Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Read the translation in class and discuss it with your fellow-students. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
III. a) Transcribe these words: handsome, well-dressed, quarter, experience, lose, suicide, pausing, current, aback, shoulder, drowned. b) Transcribe and explain the rules of reading these words: wild, rather, curl, pawn, pass, constitution, dissipation, beacon, question, half, vacancy, poker, trifle. IV. Write twenty special questions about the text In each question use one of the phrases from Essential Vocabulary (I). V. Fill in prepositions: 1. handsome... a way; 2. to know... one's own experience; 3. He could lose money... bridge... a good grace. 4. to have bad luck... cards; 5. He did not want to stick... bridge. 6. He was all... pieces. 7. Iunderstand what he was driving.... 8. I landed... the creek of Tarumi. 9.... account...; 10. He never turned.... VI. Study Vocabulary Notes and translate the illustrative examples into Russian. VII. Answer the following questions: 1. Burton thought that what he was telling was " rather a funny story." Do you also think so? Why don't you? Why did Burton think it funny? 2. What kind of man was young Barton? What do you think of his way of living? Do you approve of it? Why not? 3. Why do you think young Burton turned to his namesake for help when he was rained? 4. What was the situation in which he found himself? 5. What did Burton mean by saying that his young namesake was " down and out"? that he was " all to pieces"? 6. What did young Burton mean when he said that he " swam for his University"? 7. On what condition did Burton promise a job in his office to his namesake? What do you think of this condition? 8. Why did young Burton accept it? He knew he was not in good condition, didn't he? 9. What happened to him? 10. Do you think old Burton knew that bis namesake would be drowned? Why do you think so? 11. Why did Burton send his namesake to almost sure death? 12. What kind of man do you think old Burton was? 13. Why does the author emphasize when speaking about old Burton his " kindly chuckle, " " mild chuckle, " " those candid and kind blue eyes of his"? VIII. Write an outline of the story. You may try three ways: a) following the chain of true events; b) sticking to the story as told by the author or c) building it up roundthe main idea of the story. IX. a) Fill in different English equivalents of the Russian words занят and свободен (engaged, busy, occupied or vacant, free, spare): 1. As he was... yesterday he couldn't join our company. 2. I tried toget him on the phone but the line was... As I was... I decided to ring him up later. 3. Is the place next to you...? — No, it is.... 4. When I entered the hall all the seats were... and I could hardly find a... seat. 5. Will you be... tomorrow? Let's go to the country. — No, I'll be... at my office. 6. Let's find a... classroom and rehearse our dialogue there. — I'm afraid at this hour all the rooms are sure to be.... 7. Have you any... time today? 8. At this late hour all taxis will be.... 9. I am young, healthy, and... to do as I please. b) Think of situations or microdialogues consisting of a statement (or a question) and a reply to it using the words mentioned above. X. Translate these sentences into English: 1. Она наклеила на письмо несколько марок и бросила его в почтовый ящик. 2. Друзья всегда держались вместе. 3. Ключ застрял в замке, и я не могла открыть дверь. 4. Вы сегодня заняты? — К сожалению, у меня вряд ли будет свободное время. 5. Смерть единственного сына была крушением всех его надежд 6. Есть в гостинице свободные номера? — К сожалению, все номера заняты. 7. Лондонские туманы губительны для здоровья. 8. Все списали эти предложения? Я стираю их с доски. 9. У него была странная привычка потирать руки, когда он был взволнован. 10. Холод голод и нужда подорвали здоровье Герствуда. 11. Оратор остановился, чтобы собраться с мыслями. 12. Вам не следует беспокоиться, он хорошо водит машину. 13. Звук выстрела нарушил тишину. Мистер Кэртел, который до этого времени мирно дремал в кресле, вскочил и стал оглядываться по сторонам. 14. Я не любил купаться в реке из-за сильного течения. 15. Учитель подождал, пока не стихли разговоры, и только после этого продолжал объяснение. 16. Они прервали беседу, как только я вошел. 17. Он обещал помочь мне, но не сдержал обещания. 18. Увидев меня, он презрительно скривил рот и только кивнул головой в знак приветствия. XI. Read the story carefully and answer the following questions: 1. When do you usually: rub your chin; give a little chuckle; ask about smb.'s age; go pale; hesitate; shrug your shoulders; look at your watch; shake hands? 