Often victims of mind control and electronic attacks with long lists documenting every known type of mind control and electronic attack program ( we know of many other undocumented programs ), pleading with us to alert powerful national and international authorities to investigate and stop mind control and electronic attacks. We have researched and published about mind control and electronic attack technologies for decades now, and clearly, these authorities are also well-aware of these mind control and electronic attack technologies for decades now. Since they have done little or nothing to investigate or stop mind control and electronic attacks in the past, there is no chance that they will ever in the future - in many cases THEY are the ones behind them. Frankly, those who still believe that national and international authorities are the solutions are clearly fools. You have a better chance of the Tooth Fairy removing that electronic implant in your mouth than the Government! No one in any position of national or international power will ever take any meaningful actions to stop electronic attacks and electronic mind control !
Most everyone who contact us for help tells us that they have already complained to local police, FCC, FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, their doctors, politicians, etc. and received no help - often treated disrespectfully - even ridiculed and threatened with incarceration in mental institutions - adding insult to injury. In fact, the need to obtain and use special detection equipment to prove electronic attack with hard evidence is one big reason why electronic attacks are apparently rapidly increasing in popularity over shootings because bullets produce lots of physical evidence covered by existing forensic technology long ago developed to analyze and develop firearm evidence.
While there is a vast number of possible mind control, body control and other electonic attack devices, there is only 4 known common modalities that such an attack can be delivered (with my rough estimation as to % of electronic attack signals involving each):
(1) Electromagnetics (50%)
(2) Ultrasonics (45%)
(3) Electronic Implants / Electrical Body Contact (15%)
(4) Infrasonics (15%). Particle beams and unknown modalities are probably about 1%.
Note that the percentages add up to more than 100% because a substantial number of attacks are believed to be caused by a combination of these major modalities (e.g. ultrasonic signal modulated by an infrasonic signal), and that these percentages do not include electronic attacks involving more than one signal at the same time (e.g. an electromagnetic attack and ultrasonic attack occuring simultaneously). Each of these mind control, body control, etc. electronic attack modalities can be detected and countermeasured using special equipment designed for that modality.
You need to use specialized equipment to ascertain the modality, frequency, direction and timing of electronic attacks. If you are being electronically attacked, it could be through electromagnetic waves AND/OR through ultrasound AND/OR through infrasound, AND/OR you have a non-transmitting electronic implant (i.e. totally internally programmed electronic implant). Each of these modalities require very different equipment to detect, determine and document (if necessary) modality, frequency, direction and timing of electronic attacks, and possibly jam and/or shield against electronic attacks.
WHO ARE DOING ELECTRONIC WEAPONS SYSTEMS? These technologies are now in the hands of a vast number of technical people employed by various governments, corporations, institutions, secret societies and individuals on a global basis. Every major government, corporation and educational institution today which does substantial high-tech battlefield weapons research has some type of top secret psychological warfare operations (psyops) with ongoing programs researching and developing these technologies, including testing them on hapless targets usually located in some other countries or otherwise considered to be expendable. In the U.S., it is widely believed that DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) plays the biggest role in mind control and electronic attack technologies; we believe that while DARPA is major player, there are