Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Themes of course works (projects)

Topics and tasks for learner’s in dependent work per modules

Tasks for independent work of students

Module 1. General information on food additives

Themes and questions of SIW and SIWT:

1. General information on food additives.

2. Classification additives. Hygienic regulation of food additives in products. The Measures toxicity of substances.

3. Establishing of the safety of food additives. Substances improving the appearance of the food.

4. Food colorings. Natural dyes. Quinone dyes.

5. Anthocyanin pigments. Synthetical dyes. Mineral dyes. Color correction materials.

6. Substances modifying the structure and physicochemical properties of foods.

7. Classification of thickeners and gelling agents.

8. Features and functions of thickening and gelling agents.

9. Thickeners and gelling polysaccharide pirody.

10. Cellulose and its derivatives. Pectin. Galactomannanes.

11. Polysaccharides of marine plants. Gelling agents of protein nature.

12. The use of thickeners and gelling agents in food technologies. Emulsifiers. Classification of emulsifiers.

Module 2. Substances affecting the taste and flavor of food products

1. Features and functions of emulsifiers. The main groups of food surfactants. Technological features of emulsifiers in food systems. Stabilizers. Foaming agents. Substances anti-caking and clumping.

2. Regulators of pH food systems.

3. Substances affecting the taste and flavor of food.

4. Sweeteners. Natural sweeteners and starch sugar. Sweeteners and sugar substitutes. Sweeteners. Synthetic sweeteners. Sweeteners. The mixtures of sweeteners. Flavors. Sources of aromatics.

5. Essential oils and fragrances. Aromatic essences. Spices and other flavorings.

6. Dietary supplements and enhancing aroma and taste modifying.

7. Salty substances. Food additives that retard microbial and oxidative deterioration of food raw materials and finished products.

8. Preservatives. Antibiotics. Food antioxidants.

9. Technological supplements.

10. Common approaches to the selection and use of food additives.

11. Catchers of myoglobin.

12. Processing aids which improve the quality of bread.

13. Solvents. Defoamants. Ferment drugs.

14. The nomenclature of enzymes. Factors influencing the fermentation reaction. Selection of enzymes for food purposes

Themes and tasks for SIW

Tasks for SIW Literature Form of control tasks Periods of protection
Module 1. Theoretical bases of commodity research of food goods
1-3 Compilation of the glossary 1-9 (b) 1-6 (a) results in written form 3rd week  
4-5 Writing of report according to themes to the module #1 5-9 (b) 13-16(a) Deference of repost (10-12 pages) 5th week  
1-8 1st midterm control   Colloquium/oral quiz/ written form 7th week
Module 2. Main groups process of food goods industry
9-10 Intellectual card 5-9 (b) 9-12 (a) Protection of card 10th week  
11-13 To prepare and make a presentation   a presentation for 5-7 min 13th week  
8-15 2sd midterm control   test in written form 15th week

Schedule of performing and protection of assignments

Dates September October November
01.09.16 02.09.16 05.09.16 09.09.16 12.09.16 16.09.16 19.09.16 23.09.16 26.09.16 30.09.16 03.10.16 07.10.16   10.10.16 14.10.16 17.10.16 21.10.16 24.10.16 28.10.16 21.10.16 25.10.16 31.10.16 04.11.16 07.11.16 11.11.16 14.11.16 18.11.16 21.11.16 25.11.16 28.11.16 02.12.16
Number of weeks
Entrance control                            
Interim control                          
Percent control            
Checking scores            

Brief organizational and methodological description

4.1 Teaching methods - active and interactive methods of teaching;

4.2 Control of study achievementsincludes the following forms: progress monitoring and intermediate certification (examination) of students;

Progress monitoring of students is conducted on each theme of the subject and includes control of knowledge for classroom and extra-classroom lessons: survey in lectures, survey and performance at practical/seminar classes, homework presentations, admission to the implementation and protection of laboratory work, protection of SIW and course work (project), delivery of workshops, oral and written tests, and other forms;

The form and procedure of the examination for each subject is established not later than one month from the beginning of the academic period by the Academic Council of the faculty.

4.3 Requirements of the teacher:

4.3.1 A student during the semester must complete the tasks listed by the teacher, and the number of tasks in volume of credits on the subject.