2. In what situations did old Burton and his namesake perform the same actions as in Point 1. Comment on each situation. ХII. Try your band at teaching: A. Preparation. 1. Prepare to explain the difference between the verbs: stop and pause, nod and bow so as to make sure that your pupils can use these verbs properly. 2. Write an exercise to practise the following antonyms: to break and to keep, to nod and to shake, free and engaged, loose and tight 3. Think of the answers you would give if your pupils asked you: 1) How long is a mile? 2) Did Burton mean land miles or nautical miles when he said there were over three miles between the Shioya Club and the creek of Tarumi? 3) In what part of the world did the events take place? B. Work in Class. 1. Ask the class to answer the questions given in Items 1 and 3 and to do your exercise from Item 2. 2. Correct the mistakes, comment on the answers and say a few words by way of explanation if needed. (Use " Classroom English", Sections I, IV, VII.) ХIII. Write a summary of the story " A Friend in Need". Before writing it find answers to the following questions that may serve as the key points of the story. E. д.: What did young Burton ask for? What did he get? What was his occupation and that of old Burton? What were the advantages and disadvantages of old Burton's position and those of his namesake? What were young Burton's chances? Could he manage to cover three miles? Who gained anything from this performance? What do you think both of them should have done under the circumstances? What were your feelings after reading the story? XIV. Speak on the characters ofthe story; a) Old Burton (his appearance, character and what yon think of him). b)Young Burton (his appearance, character and what yon think of him). c)The story-teller (what kind of person he was; how he was impressed by Burton's story; with whom his sympathies were). XV. Paraphrase the following sentences, using colloquial words and phrases from the text instead of the words in italic type which are stylistically neutral: 1. My sister's husband was killed in the war, and soon after that her elder child died of pneumonia. No wonder she was broken physically and spiritually. 2. He ruined himself because he played cards and drank a lot. When I met him, there seemed to be no way out for him. Yet, he had always been a nice man and had never done any harm to anybody. 3. I began to understand what she meant to say. 4. She is rather a good cook, isn't she? — Women of that kind always are. 5. Men of this kind are always a great success with women. 6. You said you didn't come to the exam on Monday because you were so ill you couldn't move. I don't believe it. I'm sure you were simply afraid. 7. Couldn't you lend me a little more money? I am in a hopeless position. XVI. Revise the story and discuss the following: How does the author make the reader realize what kind of man Burton the Elder was? Which method of characterization does he use, direct or indirect? (See Notes on Style, p. 120.) 2. Point out the lines and passages in which the ironical attitude of the author towards Burton the Elder is felt. Is it expressed by lexical or syntactical means? (Analyse each case.) Comment on the title of the story. 3. What is the message (the main idea) of the story? XVII. Perform a dialogue between old Burton and his namesake. Don't forget that old Burton was busy in his office, not very easily impressed, indifferent to other people's troubles; his namesake was down and out, all to pieces and not in very good condition to swim. XVIII. Role-playing. Role-play a Trial at which you will try Burton for wilful murder. It may be arranged in the following way: Student A — speaking for the judge. Student A — speaking for the prosecution (he will describe all the facts proving Burton's guilt). Student С — speaking for the defence (he will try and present all the facts that may speak in Burton's favour). Student D — representing Burton (he will, naturally, try to defend himself). Students E, F, G — acting as witnesses for the prosecution or the defence. The rest of the group are acting as members of the jury and will bring a verdict of " guilty" or " not guilty". The judge conducts the trial, puts questions, examines the documents and evidence. Counsel for the prosecution (прокурор) addresses the jury and presents his case, after which he calls witnesses who swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Counsel for the defence proceeds in the same way. The judge may interfere at any point and ask questions. When the two sides have presented their cases, the judge gives his summing up. The jury retires to consider its verdict: Guilty or Not Guilty. If the defendant is found guilty, the judge passes sentence on him. Популярное:
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