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Decide if the sentences are true or false.

1) Information analytical systems (IAS) are useful for decision-making.


2) IAS have numerous application possibilities.


3) IAS can't be applied for continuous monitoring of parameters of item and process state.

4) IAS functions don't depend on the applicability.



5) IAS can control the work process and schedule adjustment in case of unforeseen delays.

6) IAS have the possibility of establishing cause effect relations on the particular features of taking efforts based on particular data.

7) One of the mentioned advantages of IAS is reducing time on information retrieval up to 90%.

8) IAS can be integrated with a customer's information system.


3. Translate the following words and word combinations from English into Russian. Use them in the sentences of your own.

Information analytical systems, knowledge accumulation, data provision, decision-making, maintenance, monitoring, regulatory and reference

information, information retrieval.          
4. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate words    
a) data c) activities e) implement g) easily    
b) obtained d) derive f) innovative h) can    
Analytical Information Systems          
Analytical Information Systems allow complex corporate (1)   to


be processed to an extent that decision-making relevant information can be (2), thus making it possible to (3) pro-active knowledge. This


data processing implies varying organizational, methodological, conceptual and

technical (4)     and procedures, for example to facilitate the management
of data streams and to develop domain-specific data analysis procedures.    
In order to successfully (5)   Analytical Information Systems
for diverse issues, a uniform architecture is required, as are (6)
      technologies and novel software tools which (7)   be
appropriately abstracted from the concrete application domains and

(8) adapted to concrete application requirements.

5. Translate the text from Russian into English.Информационно-аналитические системы - это особый класс


информационных систем, предназначенных для аналитической обработки данных, а не для автоматизации повседневной деятельности организации. Информационно-аналитические системы объединяют, анализируют и хранят как единое целое информацию, извлекаемую как из учетных баз данных организации, так и из внешних источников. В настоящее время ИАС является одним из наиболее востребованных классов ПО на рынке заказного программного обеспечения, это связано с глобальным процессом автоматизации информационной деятельности целых отраслей.


Помимо общих проблем организации и управления их созданием им присущи особенности, требования и проблемы более конкретного


характера, вытекающие как из специфики функционального назначения ИАС, так и условий, в которых создаются и используются ИАС.


1. Требования к системе зачастую не являются легко определимыми и/или хорошо известными, задачи плохо поддаются формализации.

2. Требования могут изменяться в цикле разработки ИС.


3. Необходимость демонстрации прототипа для определения требований или проверки концепции.

4. Особенности предметной области лучше известны пользователям, чем разработчикам ИС.

5. Проект может иметь тип системной интеграции (объединять несколько существующих систем).

6. Проект может являться расширением существующей системы.


7. Ожидается длительная эксплуатация системы в организации.


6'. Система должна обладать высокой степенью надежности.


6. Discuss the possibilities of using information analytical systems.







1. What is a signal?


2. What types of signals do you know?




1. Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary.


Signals and signal processing


We are all immersed in a sea of signals. All of us from the smallest living unit, a cell, to the most complex living organism (humans) are all time receiving signals and are processing them. Survival of any living organism depends upon processing the signals appropriately. What is signal? To define this precisely is a difficult task. Anything which carries information is a signal. There are the mathematical representations of the signals, which has been found very useful in making information processing systems. Examples of signals are human voice, chirping of birds, smoke signals, gestures (sign language), fragrances of the flowers. Many of our body functions are regulated by chemical signals, blind people use sense of touch. Bees communicate by their dancing pattern. Some examples of modem high speed signals are the voltage charger in a telephone wire, the electromagnetic field emanating from a transmitting antenna, variation of light intensity in an optical fiber. Thus we see that there is an almost endless



variety of signals and a large number of ways in which signals are carried from one place to another place.

Let's adopt the following definition for the signal: A signal is a real (or complex) valued function of one or more real variable(s).When the function depends on a single variable, the signal is said to be one dimensional. A speech signal, daily maximum temperature, annual rainfall at a place, are all examples of a one dimensional signal. When the function depends on two or more variables, the signal is said to be multidimensional. An image is representing the two dimensional signal, vertical and horizontal coordinates representing the two dimensions. Our physical world is four dimensional (three spatial and one temporal). By signal processing we mean operating in some fashion on a signal to extract some useful information. For example when we hear same thing we use our ears and auditory path ways in the brain to extract the information. The signal is processed by a system. In the example mentioned above the system is biological in nature. We can use an electronic system to try to mimic this behavior. The signal processor may be an electronic system, a mechanical system or even it might be a computer program.


The word digital in digital signal processing means that the processing is done either by a digital hardware or by a digital computer. The signal processing operations involved in many applications like communication systems, control systems, instrumentation, biomedical signal processing etc can be implemented in two different ways: analog or continuous time method and digital or discrete time method. The analog approach to signal processing was dominant for many years. The analog signal processing uses analog circuit elements such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes etc. With the advent of digital computer and later microprocessor, the digital signal processing has become dominant nowadays. The analog signal processing is based on natural ability of the analog system to solve differential equations to describe a physical system. The solutions are obtained in real time. In contrast digital signal processing relies on numerical calculations. The method may or may not give results in real time. The digital approach has two main advantages over analog approach:


(1) Flexibility: Same hardware can be used to do various kind of signal processing operation, while in the core of analog signal processing one has to design a system for each kind of operation.


(2) Repeatability: The same signal processing operation can be repeated again and again giving same results, while in analog systems there may be parameter variation due to change in temperature or supply voltage.

The choice between analog or digital signal processing depends on application. One has to compare design time, size and cost of the implementation.



2. Answer the questions.

1) Who can process signals?


2) What does a signal carry?


3) Which signal is called one dimensional?


4) Which signal is said to be multidimensional?


5) How many dimensions does our physical world have? Which ones?


6) What is signal processing?


7) What does the word «digital» in «digital signal processing)) mean?


8) What are the advantages of the digital approach over analog approach?


3. Translate the following words and word combinations from English into Russian. Use them in the sentences of your own.


A signal, signal processing, a valued function, a variable, a dimension, to extract information, analog, digital.


4. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.
  a) signal b)     wave c) analogy d) essential
  e) beam f)     convey g) digital h) encouraged
  A (1)     is any time-varying physical quantity—voltage, light
(2)   , sound (3)     , or other—that is used to (4) information.
Analog signals convey information by (5)   (i.e., by mimicking the


behavior of some other quantity). Digital signals convey information by assuming a series of distinct states symbolizing numbers (digits). Both analog and (6) signals are (7) to modern communications and


computing, but the greater simplicity and generality of digital signaling has


(8) an increasing reliance on digital devices in recent decades.


5. Translate the text from Russian language into English.


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