4.3.2 For late protection of the tasks during the week assessment is reduced by 20%.

4.3.3 A student fulfills the missed classes according to the approved schedule of SIWTat the chair.

4.4 Policies and procedures of the course:

4.4.1 Tasks for SIW are issued on the first week of the semester

4.4.2 Tasks may include: lectures (abstracts), practical / seminar classes (problem solving, performing and debating of controversial issues, etc.), implementation of laboratory works, implementation of SIW and course work (project) and other types;

4.4.3 During SIWT are held a consultations on the most complex issues of discipline, execution of homework, course projects (works), control of semester papers, reports and other tupes of SIW.

4.4.4 Each type of assignment is evaluated up to 100% by a teacher.

4.4.5 Course works (projects) must be protected before the examination session and is admission to the examination on the subject.

4.4.6 Students, gained at least 30 points are allowed to pass the exam.

4.4.7 Estimation of the final control during intermediate certification (examination) is 40%.

Providing support for people with disabilities

5.1.Individual differentiated approach in organization of educational process

5.2.Individual differentiated approach in all types of occupation

Estimation system of the results of student’s learning achievements

Estimation in letters Equivalent of scores in figures In per cent Traditional assessment
А 4, 0 95-100 Excellent
А- 3, 67 90-94
В+ 3, 33 85-89 Good
В 3, 0 80-84
В- 2, 67 75-79
С+ 2, 33 70-74 Satisfactory
С 2, 0 65-69
С- 1, 67 60-64
D+ 1, 33 55-59
D 1, 0 50-54
F 0-49 Unsatisfactory

The list of recommended literature

Main literature

Main literature:

1. Нечаев А.П., Кочеткова А.А., Зайцев А.Н. Пищевые добавки.-М.: Колос – Пресс. 2002.- 256с.: ил.- (Учебники и учеб. Пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений).

2. Нечаев А.П., Смирнов Е.В. Пищевые ароматизаторы//Пищевые ингредиенты (сырье и добавки).-1999. - №1. – С. 4-7.

3. Орещенко А.В., Берестень А.Ф. О пищевых добавках и продуктах питания // пищевая промышленность.-1996.- № 6. –С. 4.

4. Поздняковский В.М. Гигиенические основы питания и экспертизы продовольственных товаров.-Новосибирск: Издательсвто Новосибирского университета, 1996. -431 с.

5. Жушман А.И., Карпов В.Г., Лукин Н.Д. Модифицированные крахмалы как эффективные добавки// Пищевая промышленность.- 1996.-№ 6.- С.8.

6. Нечаев А.П. Пищевые ингредиенты// Пищевые ингредиенты (сырье и добавки). -1999. -№ 1.- С. 4-7.

7. Сарафанова Л.А., Кострова И.Е. Применение пищевых добавок. – Спб: Гиорд, 1997. – 46с.

8. Пищевые ароматизаторы и красители / Е.В. Смирнов, Г.К. Викторова, Н.М. Метелкина и др. // Пищевая промышленость. – 1996. - № 6. - С. 8.

9. Ю.Ю.Гичев, Ю.П.Гичев Руководство по биологичесмки активным пищевым добавкам.- Москва: Издательство «Триада-Х», 2001.- С. 216.

10. Введение в технологии продуктов питания. Лабораторный практикум/ Г.М.Мелькина, О.М. Аношина, Л.А. Сапронова и др.- М.: КолосС, 2007. -248 с.: ил. – (Учебники и учебн. пособия для студентов высш. учеб.заведений).

11. Технология и организация производтсва хлебобулочных изделий: учебник для студ.средпроф.образования/ Т.Б. Цыганова. – 2-е изд., испр.-М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2008.- 448с.

12. Применение пищевых добавок в кондитерской промышленности/ Л.А. Сарафанова.- СПб.: «Профессия», 2007.- 304 с.: ил.

13. Булдаков А. Пищевые добавки.- СПб.: «Vt», 1996.-240с.

Additional literature:

1. Гигиенические требования к качеству и безопасности продовольственного сырья и пищевых продуктов. Санитарные правила и нормы (СанПиН М.: Госкомсанэпид России, 1997. -269с.

2. И.С.Лурье, Л.Е.Скокан, А.П.Цитович/Технохимический и микробиологический контроль в кондитерском производстве: Справочник.-М.: КолосС, 2003.- 416с.: ил.

3. Лурье И.С., Шаров А.И./ Технохимический контроль сырья в кондитерском производстве. –М.: Колос, 2001. – 352с.: ил.





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