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The relations of landownership

The relations of landownership have always been the central part of social and economic relations.

The Earth represents the unique natural resource. It is a unique place of mankind’s existence, main and unique factor of creation of its productive forces.

At the same time, in market economy the land acquires the form of goods and is a subject to the property agreements. Introduction of the market relations shows demands to a system of the state registration of land lots, control over their legal status and turnover of land and its rational usage.

And, at last, land is a basic compound of any real estate. According to article 130 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation we refer to real things (real property, real estate) land lots, sites of subsoil, isolated aquatic plants.

Now it is impossible to isolate such plants of the real estate, as sites of subsoil, forest and long-term green plants.


5.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

землевладение, природный ресурс, рыночная экономика, договор владения имуществом, рыночные отношения, оборот, недра.

5.2 Что гласит статья 130 Гражданского Кодекса РФ?

a) According to article 130 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation it is impossible to isolate such plants of the real estate.

b) According to article 130 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation land

is a subject to the property agreements.

c) According to article 130 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation we refer to real things (real property, real estate) land lots, sites of subsoil, isolated aquatic plants.

5.3 Ответьте на вопросы?

1) What does the Earth represent?

2) What does the land acquire in market economy?

3) Is the land a basic compound of any real estate?


Text 6

Land ownership

Land may be private, state, social, municipal, and " other property." Private land belongs to citizens or organizations. Lands that are not owned by citizens, legal entities, or municipal structures are in the state property category. State land consists of Russia property and property of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Land that belongs to urban and rural settlements and other municipal formations is known as municipal property. State property is in the charge of government bodies at the federal or republic level. The state statistic accounts are based on the state land cadastre information, which is accumulated and stored by regional bodies of the Federal land cadastre service of Russia (Roszemkadastr). (721)

6.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

частный, юридическое лицо, субъект, собственность, статистические данные, накапливать, региональная организация.

6.2 Ответьте на вопросы?

1. What categories of land can you name?

2. What lands are in the state property category?

3. What is municipal property?

Text 7

The city-planning cadastre

City-planning cadastre of the city contains the information about terms and conditions of implementation of the city-planning activities at any part of the city territory. Information resources of the city-planning cadastre subdivide into operational and referential.

Operational information resources comprise the data about city-planning regulations, protection zones of historical and cultural monuments. Referential information resources comprise documents and data necessary for implementation of the city-planning activities.

The city-planning cadastre is the only official source of operational information. If normative legal acts of the city prescribe compulsory use of the information of the city-planning cadastre it is necessary to order official document — cadastral report.

Plans, maps and schemes that belong to the unified state cartographic base of the city serve as cartographic base for the formation of the information resources of the city-planning cadastre.


7.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

осуществление, включать, защитная зона, обязательное использование, унифицированная государственная картографическая база.

7.2 Переведите слова и выражения в скобках:

1. (Городской кадастр) of the city contains (информацию) about terms and (условиями) of implementation of the (градостроительной деятельности) at any part of the city territory.

2. The city-planning cadastre is the (единственный официальный) source of operational (информации).

3. Plans, maps and schemes (служат) cartographic (базой) for the formation of the information resources (городского кадастра).

Text 8

Urban areas

An urban area is characterized by higher population density and vast human features.Urban areas may be cities and towns.

A town is a large area with houses, shops, offices etc, where people live and work. It is a settlement of a few hundred to several thousand inhabitants. Usually, some people think that town is larger than a village but smaller than a " city", though there are exceptions to this rule.

A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban settlement. Cities generally have advanced systems for sanitation, utilities, land usage, housing, and transportation. The concentration of development greatly facilitates interaction between people and businesses, benefiting both parties in the process.

A big city, or metropolis are usually associated with metropolitan areas and urban sprawl.


8.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

Плотность населения, поселение, житель, исключение, передовая система, жилищное строительство, предприятия.

8.2 Что называется городской территорией?

An urban area is a village.

An urban area may be cities and towns.

An urban area is a metropolis.

8.3 Ответьте на вопросы?

1. What is an urban area?

2. What is larger: a city or a town?

3. What facilitates interaction between people and businesses?

Text 9

Cadastral report

Cadastral report contains official information on the urban cadastre of the city on the basis of the operating Master Plan of the city. It represents a normative document on location, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and rebuilding of objects in the city. All the information in the cadastral report is public and accessible to any customer without limitation. The information resources are formed on the basis of the town-planning and project documentation.

Cadastral report is not permission but a document, which provides both the government bodies and investors with the information base. This information base is necessary for taking justified decisions and it protects the investors against biased actions of authorities.


9.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

Восстановление, доступный, ограничение, градостроительство, оправданное решение, необъективные действия властей.

9.2 Что такое кадастровый отчет?

Cadastral report is the operating Master Plan.

Cadastral report is a document which provides both the government bodies and investors with the information base.

3. Cadastral report isbiased actions of authorities.

Text 10

The Cadastral information

Cadastral Information is formed on the basis of the approved materials of the Master Plan of the city development prospects. It contains norms and data necessary for decision-making on distribution, construction, reconstruction, restoration and legal registration of rights to the land plots and property objects related to them.

The Cadastral Information includes fragments of town-planning documentation registered in the State Urban Cadaster (SUC) of the city.

Information resources for the SUC are formed on the basis of the approved town planning documentation.

The SUC information resources are subject to constant supplementation and actualization.

Cadastral Information is a document which provides government bodies and customers with the information.


10.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:



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