Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии



IWS №1:

Task 1. Introduction

1. State regulation of accounting

2. The Law on accounting and financial reporting.

3. Methods of accounting


Task 2. Accounting of funds

1. Quality of accounting information.

2. Basic principles of the financial statements in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. Disclosure statement of cash flows.


Task 3. Accounting, auditing and reporting short and long-term receivables

1. Account settlements with buyers and customers

2.Bills receivable

3.Records of other receivables

4. Accounting for provisions for doubtful requirements


IWS №2:

Task 1. Accounting Company reserves

1. Cost price commodity - material stocks.

2. Valuing commodity - material stocks.

3.Composition and classification of expenses included in the cost of production (IAS №2)


Task 2. Accounting of fixed assets

1. Valuation of fixed assets.

2. Accrual depreciation.

3. Statement of changes in assets


Task 3. Accounting of intangible assets

1.Analitics of intangible assets

2.Taxation of intangible assets

3.Revaluation of intangible assets

4. Inventory of ntangible assets


IWS №3:

Task 1 Accounting current liabilities

1.Records of payments to suppliers and contractors

2. Records of settlement of prepayments

3. Documentation accounting and wages


Task 2. Accounting-current liabilities

1. Accounting and reporting of tax liabilities

2. Accounting for long-term payables


Task 3. Revenue and expenses

1. Cost accounting period

2. Assessment and recognition of income.

3. Revenue from services.

4. The procedure for the formation of a provision for doubtful requirements.


IWS №4:

Task 1. Accounting of capital and reserves in joint stock companies

1.Records of unpaid capital

2.Records of issued capital

3. Records of reserve capital

Task 2. The financial statements of the organization


Task 2. The financial statements of the organization

1. Accounting policy and its disclosure.

2.Structure and content of financial statements.

