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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Find the sentences where the words in bold can be replaced by IF.

1. The discovery of the planet Neptune provided a proof of Newton’s law of universal gravitation. Laser technologies have provided various industries with solutions to numerous technical problems.

2. A website providing information about the product will be created. You can pass on to the second question providing you have answered the first one.

3. These equations are valid only on condition that the intensity the light absorbed is directly proportional to the emission intensity. Optimal materials are selected depending on conditions that the specified object must meet.

4. Replacement equipment will be available, in case immediate repair is impossible. Of the 12 organizations in case, only one meets all the criteria.

5. One project took almost twice as long as originally planned. If everything goes well, the process can take as long as three weeks. Laser weapon will be approved by law as long as targets are nonhuman.


22 *Read the texts about laser pioneers and choose the correct synonyms to the words in bold. Think of the suitable title for each story. *Prepare one of the texts for retelling.

_____________ Townes sent a short paper to the leading journal Physical Review but at the time of his trip to England he had not yet written a thorough theoretical description of what he had done. Therefore, he was astounded when a Soviet physicist named Alexander Prokhorov, speaking excellent English, preceded him in the conference by delivering a paper describing the theory of an ammonia maser, exactly the device Townes had used. Townes had never met Prokhorov before and did not dream at that moment that he would eventually share a Nobel Prize with him and his student Nikolai Basov for the development of lasers. After Prokhorov had finished his report Townes stood up and announced, “Well, that is very interesting, and we have one of these working.” He then described his recent work with an ammonia maser.     detailed or correct? introduced or surprised?   was before or after?     at first or at last?     said or asked?
____________ It was the Russian physicist V. A. Fabrikant who first had the vision to propose the concept of a laser in 1940. Fabrikant stated the principles of a laser in a doctoral dissertation of 1939, and in 1951 he obtained for his work an “author’s certificate”. He not only elaborated the theory but he was the first to observe experimentally the amplification of optical radiation using a mixture of mercury vapor and hydrogen. He was a true pioneer. Maiman (the American who built the first laser in 1960) thought Fabrikant should have received the Nobel Prize instead of Basov, Prokhorov, and Townes. He said that when the Nobel Committee chose the trio over Fabrikant they “did not do their homework. It would have made more sense to recognize the Russian physicist Fabricant.”       = nerve or foresight?     = corrected or developed?     = leader or hero?     = to honour or to understand?
____________ In the 1950s Prokhorov’s lab at the Lebedev Physics Institute was doing rather conventional research which did not seem to be leading toward anything exciting. Prokhorov decided it was necessary to move in a different direction, to start working on induced radiation of gases. His assistants in the lab did not wish to do so, as they were working on their dissertations and did not want disruption. Prokhorov gave them a month to rethink their positions. When they refused, he went through the laboratory with a hammer and destroyed the instruments that were necessary for their current research. He then brought in new instruments and instructed the assistants to work on what he told them. There was a tremendous scandal, half of the researchers left, but the remaining ones followed Prokhorov on the work that eventually resulted in a Nobel Prize.       = traditional or innovative?     = help or pause? = said yes or no? = broke or fixed?     = big or small?  






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