many other active electronic attack and mind control programs not funded or directly tied to DARPA. The old Soviet KGB developed the Psychotronic Influence System (PIS), which to our knowledge has branched out into at least six major current electronic attack and mind control organizations. Some aspects of mind control and electronic attack technologies are now so publicly well known often with news accounts of, for example, electronic implants, that only a few of us knew about decades ago. Note that apparently few of these devices are ever patented - most are still not even publicly advertised or published about - and some patented devices have been "darkened" by intelligence agencies and thus no longer public
WHY ARE ELECTRONIC WEAPON SYSTEMS BEING USED? There are many reasons why a person/entity might maliciously use these technologies on or against another person/entity, including in the order we believe is based on what is most common (this excludes non-malicious exposures, such as high-voltage lines, non-malevolent commercial / industrial / scientific / military / airport operations, police doppler radar, etc.): (A) Electronic Weapons Testing, (B) Medical Research, (C) Subliminal Advertising and Corporate Monitoring and Control of Buying Behaviors, (D) Military / Corporate / Terroristic Attack on Designated Targeted Individuals (often with collateral damage), (E) Personal Revenge, (F) Pranksterism, (G) Espionage, (H) Secret Society Agendas (known and unknown), (I) Criminal / Terrorist Weapon-of-Choice due to Lack of Evidence / Lack of Accountability ( of all methods of attacking and harassing people, electronic attacks and mind control attacks are the most easily concealed, hardest to prove, most unbelieved, and most difficult to prevent and stop without the use of highly-specialized equipment )
WHAT ARE THE MAJOR ELECTRONIC WEAPONS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES? There are three main high-tech modalities used:
(A) Electronic / Electromagnetic (including radio, pulsed microwaves and radar)
(B) Ultrasonic (including audio modulation and infrasonic modulation of ultrasonic carriers)
(C) Infrasonic (while raw, unmodulated infrasonic signals are sometimes used for gross electronic attack and electronic harassment, they are not used for mind control applications).
Equipment used to detect and jam / shield in one modality is ineffective against the other - they each require different signal detection, jamming and shielding countermeasures. Each result in similar types of purported manifestations: Environmental manifestations, physical manifestations, and generalized 'medical manifestations' (which again also apply to many medical conditions not related to electronic attack and mind control attack, such as exposures to heavy metals, pesticides and biological toxins). These generalized 'medical manifestations' include, but are not limited to, headaches, irritability, angry outbursts, mental depression, suicide ideation or homicide ideation, intrusive thoughts, forced speech, feelings of going mad, feelings of being mentally programmed to commit abnormal acts (the "manchurian candidate" syndrome), thoughts being repeated back to you, wild and unexplained mood changes, hysteria or unexplained/uncontrollable crying, panic attacks, sensations of subliminal mind reading or mind control, hearing voices, music, buzzing, motor-like sounds, pings and other sounds emanating from inside the head, appliances (or other smooth flat surfaces, especially metal surfaces), walls, hidden spaces, etc., visual hallucinations, paranoia, feeling lost, aloof, goaless or detached from one's body, feelings of being overwhelmed, vertigo and light headiness, mental confusion, loss of balance, lost memory or erratic memory, chronic fatigue or lethargy, increased chemical sensitivities, immune system disorders, heart palpitations, skin problems, sores which don't properly heal, unexplained bleeding (especially through the ears or eyes), unexplained sweating or sudden temperature changes when you don't believe you have an infection, arthritic-like conditions, hair loss, "buzzing" (i.e. feeling that one's cells are twitching), crawling sensations or unexplained itching on the skin or underneath the skin or scalp, unexplained losses of feelings or sensations, etc.