3. Balance sheet, its structure and content.





1. Economic integration and trade

2. Economic integration and business

3. Business and Entrepreneurship

4. Pricing

5. Advertising and types of advertising

6. Promotion of goods and Logistics

7. Distribution and types Outlet

8. Types of financial transactions

9. Types of banks. Banking system

10. Taxation

11. International Trade Policy

12. European monetary policy

13. The International Monetary Fund

14. The World Trade Organization

15. Corporate Finance: Securities

16. Shares, Bonds

17. The World Monetary System

18. International export and import operations

19. Payments balance

20. International financial institutions

21. Payments balance. Trade balance

22. The international currency transactions.

23. Unemployment. Types of unemployment.

24. Foreign Direct Investment

25. International trade organizations.

26. International trade.

27. International Transactions and Payments

28. Different strategies of business expansion

29. Transnational corporations

30. What date is the beginning of the common term " accountant" and " accounting"?

31. In what year was approved by the coat of arms of accountants?

32. What do the subjects depicted on the emblem?

33. What was the result of the emergence of money?

34. Where and when the first coin?

35. What is the circulation of money there in the world?

36. What types of deposits.

37. What is meant by the public revenue?

38. What is called income? When there are profits?

39. What is the source of government revenue

40. What is the balance?

41. Give the definition of surplus.

42. What level of deficit is considered acceptable?

43. What is the object of purchase - sale in the financial market?

44. What is the entrepreneurial idea?

45. Classification of assets: short-term and long-term assets

46. Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

47. Recognition and classification of receivables

48. Consideration receivable from buyers and customers

49. Describe the process of stock assessment

50. Disposal of assets

51. Describe the basic concepts of accounting

52. Expand the basic principles of accounting

53. List the users of accounting information

54. The quality of accounting information

55. Think of the main provisions of the Law " On Accounting and Financial Reporting"

56. The principles of the financial statements in the Republic of Kazakhstan

57. What is the purpose of the financial statements acts

58. Describe the accounting procedures of finished products, goods and work in progress

59. List the criteria for the recognition of fixed assets

60. What are the basic elements of financial statements

61. Describe procedure for evaluation of fixed assets

62. The recognition of intangible assets

63. Impairment of assets, the definition and characteristics

64. Definition and classification of liabilities

65. Financial liabilities: bank and other loans, dividends and earnings of participants

66. Impairment of assets, the definition and characteristics

67. Definition and classification of liabilities

68. Financial liabilities: bank and other loans, dividends and earnings of participants

69. The procedure for the formation of a provision for doubtful requirements

70. Accounting and reporting of fixed assets

71. Consideration payable

72. Accounting for short-term debt on wages

73. Remember the basic revenue recognition criteria

74. How is the cost of inventories - inventories

75. ​ ​ Evaluation procedure inventory - inventory

76. Classification and measurement of financial investments

77. Valuation of financial investments

78. Accounting for transactions in foreign currency

79. Consideration of the authorized capital

80. What are the elements included in the financial statements

81. Accounting for the organization of reserves: reserve capital, revaluation reserves

82. Retained earnings of the reporting and the previous period

83. The structure and content of financial statements

84. The balance sheet, its structure and contents

85. Accounting for short-term receivables

86. Accounting for long-term receivables

87. Accounting for short-term payables

88. Accounting ledgers

89. The nature and value of the audit. Its origin and development

90. The nature and content of financial statements




Main references:

1. Avanesyan Zh. G. English for economists. - Moscow, 2011.-312 page

2. Minbayeva S. M. Workshop on the scientific style of speech. Textbook for high economic profile. - Almaty: Economics, 2008. - 670 p.

3. Nassyrova M. R. Modern economic Russian-Kazakh Vocabulary-directory. - Almaty, 2013. - 352 p.

4. Baydybekova S.K., Turysbekova R.K., Adamоv A.A.,

5. Baydybekova S.K., Turysbekova R.K., Adamоv A.A., Gadzhiev F.A., Nurbekova A.G. THE TERMS GLOSSARY OF THE COURSE «AUDIT»

6. Abzhanova T. A., Abzhanov R. S. Workshop on the culture of verbal communication. - Almaty, 2011. - 351 p.

7. Kanyamon Wittayapoom. New Product Development, Accounting Information, and Internal Audits: A Proposed Integrative Framework. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 148, 25 August 2014, Pages 307-314

8. Botavina R.N.: Ethics of business relations. - M.: 2012.

9. Vagapova D.H Rhetoric in intellectual games and trainings. M.: 2009.

10. Kuzin F. A The culture of business communication: A practical guide for business. - M.: 2010

11. Kostomarov V.G Culture of Speech and styles. - M.: 2011

12. Suleimen R. Toksanbay great economic Russian-Kazakh Vocabulary. - Almaty, 2010


Additional references:

1. Komarovskaya S. D World economy. - Moscow. - 2007, -343 p.

2. Mohr, Boudewijn. The Language of International Trade in English. - Prentice Hall Regents, 2008. - 115 p.

3. Zhavoronkova I. A. Methodical instructions to practical classes in English on the theme " Business Ethics. Business job. " Part 2. M.: Publishing House of the CEA 2013

4. Fedotov S. A. Methodical instructions for practical exercises in English on the theme " Business Ethics. Business job. " Part 1 Publ REA 2009.

5. Zhdanov, I.F New English-Russian Vocabulary of Economics / I.F. Zhdanov. - M.: Eng. Yaz.- Media, 2015. - VIII, 1025

6. Rodgers D. English for International Negotiations. A Cross- Cultural Case Study Approach. Cambridge University Press, 2011

7. Harris, Neil. Business Economics. Theory and Application. Butterworth Heincmann, 2011. - 373 p.

8. Carbaugh, Robert J. International Economics. Eighth Edition. South-Western, Thomson Learning, 2011 -568 p.

9. Zhanalina L.K Practical Course of the English Language Studies. for arts Faculties of universities. - Almaty: PRINT-S, 2015. - 529 p.



Zhetysu State University named after I.Zhansugurov   QMS ZHSU R/EMCD. 09-2015 Edition 3
Educational and methodological complex 28.05.2015.




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