Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии



Materials: test tubes, supports, reactants and raw materials

Now special relevance is acquired by questions of improvement of vitamin security of the population. Inadequate security of an organism with vitamins reduces working capacity and resilience to diseases, aggravates negative impact on an organism of harmful environmental conditions that in general leads to big economic losses.


Experience No. 1. Vitamin A detection by reaction with sulfuric acid

Vitamin A is necessary for perception of light in the course of sight, maintenance and development in a healthy condition of mucous membranes of respiratory organs, digestive tract, secretory, reproductive and genitals, and also immune system. Vitamin A contains only in animal products: liver of cattle, egg yolk, dairy products. Cod-liver oil is especially rich with this vitamin. Vegetable products (tomatoes, carrots, pepper, etc.) contain the carotinoids which are pro-vitamins A.

Experiment technique. In a dry test tube to mix 1 drop of cod-liver oil with 5 drops of chloroform, to add 1 drop the concentrated chamois of acid - mix in the presence of vitamin A is painted in red-brown color.



Experience No. 2. D3anilinovoy vitamin detection breakdown

D3 vitamin participates in exchange of ions of calcium, phosphates. The greatest number of D3 vitamin in butter, a yolk of eggs, cod-liver oil.

Experiment technique. In a dry test tube to mix 1 drop of cod-liver oil with 5 drops of chloroform, to add 1 drop of an aniline reactant (the 15th chaskty aniline and 1 part of the concentrated hydrochloric acid) - the formed emulsion when heating gains red color that demonstrates vitamin D availability.




Experience No. 3. Vitamin detection by Ereaktion with nitric acid

In relation to nonsaturated lipids of a tokoferola inhibitors of process of their oxidation and defining their resistance to the damaging action of peroksidny oxidation. Vitamin E sources – vegetable oils, salad, cabbage, seeds of cereals, butter, an egg yolk.

Experiment technique. In a dry test tube to mix 5 drops of spirit solution of vitamin E and 10 drops of the concentrated nitric acid - solution is painted in red color owing to oxidation of  tocopherol to the painted products of a hinoidny row.




Experience No. 4. B1 vitamin detection by dinitriding reaction sulfanilovy acid

B1 vitamin (thiamine) uchastut in exchange of carbohydrates and reactions of power exchange in nervous system and muscular tissue. B1 vitamin is widespread in products of plant origin (a cover of seeds of grain cereals and rice. peas, haricot, soy, etc.), are formed in a liver, kidneys, a cardiac muscle.

Experiment technique. Bring in a test tube on 5 drops 1% of solution of sulfanilovy acid and 5% of solution of nitrate sodium (diazoreactant), to add several kristallik of thiamine and on a wall of the inclined test tube carefully to add 5-7 drops of 10% of solution of bicarbonate of sodium - on border of liquids the orange ring appears.



Experience No. 5. Quantitative definition of vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) supports blood vessels, skin and a bone tissue in a healthy state. Stimulates protective forces of an organism, strengthens immune system, promotes neutralization and removal of alien substances and poisons, improves iron digestion. Vitamin C sources - fresh vegetables, fruit, greens. Quantitative definition of ascorbic acid is based on its ability to be oxidized in degidroaskorbinovy acid 2, 6 - dikhlorfenolindofenoly with recovery of the last in leykosoyedineiy.

The technique eksperimenta.0, 1 or 1 g of needles to pound of a dogrose in a mortar from 9, 9 ml (9 ml in a case with needles) 2% of solution of hydrochloric acid and a pinch of quartz sand. Filter contents and for the analysis to take 3 ml of a filtrate in a conic flask. Titrovat 0, 001 N solution of sodium salt of a 2, 6-dikhlorfenolindofenol before emergence of poorly rokzovy coloring which isn't disappearing during 30 pages.



С(%)= , where


A-number of ml of 0, 001 N of solution of sodium salt of a 2, 6-dikhlorfenolindofenol,

0, 088 – stoichiometric koeffitsit; 10 – total of a water extension from a hinge plate; 100 – recalculation coefficient in %; 3 – amount of the studied liquid taken on titration; In – a hinge plate of a dogrose (needles) in mg.



Experience No. 6. The restoring properties of ascorbic acid

The Askorbiknovy acid which is contained in many vegetable and animal fabrics has oxidation-reduction properties.

Experiment technique. To add 2 drops of 0, 01% of solution of a methylene blue and 2 drops of 3% of solution of carbonic sodium to 1 ml of svezheotzhaty potato or cabbage juice (a source of ascorbic acid). Warm up and watch a test tube change of coloring of a methylene blue.



The list of the recommend literature:

  1. Нечаев А.П., Кочеткова А.А., Зайцев А.Н. Пищевые добавки.-М.: Колос – Пресс. 2002.- 256с.: ил.- (Учебники и учеб. Пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений).
  2. Нечаев А.П., Смирнов Е.В. Пищевые ароматизаторы//Пищевые ингредиенты (сырье и добавки).-1999. - №1. – С. 4-7.
  3. Орещенко А.В., Берестень А.Ф. О пищевых добавках и продуктах питания // пищевая промышленность.-1996.- № 6. –С. 4.
  4. Поздняковский В.М. Гигиенические основы питания и экспертизы продовольственных товаров.-Новосибирск: Издательсвто Новосибирского университета, 1996. -431 с.
  5. ЖушманА.И., Карпов В.Г., Лукин Н.Д. Модифицированные крахмалы как эффективные добавки// Пищевая промышленность.- 1996.-№ 6.- С.8.
  6. Нечаев А.П. Пищевые ингредиенты// Пищевые ингредиенты (сырье и добавки). -1999. -№ 1.- С. 4-7.
  7. Сарафанова Л.А., Кострова И.Е. Применение пищевых добавок. – Спб: Гиорд, 1997. – 46с.
  8. Пищевые ароматизаторы и красители / Е.В. Смирнов, Г.К. Викторова, Н.М. Метелкина и др. // Пищевая промышленость. – 1996. - № 6. - С. 8.
  9. Ю.Ю.Гичев, Ю.П.Гичев Руководство по биологичесмки активным пищевым добавкам.- Москва: Издательство «Триада-Х», 2001.- С. 216.
  10. Введение в технологии продуктов питания. Лабораторный практикум/ Г.М.Мелькина, О.М. Аношина, Л.А. Сапронова и др.- М.: КолосС, 2007. -248 с.: ил. – (Учебники и учебн. пособия для студентов высш. учеб.заведений).
  11. Технология и организация производтсва хлебобулочных изделий: учебник для студ.средпроф.образования/ Т.Б. Цыганова. – 2-е изд., испр.-М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2008.- 448с.
  12. Применение пищевых добавок в кондитерской промышленности/ Л.А. Сарафанова.- СПб.: «Профессия», 2007.- 304 с.: ил.
  13. Булдаков А. Пищевые добавки.- СПб.: «Vt», 1996.-240с.





Methodical instructions to perform laboratory classes in discipline «Food and Biologically Active Additives » are intended for the students of specialty 050727 «Technology of food products».


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