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Занятие предполагает развитие рецептивных, рецептивно-репродуктивных и продуктивных умений в качестве взаимосвязанных целей; однако рецепция в то же время служит средством обучения говорению, а задания в говорении призваны служить целям рецепции. Соответственно на занятии такого типа должны формироваться разнонаправленные умения, в основе которых лежат общие компоненты, которые связаны единством основных интеллектуальных операций. В данном случае формируются умения определять основной объект высказывания на уровне связной диалогической реплики и на уровне целого диалога, воспринимаемого со стороны. При этом объект высказывания может либо упоминаться, либо подразумеваться. В любом случае требуется учет всех упомянутых объектов (из которых один - основной), либо всех характеристик неупомянутого объекта высказывания. Соответственно, развивается умение прогнозировать дальнейшее развитие связной реплики или диалога за счет вычленения объекта и его характеристик. В репродуктивном же плане формируется умение завершить реплику и, обобщив сказанное, плавно перевести разговор в другое русло с учетом упомянутых второстепенных объектов. Все эти умения связаны с операциями отбора (основных характеристик объекта), обобщения сказанного, принятия смыслового решения относительно неназванного основного объекта и дальнейшей развертки диалога. Занятие рассчитано на два часа и соответствует уровню обучения в начале II курса языкового вуза.
Структура занятия
The aim of the lesson is to teach you to see what the conversation is about and to join it according to its main objects; to change the point of the conversation without losing connection with the previous one; to determine the point of view of each interlocutor and to anticipate what else is likely to be said. 1. Воспроизведение развернутой реплики, предложенной визуально, с выбором завершающей фразы из числа предложенных. Выбор демонстрирует, что учащийся понял, какой объект из упомянутых в реплике является основным, судя по приведенным характеристикам. Reproduce the following cues (Look up and say! ). Complete each of them choosing the right variant. E.g.: " I met your friend at my cousin's birthday party yesterday. But I couldn't speak to your friend about serious matters as the party was very noisy. We danced half the night and sang all the songs we knew, and everybody was so pleasant to talk to! I could speak about (your friend, that party, my cousin) for hours! "
2. а) Выбор ответной реплики из числа предложенных как свидетельство правильного вычленения неназванного объекта высказывания. Listen to the following cues and guess what they are about. Respondaccordingly, choosing the only correct variant. E. g.: " I say, this is not music - it's just a lot of noise! You can't play it. Besides, it is mine, not yours. So don't take it with youto your friends' parties! " All right, I'll: a-b) turn off the tape-recorder/the TV set; c-d) stop playing the guitar/the piano. б) Выбор пропущенной реплики как свидетельство вычленения единственно возможного объекта высказывания, судя по следующей реплике. Listen to the following bits of telephone conversation. In each case choose the only reasonable (possible) variant of the missing cue. Then you and your partner should act each piece out from memory. E.g.: " What relatives is she staying with? "
" It must be hard on her - having no one of her own age to talk to." (If I am not mistaken, she's staying with; a) her uncle and his daughters; b) her married sister; c) her aunt and uncle; d) her grandmother and some cousins).
3. Восприятие на слух законченного диалогического высказывания с целью вычленить его основной объект. Listen to the given dialogues and say what each of them is about. Try to justify your choice by reproducing the most essential characteristics. E.g.: The dialogue is about: a) the enjoyable holiday of the man's wife; b)the difficulties of keeping the house with the wife away; c) the loneliless of the man missing his wife badly. " I understand your wife is enjoying her holiday? " " I'm sure she is. But to tell the truth, I do wish she were back now." " I can understand that. Who's keeping the house in the meantime? " " Old Mrs. Green is coming over for a couple of hours every other day." " So you have lunch and dinner in town andsend your washing tothe laundry, don't you? " " That's right." " But surely you could at least wash the dishes up, couldn't you? " " Oh, I can't be bothered." (M.West)
4. Прослушивание связной реплики и создание ответной реплики с целью изменить объект высказывания. Listen to each of the following cues. Suppose you are bored with the subject or want to avoid discussing it for some other reasons. Pass over to another subject trying to establish a suitable link with what has been said. E.g.: " My husband is sure to be displeased with his dinner again tonight. He says he is tired of sausages. But I couldn't get any meat or fish. I went shopping too late, and I got nothing but sausages." " Oh, that reminds me, I haven't done all my shopping yet. I'll have to hurry up before the shops are closed. So long! "
5. Вычленение общего объекта высказывания в незавершенном диалоге и «включение в беседу» с учетом основного объекта высказывания. Listen to the given dialogue which is not quite completed. " Join it", supplying a cue of your own. Take care to keep to the subject under discussion. Before you give a cue of your own, say which of the given choices answers the purpose. E.g.: " Well, where is Miss West? " " I have no idea." " Perhaps there's been some mistake about the time or even the day? " " No, that's out of the question." " Look, isn't that her car over there? " " No, you are mistaken, that's somebody else's car." a) It's a car of the latest make. It must be very expensive. b) Don't you think she might have gone home? Is she an absentminded sort of person?
