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Ex.9. Give the written summary of the topic “ The Make-Up of the PR Industry” (350 words)
Ex. 10. Go over pages 63-89 of the book «PR Today» and the texts of exercises 7 and 8 of the present textbook. Get ready to speak on the following issues of the topic “The Make-Up of the PR Industry”: · The overall structure of the PR industry; · The difference between consultancy and in-house PR; · The differences between commercial, public sector and not-for-profit PR; · The range and rationale of PR specialization
Chapter 4 PR, Marketing and Advertising Ex.1 Answer the following questions and do the following assignments. 1. Why is marketing PR considered a key communication discipline? 2. What is marketing and Four P’s? 3. Research and analyse the four P’s for a chosen product. 4. In what way is the job of head of marketing similar to that of a conductor? 5. What is an advertisement? What does advertising involve? 6. What types of media does advertising appear in? 7. What audiences does advertising target? 8. What is AIDA and what are the main four purposes of advertising? 9. Give examples of advertisements in terms of purpose. 10. What is the difference between display and classified advertising? What changes did the advent of the web introduce in advertising? 11. What are the three basic styles of advertising? 12. Give examples of advertisements in the three basic styles. 13. What are the strengths and weaknesses of advertising in marketing? 14. Why is it essential that PR and advertising teams work together? 15. What is the difference between below-the-line and above-the-line? 16. What is direct mail? How effective is it? 17. What do sales promotions represent? What are their benefits and dangers? In what way do they come in contact with PR? 18. What is sponsorship? What are its types? What are the problems of sponsorship? 19. What are the e-marketing communications techniques? Why are digital communications called the most problematic marcoms discipline? 20. What role did marcoms disciplines play in helping you to reach your decision? 21. What are the specific features of integrated marketing communications? 22. What are brands? What are the segments of a brand? 23. Analyse the structure of Chime plc. 24. Think about the area of PR you would most like to work in? Ex.2 Match the words with definitions.
Ex.3 Give definitions of the following words and word-combinations. To kick off; to amplify; an advertorial; province; direct mail; mailshot; ramification; to simmer; an outfit; to stake one’s; hard news; soft news; mainstay; trade-off; resonate with a target audience. Ex.4 Complete the words and translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. The phrase t______ w______ may have originated in the American West, where cow herders and sheep herders fought over grazing turf. 2. If something such as an event or a message r______, it seems important or good to people, or continues to do this. 3. In recent years, several big stores have s______ a c______ to the wealthy shoppers in this areа. 4. Politics, war, economics and crime used to be considered h______ n______, while arts, entertainment and lifestyles were considered s______ n______. 5. There is a thousand and one articles out there telling us how to make all these green t______-o______. 6. Something a______ to panic overwhelmed him. 7. The rescue team made an e______ search of the area. 8. The sale also included c______ from other owners. 9. If you have a burglar alarm fitted, make sure it is done by a r______ company. 10. The King responded to the questions through an i______. 11. The savings on staff wages are o______ by the increased maintenance costs. 12. He would also e______ his children to read it, and laid great stress upon the utility of information. 13. It's yours for a o______-o______ payment of only £ 200. 14. Alvin managed to b______ the g______ between ballet and modern dance. 15. Keep herbs and spices in o______ glass bottles to protect them from sunlight. 16. What time does the laser show k______ o______? 17. These stories only a______ her fears. 18. Computers were once the p______ of scientists and mathematicians. 19. A problem arises with sample offers if you are not geared up for individual d______ m______ dispatch. 20. We're sending out a m______ telling our customers about our new products. 21. At the time, I was not aware of the r______ of my actions. 22. Violent revolt was s______ in the country. 23. My o______ was sent to Italy during the war. 24. Agriculture is still the m______ of the country's economy. Ex.5 Translate the following words and word-combinations from Russian into English using active vocabulary. Формы убеждения; инструменты маркетинговых коммуникаций; родственный; исчерпывающий; территориальные войны; оплаченное место; редакционная площадь; продвижение продаж; партия товара; заслуживающий доверия; посредник; предрасположенность; нейтрализовать критику, исходящую от групп влияния; призывать; демонстрационная реклама; рубричная реклама; уникальные товары; преодолеть разрыв; образ действия; непрозрачный; сражаться за господство; стартовать первым; усиление рекламы; информирующая реклама; поле деятельности; прямая рассылка; разовая рассылка; юридические последствия; медленно кипеть; рекламная фирма; заявлять своё право на; актуальные новости; новости, представляющие общий интерес; основа; компромисс; находить отклик у целевой аудитории.
Ex.6 Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. 1. Typically marketing PR activity is usually undertaken in conjunction with other persuasive disciplines, such as advertising and sales promotion, often under the banner of marcoms. 2. A useful analogy is to think of marcoms tools as akin to instruments in an orchestra. 3. The list of ten instruments is by no means exhaustive. 4. Despite the need, and often genuine desire, to work together there are sometimes turf wars within the marketing communications industry. 5. Advertising involves paid-for space in the media and elsewhere, and traditionally such space is clearly distinguished from editorial space which is where PR aims to gain coverage. 6. They are often very big and expensive things, or large consignments, so the purchaser likes to know the company they are buying from is reputable. 7. Many products or services are sold through intermediaries. 8. Building a positive image may simply be to increase consumers’ propensity to select your product or brand over a competition. 9. It can also be used to help attract good staff, offset pressure group criticism and impress trade customers. 10. In most countries one of the biggest advertisers is the government, constant exhorting citizens to drive safely, drink les, exercise more, recycle waste and so forth. 11. Another way that advertising can be categorized is as display versus classified. 12. Classified advertising is for specific one-off products such as houses, cars or jobs. 13. Advertising attempts to bridge the credibility gap by featuring celebrities and experts in adds. 14. Advertising’s visibility and transparent modus operandi make it easier to regulate. 15. The way PR works is more opaque and much harder to regulate. 16. PR usually only comes into contact with direct mail when the mailing agency wants to include some positive coverage secured by PR in one of its mailshots. 17. There seems to be a trade-off between levels of integration and the expertise provided by different agencies.
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