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Look at the pictures and match a conventional device with its laser equivalent.


· Conditionals 1-2-3

· Conjunctions to introduce conditionals: IF, UNLESS, IN CASE, PROVIDING/ PROVIDED (THAT), ON CONDITION THAT, AS/ SO LONG AS

· Inversions in conditionals: SHOULD (YOU), HAD (YOU)

· Phrases with AT

Word formation:

Essential vocabulary

amplify, v employ, v increasingly, adv pave (the way), v reveal, v trigger, v
award, v expand, v machine, v propose, v scale, n unless, conj
beam, n fibre/ fiber, n matter, n provided/ providing, conj semiconductor, n via, prep
condition, n fine, adj measure, v ray, n sync, v wavelength, n
construct, v groundbreaking, adj melt, v refine, v tiny, adj weld, v


Look at the pictures and match a conventional device with its laser equivalent.

What are their functions?

E. G. [a] and [b] are both used for measuring distances/ to measure distances.


a b с d
e f g h

What advantages do laser devices have? (cheaper; faster; more accurate; more efficient etc)

What other laser devices do you know?

3D laser scanning; laser barcode scanner; laser cutting; laser drilling; laser engraving; laser gyroscope; laser intruder alarm; laser lighting display; laser measure; laser pointer; laser printer; laser rangefinder; laser speed gun; laser sight; laser welding; lidar

2 *Fill in the gaps with the names of laser devices from the box above.

_________ (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing method used to examine the surface of the Earth.

Laser _____ is a manufacturing technique to join two or more pieces of material (usually metal) together using a laser beam.

Laser ______ is a device on a firearm that uses a laser to take a precise aim.

Laser____ ___ is a handheld device used by the road police to measure the velocity of a vehicle.

Laser________ an instrument for finding the distance of an object from the observer.


Find the English equivalents.

Дальномер; лазерная указка; лазерный прицел; лазерная сварка; резка лазером; лазерная гравировка; сканер штрих-кода; лазерное шоу.

Read the texts again and answer the questions.

a) Which method was used in printing industry before laser?

b) In what form is signal transmitted in fibre-optic cables?

c) What are the advantages of laser surgery over the traditional technology?

d) What manufacturing processes can be performed using laser?

e) How can lasers be useful for environmental protection?

f) How is laser used in science?

g) What are the main properties of laser?


Match the synonyms.

1. amplify a) use
2. employ b) show
3. fine c) soften
4. matter 5. measure d) calculate e) thin
6. melt f) substance
7. reveal g) using
8. semi- h) make bigger
9. via i) half


Translate into Russian.

Amplify a signal; amplified speakers; amplifying element; employ remote control; extra-fine; fine adjustment; fine print; antimatter; melting point; melted metal; revealed defect; revealing reagent; semi-automated system; tiny particles of matter; communication via satellite.




тип значение часть с if (условие) главная часть (результат) перевод на русский
Zero 0 100% истинно present (simple, continuous, perfect) present (simple, continuous, perfect) настоящее время
  If you heat water, it boils.    
First 1st вероятное действие в будущем present (simple, continuous, perfect) future simple будущее время (обе части)
  If you keep trying, you will succeed.    
Second 2nd маловероятное или воображаемое действие в настоящем past simple would v с использованием частицы бы
  If I were a magician, I would make everyone happy.    
Third 3rd невозможное действие в прошедшем past perfect would have v3 с использованием частицы бы
  If your parents had not met, you would not have been born.  


Alternatives to IF:

unless – если не Do not operate this device unless you are 100% confident.
in case – в случае если; Read the manual again in case you missed something.
providing/ provided (that) – при условии, что The mechanism will keep working provided there is enough fuel.
on condition that – при условии, что They spoke on condition that their names would not be mentioned.
as/ so long as – если As long as there’s life, there will be hope.



· Conditionals 1-2-3

· Conjunctions to introduce conditionals: IF, UNLESS, IN CASE, PROVIDING/ PROVIDED (THAT), ON CONDITION THAT, AS/ SO LONG AS

· Inversions in conditionals: SHOULD (YOU), HAD (YOU)

· Phrases with AT

Word formation:

Essential vocabulary

amplify, v employ, v increasingly, adv pave (the way), v reveal, v trigger, v
award, v expand, v machine, v propose, v scale, n unless, conj
beam, n fibre/ fiber, n matter, n provided/ providing, conj semiconductor, n via, prep
condition, n fine, adj measure, v ray, n sync, v wavelength, n
construct, v groundbreaking, adj melt, v refine, v tiny, adj weld, v


Look at the pictures and match a conventional device with its laser equivalent.


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