IDENTIFYING BRAIN OR BODY'S ELECTRICAL WAVEFORMS..Remote brainwave signature identification and tracking are forms of remote sensing technology. Remote sensing is believed to occur at high enough frequencies where wavelength is small and directionality is very good but at low enough frequencies where most of the signal energy is not absorbed by the brain but passes through - about 800 MHz - 1 GHz (the same band where cellphone and cordless phone frequencies are assigned and probably not just coincidentally). Basically, the most popular method used to obtain brainwave signatures and track people by means of their brainwave signatures is by remotely and usually secretly transmitting a microwave carrier beam through the person (usually the head) and then receiving, amplifying and analyzing the signal that exits the head or body, which is now very slightly modulated by your brain's or body's own unique electrical waveforms. The carrier frequency is then filtered out and the modulation greatly amplified and specially processed to retrieve your unique "electronic signature" (i.e. "brainwave signature") or to conduct mind reading (mindread). In medical and laboratory situations, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) is sometimes used, but in the field where the invasive electrodes and skin contact electrodes popular to FMRI are impractical, a microwave transmitter (e.g. embedded in a cellphone or cordless phone signal) is generally used. Also see "Microwave Surveillance" ( below )
Each person is believed to have his/her own set of distinctive brain waveforms which are as unique as fingerprints. By using this technique, individuals - even groups of people (racial profiling and gender profiling technology and personality profiling technology using brain scans now believed to exist) - can be remotely and automatically tracked, targeted, controlled and attacked from even miles away (usually at much closer distances) and even in crowds, buildings and vehicles. These signals are now believed to be harvested enmass possibly through virtually omnipresent cellular towers, telecoil/magnetic loop systems, traffic lights, etc. where large numbers of people gather at or pass through relatively small public apertures (public portals
), such as doors to buildings, gated areas, hallways, sidewalks, intersections, streets, anywhere lines form, bus stops, train stops, airports, subway entrances / exits, malls, etc., and often piggybacking or linking them to surveillance cameras and metal detectors is how they are usually implemented to make them more effective, cheaper to implement, easier to secretly plant and maintain, less conspicuous, and increases deniability if discovered.
One popular mind control technology is the, "Emotional Brainwaves Clusters" (EBC) technology, now believed to be the most popular form of mind control and brainwave attack involving brainwave signature capture. Emotional brainwaves clusters is basically a complex set of brainwaves one has when facing any kind of emotional situation, such as fear, anger, grief, shock, sexual excitement and pain, but can also involve clusters which result from passive acceptance, indifference, inhibition or apathy to otherwise emotional situations for brain entrainment purposes. Since there are differences between people in their emotional brainwave clusters, they are a type of brainwave signature and therefore fall under the brainwave signature technology. The perpetrator is not interested in individual brainwaves caused by emotions but clusters of brainwaves which emanate primarily from limbic system. The perpetrator records these emotional brainwave clusters for a targeted individual when the victim experiences some emotional event; he/she may even trigger the emotional events to capture brainwave clusters. He/she then modulates an high-frequency EM or ultrasonic carrier with these complex emotional brainwave clusters, and then plays them back to the victim whenever he/she wants to trigger that particular emotional response - brainwave entrainment for a Pavlovian response. If the emotional response is one to pain, for example, the perpetrator can then induce that same or similar pains in the victim whenever he/she chooses to do so at the push of a button. If it is for sexual excitement, the victim can be sexually stimulated during inappropriate times. Brainwave clusters can also be used for other brainwave signature applications, such as electronic tracking. The victim can be made apathetic to a life-threatening situation. The mind control and electronic attack abuses of emotional brainwaves clusters is practically unlimited.
MIND CONTROL / ELECTRONIC ATTACK USING COMMON AC AND PHONE WIRING, METAL PIPES, TUBES AND STRUCTURES, AND ULTRASONIC ATTACK USING SPEAKERS..Your home/business wiring, piping, even car wiring can be hijacked to electronically harass or surveil you by hitchhiking signals onto them. These omnipresent conductors serve as the optimum means to connect up, transmit and distribute these very harmful electronic surveillance, mind control and electronic attack signals throughout a building. Offering optimum conductors for virtually endless varieties of bugs, taps, harassment, control and line blaster devices Because power and telephone lines, and metal pipe (e.g. plumbing), metal tubing (e.g. wire shielding) and linear metal structures (e.g. plumbing, rebar, girders, conduit, trim, rails, fencing, screens, picture frames, etc.) surround you virtually everywhere you go in any building electronic surveillance devices, equipment control devices, mind control devices and electronic attack devices can be connected to them in virtually every room and even outside the building for some distances.
