher Investigation of the collection of daguerreotypes of the Russian State Library
Ekateryna Grachyova National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus Сonservator-restorer of easel painting and paintings on the panel Problematics of saving of non-original historical-cultural layer on the 18-19th c. painting “St Roch” from the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus
29. Матвей Антонович Дегтярев 10: 40–11: 00 Кандидат технических наук Реставрационные мастерские Санкт-Петербурга Художник-реставратор Современные подходы к реставрации бронзовой скульптуры. К завершению реставрации памятника «Колонны Славы» Matvei Degtiarev PhD in Technical Sciences Restoration workshops St. Petersburg Painter-restorer Modern approaches to restoration of bronze sculpture. To end of restoration of the monument “Columns of Victory” 30. Дмитрий Дмитриевич Ковалев 11: 00–11: 20 Государственный научно-исследовательский институт реставрации (ГОСНИИР) Главный хранитель, художник-реставратор Реставрация и исследования шкафа с сюжетной росписью первой половины XVIII века Dmitry Kovalev State Research Institute for Restoration General curator, conservator Restoration and research of the bureau-cabinet decorated with paintings of the first half of the XVIII century
31. Наталья Алексеевна Ковалева 11: 20–11: 40 Государственный научно-исследовательский институт реставрации (ГОСНИИР), Отдел монументальной живописи Художник-реставратор высшей квалификации Некоторые особенности исследования, консервации и реставрации мозаик с элементами росписи III тыс. до н.э. из раскопок Гонур-депе в Туркменистане Natalia Kovalevа State Research Institute for Restoration, Department of monumental painting Artist-restorer Research, Conservation and Restoration of Mosaics with elements of painting III millenium B. C. from the excavations of Gonur-Depe in Turkmenistan
Irina Grigorieva State Hermitage Museum Senior researcher of the Department for Scientific Examination/Authentication of Works of Art Svetlana Teploukhova State Hermitage Museum Restorer of the Laboratory of Scientific Restoration of Mural Paintings Preliminary results of the investigation and the problems of restoration of the fresco of Raphael’s workshop “Venus Tying a Sandal” from the Collection of the State Hermitage Museum
Victor Korobov State Hermitage Museum Head of the scientific laboratory of conservation-restoration of easel oil painting Restoration of the painting by Rembrandt “Portrait of a young man with a lace collar”
Юрий Фёдорович Моисеев Национальный художественный музей Республики Беларусь Научный сотрудник Атрибуция произведения неизвестного художника «Голова лошади» Ekaterina Dasko National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus Junior researcher Anzhelika Mitskevich PhD in Biology National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus Yury Moisejev National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus Researcher Attribution of the painting of an unknown artist “The Head of a Horse”
Катриен Кене Кандидат химических наук Рейксмузеум Химик-исследователь материалов живописи Отдела научной реставрации Образование свинцового мыла на картинах итальянских художников XVI века Kamilla Kalinina PhD in Chemistry State Hermitage Museum Senior Conservation Scientist of Department of Scientific Restoration and Conservation Katrien Keune PhD in Chemistry Rijksmuseum (The Netherlands) Paintings Research Scientist & Chemist, Conservation Department Lead Metal Soaps in Sixteenth-Century Italian Paintings
Обед / Lunch 13: 00–13: 40
13: 40–17: 40 Модератор заседания – Наталия Антоновна Скородумова, зав. лабораторией техники и технологии художественных материалов Института имени И. Е. Репина Meeting moderator Natalia Skorodumova, Head of the Laboratory of technics and technologies of artistic materials (Repin Art Institute)
Ирина Андреевна Григорьева Государственный Эрмитаж Старший научный сотрудник Отдела научно-технологической экспертизы Проблемы хранения и реставрации стеклянного бисера XIX века: возможные причины и механизмы необратимого разрушения экспонатов (+ 6 соавторов в публикации доклада) Irina Kadikova The State Research Institute for Restoration Senior researcher of the Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Research Irina Grigorieva State Hermitage Museum Senior researcher of the Department for Scientific Examination/Authentication of Works of Art Problems of Storage and Restoration of Glass Beads of the XIX Century: Possible Causes and Mechanisms of Irreversible Destruction of Exhibits.
