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Проект «Восьмое чудо света» Дисциплина: иностранный язык (английский)
Волгодонск 2012
Цель: организация речевого взаимодействия по проблеме урока; дальнейшее формирование умений и навыков общения на английском языке. Тип проекта: информационный (сбор информации, анализ и обобщение полученных данных, информирование участников проекта о полученных сведениях). Проект создан на основе Рабочей Программы по курсу Английский язык. ЗАНЯТИЕ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ НА 2 КУРСЕ ТЕМА ЗАНЯТИЯ « THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD» Тема урока: The Eighth Wonder of the World Тип урока: комбинированный урок - ролевая игра; презентация и защита проекта Данный урок является завершающим и обобщающим по теме The Eighth Wonder of the World Когнитивно-познавательные цели: занятие ориентировано на развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи, навыков аудирования, чтения, перевода Урок преследует комплексные цели: обучение познавательной деятельности с использованием английского языка, расширение кругозора студентов, развитие междисциплинарных связей и компетенций, углубление знаний по другим дисциплинам (истории, культурологии) Общеобразовательные цели: страноведческие цели (сбор и анализ информации о чудесах света, памятниках истории и культуры), поиск и отбор информации в дополнительных материалах и источниках Воспитательные цели урока: изучение культуры стран изучаемого языка, воспитание патриотизма и толерантности к другим культурам, развитие чувства прекрасного Формы организации работы студентов: фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая Использование ТСО и наглядных материалов: карта мира, медиапроектор, компьютер
Проблемные вопросы: 1. When was a list of seven wonders of the ancient world written? 2. Who wrote this list? 3. What wonder of the ancient world survived? 4. What is called the eighth wonder of the world? 5. What is Borobudur? 6. Where and when was it found? 7. Can you name other famous wonders of the world?
Деятельность студентов: В начале работы над проектом обсудить актуальность данной темы и когнитивные, нравственные и аффективные аспекты проекта. Эпиграфом проекта и обобщающего урока можно взять слова английского философа Френсиса Бэкона «Вселенную нельзя низводить до уровня человеческого разумения, но следует расширять и развивать человеческое разумение, дабы воспринимать образ вселенной по мере её открытия». Отметить, что выражение «чудо света» всегда означает нечто необычное, уникальное, единственное и неповторимое. Из семи замечательных строений древнего мира до наших времён дошла лишь пирамида Хеопса. ЮНЕСКО – Организация объединённых наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры – с 1972 года учредила список, который ежегодно пересматривается. В него вошли объекты всемирного наследия человечества, достойные сохранения для потомков. В список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО входит более 900 объектов «культурного наследия», и он ежегодно пополняется. В древние времена только историки пользовались привилегий объявить о чудесах света, сегодня публикуются результаты различных массовых опросов, на основе которых классифицируются чудеса света, среди которых - архитектурные, природные, туристические памятники, есть даже современные семь чудес света, и на пятом месте Интернет - неоспоримое изобретение человечества. Сколько чудесных уголков, памятников природы и истории и других волшебных мест скрывает наша планета? Предлагается составить список наиболее известных чудес света: - Семъ чудес древнего мира (Висячие сады, Статуя Зевса, Храм Артемиды, Мавзолей, Колосс Родоса, Александрийский маяк Фароса, Пирамида Хеопса); - Боробудур; - Великая Китайская стена, - Мачу Пикчу - Тадж Махал, - Римский Коллизей, - Чичен Итца - Памятник Иисусу Христу в Рио-де Жанейро - Город Петра В заключение отметить, что урок поможет по-новому взглянуть на мир, в котором мы живём, совершить настоящее кругосветное путешествие, побывать во многих уголках Земли и увидеть необыкновенные, прекрасные места, хранящие свои древние тайны стены, храмы и целые города, узнать много нового о дальних странах и людях, которые их населяют. Студенты выбирают привлекающие их аспекты, ищут информацию на данную тему и создают презентацию в Power Point, которую озвучат на заключительном занятии.
