Bryan Cave LLP..Atty's Bryan Cave, Daniel I. Prywes, Kip F. Wainscott..
Anthony D. Romero, Director ( 'ACLU' ); Amnesty International USA; Human Rights Watch;
Also sent to: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
It would be nice to see something positive enacted in congress, or in the courts negating these very serious violations of our Constitutional Rights and Freedoms by in some cases, the very people sworn to up hold those ( time honored ) rights and freedoms..
You at the 'D.O.J'., 'ACLU', and 'EFF' do the 'most important work' in keeping this, our democracy strong and true..
Any specific questions about electronic weapon systems can be directed to:
John J. Williams, M.S.E.E. 'Lone Star Consulting Inc.'
[ ]
Thank You, Joseph Hohlman (Targeted individual)

"Electronic Weapons Systems" (EWS); "Directed Energy Weapons" (DEW); "Electronic Weapon System Implants" (EWSI)..'Gang Stalking'
"To Covertly Manipulate and Control Human Behavior"..
(1) can cause severe cranial/cranium/brain/pain
(2) sleep deprivation, tetanus, malaise, lethargic, lethargy, enervated, stupor, languor, listless, exhausted, phlegmatic, languid, indolent, lazy, slothful, logy, sleepy, sluggish, torpid; tired, weary; feeble, frail, weak; apathetic, impassive, inert, limp etc..
(3) instill fear, rage, anger, irritability, agitation, exasperation, bitterness, indignation, impatient, petulant, vehemence, temper, resentment, paroxysm, furor, acerbic, acrimony, ferocity, violence etc..
(4) can cause strokes, heart attacks, or memory loss..
(5) long term exporsure causes a wide variety of illnesses, including lupus, fibro-myalgia, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, lymphatic breakdown, depressed immune system, low t-cell count..
__ You find that you suddenly awake at precisely the same time, every night
__ Hot needles (or "stings") deep in your flesh, especially when trying to sleep
__ Limbs jerking wildly, muscle twitching; can cause severe cranial/cranium/brain physical pain
__ Forced awakening, can't go back to sleep, as if on high doses of caffeine
__ Very high body heat, no fever, relaxed, cool surroundings
__ Extremely powerful itching which may start as small electrical shocks
__ Very fast heartbeat while relaxed (not having exercised recently)
__ Ringing in ears - may start/stop when switching on or off electronic devices
__ Sudden "drop-you-in-your-tracks" fatigue at times you should not be tired
__ Brain or body vibration; throbbing sensation in any part of your body
__ Non-random traffic through the neighborhood, indicating use of thru-the-wall radar
__ Repeated evidence of break-ins and sabotage both at home and at work
__ Repeated instances where it seems others know things about you that could only be found out by bugging your phone, house, or vehicle
Additional symptoms can include a throbbing, numbing, vibrating, and/or pulsing feeling in the brain and/or through out any part of the body when attacked..
A feeling of your heart pounding in your head while your body is still..
Electronic attack can disorient normal thought processes and brain function etc; making it hard to concentrate..Sometimes associated with severe physical pain in the brain..
Can stimulate, precipitate, the feeling of heart attack, stroke etc.
Can cause you to think or hear things in your mind..
Futher government harassment has been witnessed by individuals from;
Specific local Police Departments/Fire Departments/ EMS/government agencies harassment of all types, sometimes in conjunction with either gang stalking activities and/or the use of ( EWS, DEW, EWSI, FLIR, Microwave ) technologies etc..
The airline industry, private individuals, using aircraft of all sizes, helicopters ( commercial, private, and in some cases military aircraft )..Specifically/recently from O'Hara International/Chgo; Joliet, IL Regional Airport, Eppley Airfield and Millard Airport, Omaha, NE; instances from Offutt Air Force base, NE, to actually target flights and noise specifically over/around individuals on the ground..
Railroad industry targeting individuals with train and engine/horn noise when in close proximity of railroads..Specifically 'BNSF' in the Chicago area; and 'Union Pacific R.R' in the Omaha, NE and Council Bluffs, IA area..