Ekaterina Kozlova St Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Arts and Design Artist-restorer State Hermitage Museum Artist-restorer The relief “Ascension of Mary Magdalene” (Germany XVI century). Results of the research complex
Анна Евгеньевна Петракова Доктор искусствоведения Государственный Эрмитаж Старший научный сотрудник Материалы и методы, использованные при реставрации античных расписных ваз в XIX веке: на примере экспонатов из собрания Государственного Эрмитажа Kamilla Kalinina PhD in Chemistry State Hermitage Museum Senior Conservation Scientist of the Department of Scientific Conservation and Restoration Anna Petrakova Doctor of Arts State Hermitage Museum Senior Researcher of the Department of Classical Antiquity Materials and methods of the 19th century restorations of the ancient painted pottery from the Hermitage Museum: case studies Sergey Kolyubakin State Hermitage Museum, Research fellow of the Department for Scientific Examination/Authentication of Works of Art Investigation of samples of a paint layer from paintings from the collection of the State Museum-Reserve “Rostov Kremlin” using infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Ekaterina Morozova The State Research Institute for Restoration Junior fellow of the Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Research Fedor Rokotov or his art workshop? Comparative analysis of the primer composition and pigments of paint layer
Sergei Levandovskii Full member of the Petrine Academy of Sciences and Arts Repin Art Institute Assistant professor of the Russian Art Department Vladimir Sverchkov: a Russian artist in Europe
Anastasia Makarova State Museum and Exhibition Center “ROSIZO” Head of the conservation department The Central Andrey Rublev Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art Conservator Methodological problems of conservation of a carved limestone cross dating 15-16 cent. from Tolmachi village, Tver region Polina Tsvetaeva State Museum-Reserve “Pavlovsk” Conservator of easel painting The use of solid gels based on agar-agar in conservation of easel painting
Юлий Владимирович Питеря Кандидат искусствоведения ГМИИ им. А. С. Пушкина Руководитель мастерской технико-технологических исследований Картина А. Дерена «Суббота». Исследования и реставрация Elena Yunina The State Pushkin Museum of Fine arts Oil painting conservator 2 c. Iulii Piteria PhD in Art History The State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Head of the Department of Research Andre Derain’s painting «Saturday». Conservation and researching
Elizaveta Fremke Repin Art Institute Graduate employee at conservation department The Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps Conservator of painting Lining of easel oil painting on canvas using vacuum system
Ирина Фанисовна Кадикова Государственный научно-исследовательский институт реставрации (ГОСНИИР) Старший научный сотрудник Лаборатории физико-химических исследований Технологические аспекты творчества Нико Пиросмани Svetlana Pisareva PhD in Cultural Studies The State Research Institute for Restoration Head of the Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Research Irina Kadikova The State Research Institute for Restoration Senior researcher of the Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Research Technological aspects of Niko Pirosmani’s work
Ноября / November 1 9 Конференц-зал Академии художеств Vera Ivanovskaya PhD in Art History Moscow Architecture Institute (State academy) Assistant professor, Church architecture department Orthodox church interior through the years
Яна Гамилец 10: 20–10: 40 Загребский университет, Философский факультет Магистрант истории искусства и русского языка и литературы Архитектор Петр Павлович Фетисов. От Санкт-Петербурга до Загреба Jana Gamilec University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Candidate for a master’s degree (history of art and Russian language and literature) Architect Pyotr Fetisov: From St Petersburg to Zagreb
Aliaksandr Kisly Bachelor of Theology Vitebsk diocese, Vitebsk theological Seminary Priest, teacher of theological and historical disciplines The restoration of temples of Byelorussian small settlements: tendencies, events, public interest
Valerii Kalinin “Scientific-Projecting Restoration Center” Ltd. Chief engineer, Engineer-restorer of the 1st category The research of the Coffee House Hall in Summer Garden made in 2014
Anika Cheban Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy) Lecturer at the Department «Engineering equipment of buildings and structures» The results of the study of existing buildings of Orthodox churches in Moscow and Yaroslavl region
Victor Korentsvit “Pallada” Ltd Archaeologist Will we save the granite embankments of St Petersburg?
Irina Kuzmina PhD in Art History Repin Art Institute Head of the Evening Drawing Classes, associate professor Restoration and reconstruction of church interiors ancient Russian pre-Mongolian churches in the XIX – beginning of the XXI century
Tatiana Nezvitskaya Kizhi State Open Air Museum of History, Architecture and Ethnography Head of the restoration service of the Kizhi museum Comparative analysis of restoration works on the World Heritage sites of UNESCO of Russia and Japan (the Church of the Transfiguration of the Kizhi Pogost and the temple of Horyu-ji)
Tatiana Pinkusova The Russian Museum of Ethnography Specialist of the Department of Scientific Documentation The mythological and anthropomorphic creatures in the Russian tiles of the second half of XVI (? ) – XVIII centuries from Russian Museum of Ethnography collection
Anastasia Yurovetskaya The State Research Institute for Restoration Research fellow of the Oil Painting Conservation Department Elena Yurovetskaya The State Research Institute for Restoration Conservator of the Oil Painting Conservation Department Art technique of studio “The New Reality”. Its influence on state condition of the paintings and the choice of conservation methods
Обед / Lunch 13: 20–14: 00
14: 00–18: 00 Модератор заседания – Юрий Григорьевич Бобров, доктор искусствоведения, профессор, зав. кафедрой реставрации живописи Института имени И. Е. Репина Meeting moderator Dr. Yury Bobrov, professor (Repin Art Institute)
Elena Nesterova Doctor of Arts, Professor Repin Art Institute Professor of the Russian Art Department Questions of Research and Attribution of the Forgotten Artists
Tatiana Plastova PhD in Philology Moscow State Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov Head of the humanitarian department A. Plastov’s unknown picture: problems of attribution and restoration
Margarita Plieva PhD in Art History Revived masterpieces of the North Ossetian art Museum M. S. Tuganov
Olga Polyakova Uglich state historical-architectural and art Museum Institution Scientific secretary Restoration project of the Uglich Museum “Returned from the past”. (From experience of work on preservation of cultural heritage in the Museum of the small historical city)
Svetlana Prokopeva National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Art Josef Seibt. Portraits of Poniń sky from the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. Research and restoration.
