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Answer the following questions. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions.

1. What types of ladders are mentioned in the text?

2. Why did the coxswain bring the launch close to the ladder lower platform?

3. What happened to the launch during the transfer of baggage?

4. Why did the man fall into the sea?

5. What were other options of transferring people on board?

6. What should personnel wear during transfers?

7. What ladder is used when there is the possibility of swell?

8. Who had to supply personnel with life vests?

9. How should baggage not be handed to people?

10. How should it be hauled up?

Match the synonyms.

1. via  A. life jacket
2. bottom platform B. rope
3. lose footing C. usual, traditional
4. life vest                             D. railing
5. hand-hold E. by means of
6. conventional   F. boat
7. sling G. master of the boat
8. launch  H. lose balance
9. coxswain I. by hand
10. manually   J. lower platform

Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions.

1. The accommodation ladder - ______________________________________________________

2. Root cause - ___________________________________________________________________

3. Contributory factors - ____________________________________________________________

4. Preventative actions - ____________________________________________________________

5. Messenger line - ________________________________________________________________

Decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the wrong ones.

1. The launch crew member had to transfer people on board. _______________________________

2. The ladder dropped because the launch went under the lower platform. _____________________

3. That day there was a heavy swell on the sea. __________________________________________

4.  The passengers didn’t wear life vests. _______________________________________________

5. When the ladder dropped, the launch’s crew fell into the sea. _____________________________

6. Pre-transfer conference wasn’t properly planned. ______________________________________

7. The company was against the supply of life vests. ______________________________________

8. Baggage should be transferred by messenger lines or by crane. ___________________________

Read a near miss report (see a sample in annex). Complete a near miss report covering the following items.

1. Description of the situation;

2. Possible cause of situation (root cause) and possible consequences;

3. Which preventive measures have been taken;

4. Master's decision (plan for further handling of above incident)

Case study - 8. Lifeboat Lowered Unintentionally

On one of our vessels, a dangerous occurrence (near miss incident) happened during the annual servicing and inspection of the lifeboat and its launching gear in port.

The class surveyor and the authorised representative of the launching equipment manufacturer were in attendance during the survey, with the technical superintendent. After the survey was completed, the manufacturer's representative informally asked the fourth engineer to open up the port side unit brake assembly the next day so that he could take pictures for his records.

Early the next morning, the fourth engineer, along with the bosun, wrongly assumed that the job was officially assigned to them and proceeded to open up the brake unit on the port lifeboat davit. On opening the cover bolts, the boat went down rapidly under gravity until it got stuck between the gangway and the jetty. Fortunately, there was no one inside the boat or on the gangway in way of the davits. The superintendent, who was on the jetty inspecting the ship side at that time, had a narrow escape.

Root cause/contributory factors

1. Breach of safe working practices: a critical task was undertaken without the knowledge or approval of responsible senior ship's officer/head of department;

2. The harbour pins were not in place;

3. The two crew members involved were not sufficiently experienced in the task.

Corrective/preventive actions

1. Incident report circulated throughout the company and fleet.

2. Company procedures amended to require that all critical tasks be planned and supervised by senior officers. No one should enter the life boats or carry out any maintenance work on lifeboats and associated launching appliances without clear instructions and the presence of a senior officer. Senior officers assigning jobs must take full responsibility for all jobs that are being carried out by their subordinates.


Answer the questions.

1. When and where did the near miss incident take place?

2. What did the manufacturer’s representative ask the 4th engineer to do?

3. What happened on opening the cover bolts?

4. How do you understand the expression “to have a narrow escape”?

5. What were the main causes of the incident?

6. What preventive actions must be taken to avoid such incidents in future?



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