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Unit 3. The structure of the British police

Grammar. Participle I, Participle II

Text 1. Scotland Yard

Text 2. The UK Police. Logo of the Metropolitan Police Service.

Text 3. Sir Robert Peel

Text 4. Structure of the Metropolitan police

Exercise 1. Read the text.

Text 1. Scotland Yard


to employ принимать на работу
council совет
to refer to говорить о, упоминать
increasingly все больше
transfer переместить, перевести
distinct отличающийся, отличный от
borough зд. район
around the clock круглосуточно


Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the London Police created in 1829 by Sir Robert Peel. The London Police’s duties are the detection and prevention of crime, the preservation of public order, and the organization of civil defense.

The administrative head of Scotland Yard is the commissioner, who is appointed by the crown on the recommendation of the home secretary. Scotland Yard has four main departments (administration, traffic and transport, criminal investigation, and police recruitment and training) and many sections.

The Criminal Investigation Department (the C.I.D.) deals with all aspects of criminal investigation and comprises the criminal record office, fingerprint and photography sections, a mobile police unit known as the flying squad, the police laboratory, and the detective training school.

Scotland Yard keeps extensive files on all known criminals in the United Kingdom. It also has a special branch of police for protecting very important persons (VIPs). Finally, Scotland Yard is responsible for maintaining links between British police agencies and Interpol.


Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

1) What is the headquarters of the London Police? 2) What are the police duties? 3) Is the head of Scotland Yard the commissioner or the home secretary? 4) Who appoints the head of Scotland Yard? 5) What departments does Scotland Yard have? 6) What does the C.I.D. deal with? 7) What sections does the C.I.D. comprise? 8) Does Scotland Yard keep files on all criminals in the world? 9) Who protects very important persons visiting the country? 10) With what international organization does Scotland Yard maintain links?

Exercise 3. Translate the words and word combinations into Russian.

to employ, council, excluding, to refer to, headquarters, increasingly, transfer, community support, traffic warden, distinct, borough, around the clock, force.

Exercise 4. Group the words into nouns, adjectives and verbs.

to employ, a criminal, police, independent, a suspect, enforcement, headquarters, public, to transfer, evidence, safety, former, to reveal, to prevent, enforcement, to interrogate, law, distinct, civil, a division, a constable, to protect, various.

Exercise 5. Study the following words and word combinations:

to enforce 1) принуждать, заставлять, обязывать 2) а) проводить в жизнь; придавать законную силу б) осуществлять, приводить в исполнение enforcement 1) давление, принуждение 2) а) наблюдение за проведением в жизнь (закона) б) принудительное применение (права, закона); правоприменение; принудительное проведение в жизнь; принуждение к выполнению требований judicial enforcement судебное, судейское правоприменение legal enforcement принуждение в соответствии с законом, законное принуждение law enforcement правоприменение, полицейская деятельность


Exercise 6. Translate these sentences into Russian.

1. The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws, such as those banning sales of cigarettes to children. 2. There is a law against dropping litter but it is rarely enforced. 3. Somebody figured it out – we have 35 million laws trying to enforce Ten Commandments. 4. What you cannot enforce, do not command. 5. I ask all Americans to respect and support our law enforcement officers. 6. Stricter border enforcement will help combat illegal drugs.


Exercise 7. Read the following derivative words.

'crime [kraim] (преступление) – 'crimin al – 'criminal ist – crimi'nali ty;

to de'tect [di'tekt] (обнаруживать) – de'tect ive – de'tec tion;

to pre'serve [pri'zə: v] (сохранять) – pre'servat ive – preser'va tion;

to train [trein] (учить; тренировать) – 'train er – 'train ing;

to pre'vent [pri'vent] (предупреждать) – pre'vent ive – pre'ven tion;


Exercise 8. Complete the sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. Scotland Yard is the ____ of the London Police created in 1829. 2. The head of Scotland Yard is ____. 3. Scotland Yard has four ____. 4. The Criminal Investigation Department deals with ____. 5. Scotland Yard maintains links ____.


Exercise 9. Decide if the sentence is true or false. Correct the mistakes.

1. Scotland Yard was created in 1829 by Sir Robert Peel. 2. The Home Secretary recommends the commissioner of Scotland Yard. 3. Scotland Yard has one main department and many sections. 4. Scotland Yard has files on all known criminals in the world. 5. A special branch of police protects very important persons (VIPs).

Exercise 10. Translate the sentences into Russian using the examples.


а) Example: Scotland Yard is ___. Скотланд-Ярд явля ет ся ___.

1. Скотланд-Ярд явля ет ся главным управлением полиции в Лондоне. 2. Главой Скотланд-Ярда явля ет ся комиссар. 3. Его обязанностью явля ет ся управление полицией. 4. Обязанностью полиции явля ет ся сохранение общественного порядка.


б) Example: The duties of the police are ___. В обязанности полиции вход ят ___.

1. В обязанности полиции вход ят обнаружение и предотвращение преступлений. 2. В обязанности полиции вход ят сохранение общественного порядка и организация гражданской обороны. 3. В обязанности Скотланд-Ярда вход ят уголовное расследование и дорожно-транспортные вопросы. 4. В обязанности Скотланд-Ярда вход ят защита важных персон и поддержка связей с Интерполом.


