Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Pronounce; look; listen; sell; look; work; enjoy.


1 He …….. newspapers at the corner of the street now.

2 We …….. a new project now.

3 We ……... to the movies tonight with our friends.

4 The Browns …….. to the Smiths in the sitting-room.

5 You ………too fast.

6 Police……….. for the stolen car.

7 I think I not ………….. your name correctly.

8 He …….. the Times at the moment.

9 It …………cats and dogs.

10 I ………… for my lighter. I can’t find it.

11 They ……… their French class at the moment.

12 We ……….. at the translation from English into Russian now.

13 Look! Jane ………. the street.

14 Mrs. Smith …….. to a concert on the radio.

15 He ……… this party very much.


Exercise 4. Answer the questions using the words given in brackets.

Eg. Who is getting ready for the party? (they )

They are getting ready for the party.

1 Who is checking the results? (the students)

2 Who is performing this operation? (a post-graduate)

3 Who is developing these ideas? (a group of scientists)

4 Who is asking you all these questions? (our teacher)

5 Who is showing them the new library? (we)

6 Who is speaking to you? (Mrs. Brown)

7 Where is he attending the conference (at the Institute of Mechanics)

8 What is he speaking about? (her report)

9 When are you going to begin the project? (next month)

10 How are they performing this operation? (with the help of a computer)

11 What is your sister doing? (discuss an important problem)

12 What are they doing now? (hold a conference)

13 Who is developing these methods at the laboratory? (they)

14 What is she studying? (the results of the experiment)

15 What are the boys doing? (install a new program)


Exercise 5. Make up sentences from the given words.

1 station/our/at/we/are/guests/meeting/the.

2 officer/a/for/bags/looking/is/our/custom’s.

3 schools/on/first/September/pupils/are/and/colleges/there/the/of/students/and/to/ going

4 their/for/are/plans/they/tomorrow/discussing.

5 away/now/are/anywhere/going/you?

6 still/his/he/students/examining/is.

7 for/looking/still/are/them/the/police.

8 considering/question/is/this/committee/the/still?

9 recent/widely/on/the/press/the/is/President’s/commenting/statement.

10 over/they/trifles/constantly/are/arguing.

11 moment/she/with/is/her/at/living/the/daughter/married.

12 are/the/dangerous/environmental/discussing/the/problems/scientists/most.

13 blowing/is/cold/the/gloomy/is/and/day/wind.

14 really/we/busy/are/time/having/a.

15 in/are/so/we/working/exams/am/I/taking/two/hard/months.


Exercise 6. Open the brackets, put the verbs into the correct form.

How our little planet (to live) nowadays? What problems it (to face) and what problems the Earthmen (to face)? As a result of the technological progress and great needs of the peoples in minerals and water the face of the Earth (to change) day by day and not to the good.

What problems the peoples of the five continents (to discuss) now? The principle problem (to be) the classical one – War and Peace problem. The discussions on this problem (to take) place on all levels here and everywhere on our planet. State political leaders and scientists as well as common people of the five continents (to think) day and night about one and the same – “peace and war”. They (to think) over this problem inside their states and out, north and south, east and west from every point of view. This problem is exactly what we think about it – next world war may well be the end of our planet.


Exercise 7. Look at the pictures and describe them, using the expressions given in the box.

1 2 3 4 5 6


7 8 9 10 11 12


to play golf to explain a new rule to show the right way to work on computer to gather the harvest to play baseball to go to the office to install a new programme to take a cat home to rain to discuss a new project to sail



C. Stative Verbs

В английском языке существует ряд глаголов, которые не употребляются в настоящем длительном времени. Это:

1 Глаголы восприятия: see; hear; smell; taste; feel

Eg. I see a picture.


2 Глаголы, передающие мыслительную деятельность: believe; think; assume; consider; understand; suppose; expect; agree; know; remember; forget.

Eg. I believe she is a talented girl.


3 Глаголы, передающие чувства: like; love; detest; envy; hate; hope; prefer; wish; want; forgive.

Eg. I like to rest at the seaside.


4 Другие глаголы: appear (в значении «казаться»); be; belong; fit; have(в значении «иметь, обладать»); know; look (в значении «казаться»); need; require; want; weigh; wish.

Eg. He knows where Peter is.