We have received reports, for example, of computers being altered so that they automatically access the Internet when plugged into AC power and turned ON - even though they are not connected to any known modem - because they have been altered with devices hidden inside them which transmit and receive data and control signals through the AC power connection - plug the computer into your wall outlet to power it up and you are automatically Online where your sensitive files can be uploaded to an attacker and/or malware downloaded into your system! If you have set aside a computer to be offline because you do your accounting, taxes or other very private activity on it to protect your most sensitive data from Online access, without a special AC line filter, you may be only fooling yourself. This same tactic is used on other pieces of equipment connected to either an AC power line or a phone line - even if the equipment is turned OFF! The only known way to protect yourself from these types of attacks is to filter out your power and phone lines to eliminate high-band signals. Our WHHE-type devices both test for and filter out harmful hitchhiking signals.
With today's technology, radio transmitters, receivers, electronic implants, recording devices and video cameras are often smaller than a stack of a few quarters, and can thus be easily concealed. However, especially when it comes to lower frequency and powerful radio transmitters, hiding the antenna is often problematic. However, clever snoops and electronic warfare specialists have developed all kinds of improvised antenna systems - many are ordinary metal wires, pipes, tubes, structures and other objects that one would not suspect to be antennas. Some examples include the telephone and AC power wiring inside or outside of buildings plumbing and pipes, metal clothes lines, fencing and posts, car luggage racks (can be made into very powerful transmitting antennas and sensitive receiving antennas which can cover large areas - especially nice for urban areas with tall buildings!), hair curlers, ink pens, tin cans, pots and pans, pie plates, hand tools, lawn tools, eating utensils, pieces of wire, screws and nails, shelves, belts, handles, etc. Even pringle cans and tennis ball cans have been adaped into RF shotgun antenna systems capable of receiving and transmitting wireless modem data from computers for about a mile. Tesla theorized that even the entire Earth could be made into one giant antenna. Even ordinary antennas, such as those used for TVs, radios, ham stations, CB, etc., can double as spy and/or electronic attack antennas. And loop antennas can be concealed in most anything of any shape and thickness adequate to contain it (e.g. inside of a book or book cover). Our rule of thumb is that if it is metal - or even if it is just electrically conductive - there is a good chance that it can be adapted into an antenna - even if the resulting antenna gain is so poor that the range is only a few dozen feet, and to look for 1-2 connected wires.
Of all the improvised antenna systems possible for buildings, the most popular to perpetrators is unshielded home AC wiring and phone wiring, and metal pipes, tubes and structures. Improvised vehicle antenna systems include the normal radio antenna, the luggage rack, the metal bumpers, the +12VDC wiring under the hood, etc. These "ready-made" antennas are usually but not always big in size (especially the AC wiring) and installed in virtually all homes, businesses and vehicles usually in both the walls and ceilings (plus in the floors of some homes/businesses). All one needs is a single access point - anywhere in the network of wires, piping, etc. inside or outside the building - to inject and/or receive the offending signals, and/or to tap power off of the line to power mind control, electronic attack and/or surveillance devices.
Since these conductors are so prevalent in virtually every building, added with the technologies of time multiplexing signals and frequency multiplexing signals, literally dozens - even 100s - of these types of very harmful signals can be operational on any day and night against you - usually no matter what rooms you are in. Your home or business is just several huge signal distribution networks plus transmitting and receiving antenna arrays. And all such wiring, piping, etc. can usually be just as easily abused for electronic surveillance, mind control and electronic attacks even if you turn OFF or disconnect them from their normal uses (e.g. turning Off AC power, disconnecting phones). This is nothing new - both power and phone wiring have been lawfully used for decades to carry high-band voice, control signals, and data (e.g. faxes, modems, DSL, zons, intercoms, alarm systems for phone lines, and intercoms and alarm systems for power lines) - proven technologies using common household AC wiring and phone wiring. Furthermore, because generic power and phone wiring and piping in all or part of one's home and business are often unshielded, they can be both easily accessed and connected up to AND used as a huge transmitting and/or receiving radio antennas to communicate with anything from electronic implants - to guys parked in the street - to cellphone towers down the road - to control centers 100s miles away - to ships at sea - to satellites - to electronically harass, control and/or interfere with your life! For examples: (1) Signals on them can be transmitted wireless for miles, and (2) Physical access to the wiring, piping, etc. is not even required; because the wiring, piping, etc. is unshielded, signals can often be inductively coupled into or out of power lines, phone lines, piping, etc. (e.g. inductively-coupled phone line taps are decades old technology).
