Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Watch the video at home and be ready to discuss it.

The key to success? Grit

Angela Lee Duckworse

Task 1

Discuss in groups of four

       What is the key to success?


Task 2

Write down 10 expressions you have learnt from the video


Task 3. Answer the questions to the video

1. What are the professions of the speaker?

2. What is the definition for grit?

3. How much is grit related to measures of talent?

4. What is the best idea of building grit in kids? Where was it developed?

5. What did Dr.Dweck show?


Task 4. Give the equivalents to Russian terms

1. домашняя работа  
2. выставлять оценки  
3. магистратура  
4. бросить учебу  
5. результаты обучения  
6. стандартизированные тесты успеваемости  
7. менталитет  


Task 5. Discuss in groups of four

              Can you suggest your ways of growing grit?


Smile with us

Farther: You know, son when Lincoln was your age he was a very good pupil. In fact he was the best pupil in class.

Tom: Yes, Dad, I know that. But when he was your age he was President

of the United States.

Lesson 2. Higher Education in Russia


Task 1. 

Brainstorming activity

Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it.

How does higher education in Russia differ from studying in the USA, Great Britain?



Task 2. 

Active Vocabulary

Listen and pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher

1. a competitive system                           – конкурентоспособная система

2. a multilevel system                     – многоуровневая система

3. an academic degree                    – ученая степень

4. an application                                    – заявление (о приеме в вуз)

5. branches of sciences                         – области наук

6. a competition                                          – конкурс

7. a curricular                                              – программа (обучения)

8. an educational system                         – система образования

9. entrance exams                                       – вступительные экзамены

10. final state examinations                          – государственные экзамены

11. further education                                    – дальнейшее образование

12. a graduation paper                                  – дипломная работа

13. higher education                                    – высшее образование

14. humanities                                              – гуманитарные науки

15. natural sciences                                      – естественные науки         

16. part-time students                          – студенты–вечерники

17. postgraduate education                          – обучение в аспирантуре

18. qualifying degree                           – квалификационная степень

19. scientific research                                   – научное исследование

20. secondary education                             – среднее образование

21. to be admitted to                           – быть допущенным к

22. to give the possibility                       – представлять возможность

23. to grant a degree                            – выдавать диплом

24. to pass                                                    – сдавать

25. to provide access to                             – обеспечить доступ к

26. to provide mobility                        – обеспечивать мобильность

27. vocational education                             – профессиональное образование

Task 3

Give the Russian equivalents to the English phrases

1. higher education

2. scientific research

3. entrance exams

4. graduation paper

5. academic degree

6. curricular

7. competition

8. an application

9. access

10. secondary education

11. instructor

12. senior lecturer


Task 1

Here is the structure of Russian educational system. Will you give the English equivalents to the stages mentioned?

       Example: Система образования – System of education

1. Среднее образование

2. Профессиональное образование

3. Высшее профессиональное образование

4. Аспирантура

5. Докторантура

6. Образование через всю жизнь

Task 2


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