План занятия Вступительное слово преподавателя: You have just heard the song from the movie " Sannikov Land". What, according to the authors of this musical work is the link between past and future? (Students will answer that this is a moment of life). We'll study the history of the ancient world - a distant era of the past, which is linked to our life and future. And what's the connection? Minutes, days, weeks, months, years, centuries pass by succession, but the past is forever in cases, performance, human memory... People were creating thousands years ago, and not only for economic, practical life, but also worked for the soul. We can learn much about the great masterpieces of art. Today in class we will try together to find an answer to the question “ What is a wonder? ” The theme of our lesson is " The Eighth Wonder of the World". Today we are going to talk about wonders of the world and we'll learn a lot of interesting facts.
Phonetic drills. Now look at the blackboard, let's revise the words which help us to name things around us: The Egyptian pyramids, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Halicarnassus Mausoleum, Statue of Zeus, Temple of Artemis, Colossus of Rhodes, Faroese Lighthouse.
Warming up Teacher – What is the role of wonders in our life? Student 1 – Wonders help us to learn more. Student 2 – Wonders help us to expand our horizons. Student 3 – Wonders help us to acquaint with the culture of different peoples, of different countries. Student 4 – Wonders help us to deepen our knowledge in other subjects, including history and culturology. Student 5 – Wonders help us to form emotional and sensory perception of world history and culture. Student 6 – Wonders help us to know the world's architectural masterpieces. Student 7 – Wonders help us to develop sense of beauty. Student 8 – Wonders help us to be tolerant towards other cultures. I. The Seven Wonders of the World
Teacher: Now I would like to see how you know the history of the ancient world. In ancient times the Greeks and Romans called the most remarkable creations of man - seven wonders of the world. We are going to speak on them as part of the culture of the ancient world. What are they? Students: They include: The Egyptian pyramids, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Halicarnassus Mausoleum, Statue of Zeus, Temple of Artemis, Colossus of Rhodes, Faroese Lighthouse.
Task 1. Match the name of the miracle with its creation time and location in groups and write down your answers on the sheets of paper. (2 min.)
Creation time: a) 260 B.C, b) 3-d century B.C., c) 356 B.C., d) 2720 B.C., e) the 6th century B.C., f)466-456, g), Location: a) Babylon, b) Olimpia in Greece, c) Ephesus in Asia Minor, d) Alexandria, e) Asia Minor, f) Egypt, g) Greece
Students read (or listen to) the text: Task 2. Give a brief description of the wonders of the world, and illustration. Group 1 Egyptian Pyramids Group 2 Hanging Gardens Group 3 Mausoleum Group 4 Statue of Zeus Group 5 the Temple of Artemis Group 6 Rhodes Colossus Group 7 Lighthouse of Alexandria
Task 3. What do you know about the Great Pyramid of Giza? Listen to the text. Try to guess and choose the correct variant from the list. Task 4. Answer the following questions: 1. Can we call the historical sources of the " Seven Wonders of the World" - architectural and sculptural monuments of the ancient art? 2. Why is cultural heritage an important link between epochs? 3. What creation of the ancient world known as The Seven Wonders of the World survived?
Students can answer: 1. All the seven wonders of the world are monuments of the ancient art, we can call them historical sources. 2. Works of art, cultural heritage – an important link between the eras, generations, and people. Art can pass on to future generations not only material but also spiritual values. 3.Of the seven creations of the ancient world known as the “Seven Wonders of the World" only the pyramids have survived.
Teacher: It was a very difficult task to create wonders of the world. It took a lot of time and energy. It took a lot of efforts and lives. However, early people managed to do it. 1. How did they manage to do it? 2. What helped them? 3. What could they use for building?
Students: St.1: Early people did not have cranes and lorries. St.2: Early people had rafts and sledges. St.3: Early people couldn't use diggers. St.4: Early people could use ropes. St.5: Early people didn't have lorries and cranes but they could use camels and horses.