Некоторые из этих глаголов все же могут употребляться в длительном времени, если они выражают не состояния, а деятельность. Значение глагола при этом немного изменяется.


State Action
I think she is very talented. (=I believe) The soup tastes delicious. (=It has a good flavour) He has a car. (=he possesses) I see you are in trouble. (=I understand) The rose smells nice. (=has the smell) The baby weighs 6 kilos. (=it is)   You look great! (=you appear)   Ann is very beautiful.   I love summer. (in general) I’m thinking about my trip. (=I’m considering) Why are you tasting the soup? (=you are trying its flavour) He is having supper. (=he is eating) I’m seeing my dentist tonight. (=I’m visiting) I’m smelling the rose. (=trying the smell) I’m weighing the baby. (=I’m finding out the weight) He is looking for his keys. (=He’s trying to find the keys) Ann is being very naughty these days. (=she’s behaving) I’m loving this party. (I’m enjoying, in specific)  



Exercise 1. Choose the right form of the verb.


1. I am seeing / see my lawyer on Monday.

2. This cake is tasting / tastes delicious.

3. Mary is English. She is coming / comes from England.

4. I am not knowing / don’t know how to get to the station.

5. Why are you smelling / do you smell the soup.

6. I am weighing / weigh my dog.

7. Peter is listening / listens to his teacher.

8. Jane is / is being very clever.

9. Do you enjoy / Are you enjoying big parties?

10. This girl is weighing / weighs 50 kilos.

11. I don’t look / am not looking through this magazine.

12. They come / are coming from London tonight.

13. I see / am seeing you need my help.

14. I think/ am thinking about my journey to America.

15. Tom is / is being very rude and selfish these days.


Exercise 2. Put the right form of the verb.

A Trekking Journal

April 15, 2006

Today (to be) the second day of my trek around Mount Annapurna. I (to be) exhausted and my legs (to shake); I just hope I am able to complete the trek. My feet really (to kill) me and my toes (to bleed), but I still (to want) to continue.

Nepal (to be) a fascinating country, but I have a great deal to learn. Everything (to be) so different, and I (to try) to adapt to the new way of life here. I (to learn) a little bit of the language

to make communication easier; unfortunately, I (not to understand0 much yet, I (to believe) that I gradually (to improve).

I currently (to travel) with Liam, a student from Leeds University in England. He (to be) a nice guy, but impatient. He always (to walk) ahead of me and (to complain) that I (to be) too slow. I (to do) my best to keep up with him, but he (to be) younger and stronger than I (to be). Maybe, I just (to feel) sorry for myself because I (to get) old.

Right now, Liam (to sit) with the owner of the inn. They (to discuss) the differences between life in England and life in Nepal. I (not to know) the real name of the owner, but everybody just (to call) him Tam. Tam (to speak) English very well and he (to try) to teach Liam some words in Nepali. Every time Tam (to say a new word, Liam (to try) to repeat it. Unfortunately, Liam also (to seem) to have difficulty learning foreign languages. I just hope we won’t get lost.


Exercise 3. Complete the following pairs of sentences using the verb in italics.

1 smell

Mmmm! Supper_____ good! What is it?

Why____ you____ the milk? It is not sour!

2 fit

This dress _____ me perfectly! I’m glad that I’ve bought it.

We ______ a new carpet in the sitting-room.

3 think

I ______ of emigrating.

I ______ this problem is very serious.


4 not enjoy

We ______ this party. There are too many people.

I _______ small parties.


5 have

She is in the café with her friend. They ____having lunch.

She _____ a nice dog.


6 listen

I never______ to 9 o’clock news.

He _____ to a new song on the radio.


7 look

Your hair ____ great!

What ___ you ____ looking for?


8 be

She ______very kind to me.

She ______ the best student in the group.


9 love

They _____ detective films.

They ______ this comedy.


10 feel

I _____ terrible now, as I an frightened.

I _____ that she is a nice boy.


Mixed Practice

Exercise 1. Read the dialogue.


Work in pairs. Make up similar dialogues with the professions given below.

- a mechanic - a travel agent

- an artist - a farmer

- an architect - a chef

- a journalist - an interpreter

Exercise 2. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the right tense form.