6. Восприятие диалога на слух с целью определить точку зрения каждого из собеседников (a - путем множественного выбора, b - в собственной формулировке). a) Listen to the dialogue and say which of the given points of view is expressed by each speaker: 1) It's quite natural for people who dislike each other to meet socially and pretend to be on good terms; 2) If you want to meet interesting people, you must become either a diplomat or a philosopher; 3) It's quite natural that people who dislike each other try not to meet socially. " Mr. Wood and Mr. Black are both coming to see us tonight and they aren't on very good terms, I'm afraid." " No, they aren't. They seem to hate and despiseeach other." " But that shouldn't prevent them from meeting each othersocially." " I think it does. It's quite natural." " But why? Lots of people dislike or even hate one another and yet they manage to co-exist peacefully." " I see that you are a diplomat and a philosopher." (cm. [50].)
b) Now listen to another dialogue. Formulate the point of view of each speaker and say if you share any of these viewpoints or if yours is different. " You know, I think Miss White is a very queer woman." " Really? Why? " " She keeps on writing scientific articles about herself." " I don't think that's queer. I often write about myself, too." " Oh, well, but you are different. You never make a fool of yourself." " That's true. Some people just can't help making fools of themselves. " (см. [50].)
7. Восприятие диалога на слух с целью определить точку зрения собеседников по предъявленному фрагменту части диалога. Кроме того, преследуется цель прогнозирования дальнейших аргументов, что дает возможность выразить собственное мнение. Listen to the dialogue, formulate each speaker's viewpoint and " interrupt" the speakers. You should guess what they are likely to say next and give your own viewpoint. E.g.: " You study English every day, don't you? " " No, I'm afraid I don't." " I was sure you did. You are making rapid progress, aren't you? " " If I am, it's because I like the language." " You've got a good ear for music, haven't you? " " No, not really. Why? " " Your pronunciation is very good." " Thank you. But I don't think I am very musical." " But I think you agree there's a connection between musical ability and linguistic talent, don't you? " " I rather doubt it. Ann is very musical, isn't she? And yet she is no good at French..." (см. [52].) E.g.: I think both of you are right to some extent.If you mean rhythm, then musical ability has a lot to do with it. But, even more, rhythm takes care of grammar, though grammar requires logical thinking, too. And still I agree with the point of view that one should be interested while studying a language, because then you come to remember a lot of things. As to me, I believe that linguistic ability is related to some kind of attentiveness.
8. Присоединение к диалогу еще двух лиц. Предлагается ряд проблем для обсуждения любой из них по выбору (в парах). Каждая пара готовит обмен несколькими начальными репликами полемического диалога. Члены соседней пары должны логично подключиться к дискуссии. Затем, наоборот, вторая пара начинает подготовленный диалог по избранной ими проблематике, а первая пара включается в него. Exchange a few ideas with your partner concerning any ofthefollowing problems. Be ready to join the conversation of your groupmates discussing one of the given problems: a) the chief factors progress in language study depends on; b) the way you behave to people you dislike; c) whether meeting people at parties gives us a chance to learnwhat sort of people they really are; d) whether it's possible for anyone to be respected by all those who surround one; e) whether it's necessary for a man to be able to do everything about the house.
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