Task 1 Recently more than 100mln. people worldwide voted to name the new seven wonders of the world. Many people took part in a global decision. Let's speak about them. Do you know these places? THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA, TAJ MAHAL, THE ROMAN COLOSSEUM, THE CITY OF PETRA, CHRIST THE REDEEMER, CHICHEN ITZA, MACHU PICCHU
And who can tell us about these places?
CHRIST THE REDEEMER Christ the Redeemer is a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is 39.6 metres tall, weighs 700 tons and stands on top of a mountain overlooking the city. A symbol of Christianity, the statue has become an icon of Rio and Brazil. Christ the Redeemer was designed by Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa and sculpted by Paul Landowski a French monument sculptor of Polis origin. Construction began in 1921 and ended in 1931. Why is it a Wonder? The statue's open arms are a symbol of both weIcome and protection, a gigantic statement of love and faith.
MACHU PICCHU Machu Picchu is an Inca city high in the Andes Mountains of Peru. The Spanish conquistadors destroyed other Inca cities, but never found Machu Picchu. It was only discovered in 1911. Machu Picchu was built more than 500 years ago. It is said that the Inca ruler Pachacuti covered the buildings in the city with gold. About 750 people lived there and used the city for astrological and religious ceremonies. The most important buildings in the city are the Temple of the Sun and the Room of the Three Windows. Why is it a Wonder? Machu Picchu is a place of magic and mystery: a hidden city in the clouds. And the last evidence of a long-gone empire.
THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA The Great Wall of China is the largest man-made structure in the world. It stretches across the mountains and deserts of China for thousands of kilometers and can be seen from space! The Great Wall is actually a series of walls. The first one was built 2, 000 years ago to protect the northern borders of China from the Mongol invaders. It was then built and rebuilt and extended until the 17th century, making it the longest building job ever! Millions of people worked on the Great Wall over the centuries. They were not paid for their work and were fed only enough food to keep them alive. Countless workers lost their lives in the process and many of them were buried in the Wall. There is an old Chinese saying: 'Each stone in the wall represents a life lost in the wall's construction. ' No one knows for sure how long the Great Wall of China is, but it's probably about 6, 400 km long. In 2007, researchers set out to measure the Great Wall and to study its route. The project will take four years. Why is it a Wonder? It's the largest man-made monument ever created.
TAJ MAHAL The Taj Mahal at Agra is India's most famous building. It was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in 1630 in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. She died giving birth to their fourteenth child, and her last wish was to be buried in a tomb 'such as the world had never seen before. 20, 000 men worked on the Taj Mahal, creating a beautiful, white marble building which gleamed in the sunlight and was reflected in the waters of the pool. Sadly, Shah Jahan became ill in 1657, and this caused a war between his four sons. The third son killed his rivals, took the throne and put his father in prison. However, when Shah Jahan died, his son allowed him to be buried at the Taj Mahal with his wife. Why is it a Wonder? The Taj Mahal is not only a beautiful building, but it's also a symbol of one man's undying love.
THE ROMAN COLOSSEUM The Roman Colosseum was built between 70 and 72 AD and was in use for 500 years before it was damaged by an earthquake. It still stands as one of the greatest buildings of ancient Rome. The name 'Colosseum' came from a colossal statue of Emperor Nero that stood nearby for many years. This open-air theatre and sports arena could seat 50, 000 people who watched gladiator fights, executions and other spectacles. Gladiator The fights were a popular form of entertainment in ancient Rome. Gladiators were specially trained people - slaves, criminals, prisoners of war - who fought each other (as well as wild animals) to death, while blood-thirsty crowds cheered them on. Why is it a Wonder? The Colosseum is a masterpiece of ancient Roman architecture. Besides, almost every sports stadium today is based on its design.