в) Example: The Crown appoint s ___. Королева назнача ет ____.

1. Королева назнача ет главу Скотланд-Ярда. 2. Скотланд-Ярд хран ит файлы на известных преступников. 3. Отдел уголовного розыска занима ет ся всеми аспектами уголовного расследования. 4. Скотланд-Ярд поддержива ет связи с Интерполом.


г) Example: Scotland Yard has ___. В Скотланд-Ярде есть ___.

1. В Скотланд-Ярде есть четыре главных отдела. 2. В Скотланд-Ярде есть административный и дорожно-транспортный отделы. 3. Скотланд-Ярд имеет отдел уголовного розыска и отдел по набору и подготовке сотрудников полиции. 4. В отделе уголовного розыска есть архив по уголовным делам, отделение дактилоскопии и отряд быстрого реагирования.

Exercise 11. Read and discuss the text below.

Text 2. The UK Police

Logo of the Metropolitan Police Service


the Metropolitan Police Столичная полиция
Criminal Investigation Department отдел уголовного розыска
responsible ответственный
law enforcement Правоохранительная деятельность
Civilian staff гражданский персонал
Police Community Support Officers общественная поддержка
traffic wardens Инспектор дорожного движения
the Commissioner of Police Комиссар полиции

There are 52 police services, or police authorities in the United Kingdom. Each police service is employed and paid by their local governments or councils. The police services are completely independent of one another, and have their own policies, but they are always ready to go to each other’s help. Each force has its Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is the territorial police force responsible for law enforcement within Greater London, excluding the City of London which is the responsibility of the City of London Police. A number of informal names and abbreviations exist for the Metropolitan Police, such as «the Met» and «MPS».

MPS employees consist of uniformed police officers, Special Constables, Civilian staff and Police Community Support Officers. The MPS was the first force to introduce these. Uniformed traffic wardens, who wear a uniform with yellow and black markings, are a distinct body from local authority civil enforcement officers. The former have greater powers that include being able to stop vehicles and redirect traffic at an incident. The heads of police forces are Chief Constables while the Metropolitan Police is headed by the Commissioner of Police. The lowest police rank in the British police is a constable.

The Metropolitan Police is not controlled by the local authority. It is responsible to the Home Secretary, and its chief officers are appointed by the central government.

Besides the regular police forces there are various police forces which protect the security of territories and properties of different public authorities. They include the British Transport Police, Civil Aviation Police, Manchester Dock Police and some others.


Exercise 12. Read the sentences from the text. Decide whether each sentence is true, false or not stated in the given text.

This sentence is

- true; - false; - not stated.

The UK Police include 52 police services.

This sentence is

- true; - false; - not stated.

The police services are dependent of one another.

This sentence is

- true; - false; - not stated.

Each force has its Criminal Investigation Department.

This sentence is

- true; - false; - not stated.

MPS employees consist of uniformed police officers, Civilian staff and Police Community Support Officers.

This sentence is

- true; - false; - not stated.

The heads of police forces are the Commissioner of Police while the Metropolitan Police is headed by the Chief Constables.

This sentence is

- true; - false; - not stated.

The Metropolitan Police is not controlled by the Prime Minister.

Exercise 13. Complete the sentences.

1. The head of the Metropolitan Police is ___. 2. The heads of other police services are ___. 3. The lowest police rank in the British police is ___. 4. Constables have no right to have ____. 5. Besides the regular police forces there are various police services which protect ____. 6. These services include ___ Transport Police, Civil ___ Police, Manchester _____ Police and many others.


Exercise 14. Answer the questions.

1. How many police services are there in the UK? 2. Who provides payments to all these police services? 3. Are police services interdependent? 4. Are they usually cooperating? 5. What is the London police force called? 6. Is it controlled by the local authority?


Exercise 15. Complete the text with the words in the table, translate it.

to create to comprise co control to divide to divide to include

1. The Metropolitan Police Force ____ 1829 by an Act of Parliament. 2. It is the largest Police Force in Britain, policing an area of 742 square miles of Greater London. 3. The Force ___ by the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis under the general directions of the Home Secretary. 4. The Metropolitan Police District ____ into four Districts. Each District_____ five or six Divisions. 5. The twenty three Divisions_____ into sub-Divisions, and a sub-Division is split into sectional police stations under the control of a Station Officer, who is usually a Sergeant. 6. The main goals of policing __ the prevention of crime and disorder, the preservation of the peace, the apprehension of offenders, the recovery of lost and fallen, and the protection of life, property, and personal liberties.


Exercise 16. Read, translate and discuss the text.

Text 3. Sir Robert Peel


the Royal Irish Constabulary Ирландская Королевская Полиция
handcuffs наручники
Royal Navy Королевский Флот
approval одобрение
to diminish уменьшать
persuasion убеждение


Robert Peel introduced the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829 and set up an organized police force for London, with 17 divisions, each with 4 inspectors and 144 constables. Sir Robert Peel had already established the Royal Irish Constabulary in 1 812.

They became known as 'Peelers' and 'Bobbies' after their founder, and wore a dark blue long coat and a tall hat, a pair of handcuffs and a wooden rattle to raise the alarm. By the 1880s this rattle was replaced by a whistle. Blue was chosen because it was the colour of the popular Royal Navy. The only weapon was a truncheon.


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