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Admission to higher education


Admission to higher education institutions (HEIs) is carried out on competitive basis. General access to higher education in Ukraine requires complete general secondary education, including secondary school leaving examinations - External Independent Assessment Certificate. Admission to certain programmes includes an entrance examination. Admission to programmes leading to Junior Specialist awards may be carried out on the basis of the basic general secondary education


Higher education qualifications


The Law on Higher Education establishes three educational levels of higher education: incomplete, basic, and complete, with corresponding higher education qualifications of Junior Specialist, Bachelor, Specialist and Master.


Junior Specialist (Molodshy i Spetsialist). Programmes leading to Junior Specialist awards are provided for a period of 2 -3 years on the basis of complete general secondary education, or 3-4 years on the basis of basic general secondary education including obtaining complete general secondary education. The study programme must be completed with a final state examination. Graduates receive Diploma of Junior Specialist (DyplomMolodshogoSpetsialista). The Diploma confers a right to employment and the right to enter bachelor study programme.


Bachelor (Bakalavr). The entry requirement to a Bachelor programme is a certificate of completed general secondary education. The programme leading to the Bachelor award generally lasts 3-4 years, but may be 1-2 years shorter in case of entry on the basis of Junior Specialist award in a given or related field of study or speciality. The study programme must be completed with a final state examination. Graduates receive Diploma of Bachelor (Dyplom Bakalavra). The Diploma confers a right to enter the labour market or a specialist or master study programme.


Specialist (Specialist).Programmes leading to Specialist awards are provided for a period of 1 -1.5 years on the basis of Bachelor award. In selected fields (such as Medicine and Veterinary studies), the Specialist’s programme is available directly on the basis of completed secondary education, and lasts 5-6 years. The study programme must be completed with a final state examination. Graduates receive Diploma of Specialist (Dyplom Spetsialista). The Diploma confers a right to enter a profession or continue studies in programmes leading to Master award or Candidate of sciences degree.


Master (Magistr). A Master qualification may be obtained on the basis of a Bachelor or Specialist qualification. The programme leading to the Master award generally lasts 1-2 years. The study programme must be completed with a final state examination which includes public presentation and defence of a master thesis. Graduates receive Diploma of Master (Dyplom Magistra). The Diploma confers a right to enter a profession or continue studies in programmes leading to Candidate of sciences degree.


Scientific degrees


Candidate of Sciences (Kandidat Nauk) is a scientific degree which normally requires at least 3 years of doctoral studies (Aspirantura) in HEIs or research institutes after the award of the Specialist or the Master diploma. It is achieved by public defence of the dissertation (thesis).


Doctor of Sciences (Doktor Nauk) is the highest scientific degree which is achieved by postdoctoral research following the award of the Candidate of Sciences degree, usually through a research appointment in HEIs or research institutes taken up for 3 years (Doktorantura). It requires research in a specialist subject which must make an essential contribution to a given field, presentation of its results in scientific publications, and public defence of the dissertation (thesis).


Types of higher education institutions


Ukrainian higher education institutions are either public (state or municipal) or non-public (private). There are the following types of higher education institutions: university, academy, institute, conservatoire (music academy), college, technical (vocational) school.


Universities, academies, institutes, conservatories may offer all types of study programmes (Junior specialist, Bachelor, Specialist, Master, Doctoral), as well as lifelong learning. University and academy may be stowed the status of "National" for outstanding performance in research and scientific activity.


Quality assurance


The national system of quality assurance in Ukraine is realized by means of licensing and accreditation procedures.


All HEIs must be licenced before they offer tertiary level educational programmes. To be granted a licence a HEI must meet the required standards set by the Ministry of Education and Science.


To have an educational programme accredited a HEI must meet the requirements of the HE standards. Students will graduate with a state-recognized degree and qualifications only after having completed an accredited programme of study.


The responsibility for the national system of quality assurance an Ukraine rests with the Ministry of Education and Science, Accreditation Commission, the State Inspectorate of HEIs.


The diploma and diploma supplement information is provided by Ukrainian state system "Education" http://www.osvita.net/.



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