Maya Semina PhD in Art History Independent researcher (Art Critics and Art Historians Association) Philipp Maliavin in the Hermitage Museum (The Reconstructed Biography of the “Trophy” Painting dated 1899)
Tatiana Stoliarova State Hermitage Museum Artist-restorer II category Restoration and research of wooden polychrome sculptures of Angels (Western European art, Germany
Shorena Tavadze PhD in Art History Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts laboratory of conservation and restoration Restorer Characteristics of Georgian and Oriental Manuscripts bindings
Anastasya Tatarnikova Member of Art Critics and Art Historians Association (AIS) On the dating of the frescoes and sculptural decorations of Tempietto del Clitunno (Italy)
Kseniia Chemezova Museum of the history of St Petersburg Junior Researcher Study and Restorations of the Norwegian Stone Cathedral of the 12th–14th Centuries in the 19th Century
Yulia Shevtsova Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Master of Arts History Saratov National Research State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky Associate Professor of the Department of Geometry The problem of identifying of the characters in the painting of M. F. Quadal “The Coronation of Paul I and Maria Feodorovna” (1799) from the collection of the Radishchev State Art Museum in Saratov
Michael Rogozny St Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Arts and Design Associate Professor Research and restoration of the discovered painting decoration of the Vorontsov Palace in St Petersburg
Ноября / November 20 _____________________________________________________________________________
11: 00–11: 30 Конференц-зал / Conference-Hall Галина Дмитриевна Булгаева Кандидат искусствоведения Алтайский государственный университет, факультет искусств Старший преподаватель Датированные подписные иконы из собраний Алтайского края и Республики Алтай Galina Bulgaeva PhD in Art History Altai state University, faculty of arts Senior lecturer Dated signatured icons from the collections of Altai region, Altai Republic
Изольда Естатовна Джикидзе Магистр Национальный центр рукописей им. К. Кекелидзе, Тбилиси, Грузия, лаборатория консервации и реставрации Химик-реставратор Реваз Клдиашвили Доктор химических наук, профессор Национальный центр рукописей им. К. Кекелидзе, Тбилиси, Грузия Руководитель лаборатории консервации и реставрации Особенности реставрации восточноязычных рукописей Isolda Djikidze Master Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts, Tbilisi, Georgia, Laboratory of conservation and restoration Chemist-Restorer Revaz Kldiashvili Doctor of Chemical Science, professor Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts, Tbilisi, Georgia Head of Laboratory of conservation and restoration Особенности реставрации восточноязычных рукописей Features of the restoration of oriental language manuscripts
Елена Юрьевна Рогаткина Кандидат химических наук Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт элементоорганических соединений им. А. Н. Несмеянова Российской академии наук (ИНЭОС РАН) Научный сотрудник Лаборатории механизмов реакций Катодолюминесцентная микроспектроскопия как новый метод в изучении материалов живописи Elena Rogatkina A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences (INEOS RAS) Researcher of the Laboratory of Reaction Mechanisms Cathodoluminescence microspectroscopy as a new method in the study of paint materials
Оргкомитет конференции _____________________________________________________________________________
Ю. Г. бобров (председатель) Проректор по научной работе Института имени И. Е. Репина Доктор искусствоведения, профессор, академик РАХ
В. А. Коробов Зав. лабораторией научной реставрации станковой живописи Государственного Эрмитажа
Е. В. Нестерова Профессор кафедры русского искусства Института имени И. Е. Репина Доктор искусствоведения, профессор
А. И. ШАМАНЬКОВА Ученый секретарь совета Института имени И. Е. Репина Кандидат искусствоведения
Conference Committee _____________________________________________________________________________
YURI BOBROV (Chairman) Vice-Rector – Head of Research (Repin Art Institute) Doctor of Arts, Professor Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts
Victor Korobov Head of the scientific laboratory of conservation-restoration of easel oil painting (State Hermitage Museum)
Elena Nesterova Professor of the Russian Art Department (Repin Art Institute) Doctor of Arts, Professor
ANNA SHAMANKOVA Secretary of the Academic Council (Repin Art Institute) PhD in Art History
199034 Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., 17 17 Universitetskaya emb., St Petersburg 199034 Russia ArtsAcademyConf@gmail.com Сохранение памятников изобразительного искусства и культуры. Исследования и реставрация
16 ноября 2018 г. Государственный Эрмитаж, Главный штаб Санкт-Петербург, Дворцовая площадь, д. 6/8
17–19 ноября 2018 г. Конференц-зал Научно-исследовательского музея при Российской академии художеств Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., 17
Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation St Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Russian Academy of Arts
VII St Petersburg International Cultural Forum
III International Scientific Conference
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