THE CITY OF PETRA The city of Petra was hidden in the mountains of Jordan for thousands of years when a young Swiss explorer Johan Ludwig Burckhardt rediscovered it in 1812. You have probably seen Petra's Alkazneh ('The Treasury') in the last scenes of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. It's only part of the lost city of Petra, one of the earliest known civilizations in the Middle East. Temples, tombs, and other buildings in Petra are all carved into the sandstone cliffs. A poet described it as " a rose-red city half as old as time". Petra fell into ruin in the 7th century and was unknown to Europeans until the 19th century. Why is it a Wonder? Petra is an example of beauty combined with creative engineering.
CHICHEN ITZA The city had pyramid-shaped temples and palaces, large squares, markets, baths and an astronomical observatory. Although all the buildings of Chichen Itza are now a natural stone colour, most were probably painted - some a bright red - and decorated with carvings and murals. Why is it a Wonder? Chichen Itza is a monument to a civilization which has completely and mysteriously disappeared. The Egyptians were not the only people who built pyramids. The Maya built them too. Although scientists know little about the Maya (they had no written language), it is believed that the construction of Chichen Itza began around the 7th century and continued for about 200 years. And who can tell us about these wonders?
Task 2. What places are these wonders connected with: THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA TAJ MAHAL MACHU PICCHU CHICHEN ITZA THE CITY OF PETRA THE ROMAN COLOSSEUM CHRIST THE REDEEMER PERU BRAZIL INDIA CHINA ITALY MEXICO JORDAN Dear students! Have a look at the photos again. Can you name these places?
IV. Подведение итогов. В конце занятия можно предложить изображения достопримечательностей (или просто названия), которые только что посетили туристы из разных стран. Задача студентов вспомнить как можно больше название известных мест и истории, связанной с тем или иным местом. Завершается диалог вопросами типа:
I think you‘ve learned a lot of interesting about Wonders of the world at the lesson. I want to thank you for active work, creativity, ability to work in a team. I wish for you: try to see in the usual - a wonder, wonderful to hear, to see, to do and do not be afraid of studying new world. You will find that our life is a wonder and a miracle. Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye!
References: 1.The magazine " Speak out". -2001, № 3. 2. A. Artamonov, SD Literature of the Ancient World. - M., 2003. 3. Chizolm D., Miles, L., Reid S. Ancient Greece. Encyclopedia for students. - M., 2001. 4. I perceive the world: Encyclopedia: A History. - M., 1996 5. Янош Л. Все чудеса света: Самые красивые и загадочные места на планете. – М.: Изд. Группа «Контент». – 2011. - 165 с. Internetresursy: www.foto.obnovlenie.ru. www.7wonders.worldstreasure.com. http: //7chydessveta.com/hramartemidi.html http: //chydessveta.libfree.ru/articles/category/20/message/28/ http: //www.domcity.ru/ancient/ http: //miraclesworld.narod.ru/ http: //chudo-7.narod.ru/ http: //www.7miracle.info/ http: //www.vokrugsveta.com/S4/proshloe/7chudes.htm http: //use.narod.ru/chudo.htm http: //www.youtube.com/embed/0qEzt1gF6PI Electronic Encyclopedia of the " Seven Wonders of the Ancient World"
Приложения New 7 Wonders Foundation In 2001 an initiative was started by the Swiss corporation New 7 Wonders Foundation to choose the New 7 Wonders of the World from a selection of 200 existing monuments. Twenty-one finalists were announced January 1, 2006. The results were announced on July 7, 2007, in Lisbon, Portugal
Проект «Восьмое чудо света» Дисциплина: иностранный язык (английский)
Волгодонск 2012
Цель: организация речевого взаимодействия по проблеме урока; дальнейшее формирование умений и навыков общения на английском языке. Тип проекта: информационный (сбор информации, анализ и обобщение полученных данных, информирование участников проекта о полученных сведениях). Проект создан на основе Рабочей Программы по курсу Английский язык. ЗАНЯТИЕ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ НА 2 КУРСЕ |
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