1 Every Monday Jane (to drive) her daughter to English classes.

2 Usually I (to spend) my summer holidays at home, but this summer I (to study) French at a language school in Paris. That’s why I am in Paris now.

3 Shhhhhh! Be quiet! Jake (to sleep)

4 Don’t forget to put on your mac. It (to rain) heavily.

5 You (to want) to come over for dinner tonight?

6 I am sorry, I can’t hear what you (to say) because everybody (to talk).

7 The doctor (to say) that the country air would be good for my heart.

8 I (to hate) living in Seattle because it always (to rain).

9 At the moment Justin (to write) a book about his adventures in Italy.

10 This painting (to belong) to an unknown artist who lived many centuries ago.

11 You (to happen) to know where I can buy ham, sausages and such things?

12 The author (to describe) the crater as a dark, gloomy place.

13 The policeman (to show) them the way to the station, as they (not to know) how to get there.

14 The hotel (not to take) any responsibility for the loss of personal property.

15 She always (to gossip). I (to think) she is fond of it.

16 My watch (not to keep) good time. It needs to be repaired.

17 The teacher (to explain) a new rule to the pupils and (to dictate) some examples to illustrate it.

18 Don’t interrupt me. I (to hate) it.

19 We must complete the experiment. The Professor (to insist) on it.

20 The weather (to get)colder and colder.



Task I. Complete the letter, using the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

Dear John,

The address (to be) rather a surprise, isn’t it? Yes, I (to be) actually in America. I (to live) here now. Can you imagine? I (to be) very busy going about “seeing America” that I (to have) hardly any time for writing letters. All the same, I (not to be) lazy I (to keep) a journal. I (to know) you (to find) this hard to believe, so to prove what I (to say) I (to send) the journal to you now, under separate cover. I have seen an heard so many interesting things, that I (to want0 to write them down while the impressions (to be) still fresh in my mind. I (to hope) it will interest you as well. I often (to think) about you and (to hope) we will meet soon.

Kind regards and best wishes to you,

Yours sincerely,


Task II. Complete the dialogue.

Ann: - Hello, Mum!

Mum: - hello, Ann! Where you (to call) from?

Ann: - I (to call) from the office. I (to have) lunch now, so I can speak to you. How you (to get) on?

Mum: - Oh, quite fine, thank you darling. You (to come) on Saturday?

Ann: - Of course, I am. I (to look) forward to coming home. I (to want) to see you so much!

Mum: - So do we. When your train (to arrive) in Brest?

Ann: - It (to leave) Minsk at 2 o’clock in the afternoon and (to arrive) in Brest at 6 o’clock in the evening.

Mum: - That’s good.

Ann: - Oh, Mum. Is father at home? Can I speak to him?

Mum: - You (to see), he is busy now. He (to work) in the study. I (to suppose) he (to write) a report.

Ann: - Oh. That’s OK the. See you on Saturday

Mum: - Kiss you, bye.


Task III. Open the brackets, put the verbs into the correct tense form.

1 As a rule we (not to have) a break during our English classes.

2 She (to enjoy) reading American magazines and newspapers.

3 The clerks usually 9to have) 45 minutes for lunch and then they (to go) back to work again.

4 Sometimes they (to work) together on Monday translating business letters from English into Russian.

5 Our German classes (to last) two hours.

6 They (to discuss) their plans for tomorrow.

7 I (not to interfere) people when they (to read).

8 The only thing I (to know) I am still here, I still (to work).

9 He (to make) more money than John because he (to work) harder than John.

10 Where the old woman (to live) now? She (to live) with her daughter. She usually (to live) with her for three months every year.

11 What your brother (to do) now? - He (to do) a crossword puzzle in the newspapers. He (to do) it every day.

12 He (to want) to buy a car but first he has to learn how to drive, so he (to take) driving lessons now.

13 He is a very hard worker. He often (to work) until midnight. It is midnight now and he still (to work).

14 Is Mary ready to come out? – No, she still (have) a shower.

15 He often (to read) historical novels, he (to read) a very good one now.

16 What they (to discuss)? – Music, I guess. They always (to discuss) music when they (to meet) each other.

17 Great Britain (to have) a generally mild and temperate climate.

18 The Urals (to form) the natural border between Europe and Asia.

19 Nick and Peter (to live) a long way from the office.


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