The trapped victims are boxed-in by the 4-6 sides of these huge matrix antennas for hours at a time - especially when asleep - and therefore they (and their electronic equipment / electrical equipment) are subjected to possible massively intense and long-duration EMF exposures - analogous to being zapped like a piece of meat in a microwave oven! We cannot emphasize enough that to protect yourself from these types of high-intensity mind control and electronic attacks and surveillance, you MUST filter out all unwanted high-frequency signals from both your two AC lines (usually two 120 VAC legs of a standard 240 VAC system) and phone lines your car, and unpowered wiring and metal piping, tubing and structures. This is becoming increasingly alarming to us because we have recently received reports from likely victims indicating to us that these forms of mind control and electronic attack are greatly increasing.
Since these virtually endless varieties of bugs, taps, harassment, control and line blaster devices can take on virtually any appearance and/or be hidden in just about anything inside of or near your building, they can be very difficult to detect through physical searches (short of tearing down all of your walls and ceilings where the lines and piping run, and disassembling all of your equipment). For example, these devices can be easily concealed inside TVs, radios, computers, landline phone equipment, etc. - fully operating even when the TV, radio, phone, etc. itself is not turned ON. Or hidden in an outlet, inside of your wall or in your attic - even inside your car. Since not all of these harmful devices are RF devices, the non-RF ones cannot be detected using TSCM field strength testing used for wireless systems. Nor can strictly receiving devices be TSCM-detected. And usually nor can transmitting devices which transmit in bursts, randomly or pre-dawn hours, nor when the perpetrator believes the area is being electronically swept and turns Off the transmitters until the TSCM crew leaves. In short, your phone and power wiring, piping, etc. can be easily and secretly tapped into using hardwired or inductive-coupling techniques just about any place they are routed internal or external to your home/business
Since ultrasonic transmitters can also be made very small and easily hidden, there is almost endless numbers of ways ultrasonic transmitters and ultrasonic circuits can also be hidden. Ultrasonic transmitters and ultrasonic circuits can be embedded in ordinary speaker systems, megaphones, loudspeakers, earphones, home entertainment equipment, appliances, computers, etc. commonly found in homes, businesses, cars, and even on the streets - each one secretly transmitting subliminal ultrasonic messages to you for mind control attack and electronic attack purposes. Say you are at a protest or political rally. That bullhorn you see may also be transmitting a secret subliminal ultrasonic mind control message to you. There is now a technology called, "Silent Sound Spread Spectrum" (SSSS, S-Quad or Squad) which is apparently now widely abused to do ultrasonic mind control and ultrasonic attack. One SSSS technology mentioned in mind control and electronic attack reports is the "Silent Subliminal Presentation System" (SSPS). Silent Sound Spread Spectrum basically entails randomly changing the high-frequency audio or ultrasonic carrier signal frequency (modulated by the mind control or electronic attack signal) to prevent detection and jamming by narrow-band sound and ultrasonic equipment. That's why our ultrasonic direction finding, ultrasonic triangulation and ultrasonic jamming equipment operate over the entire practical air ultrasonic band (20KHz - 220+KHz).
The high-band signal frequencies used on power and phone lines, piping, etc. (which can be time multiplexed and/or frequency multiplexed to support several such systems) are usually 5+ times higher than the standard 60 Hz / 50 Hz (power wiring) or 3200 Hz maximum (phone wiring) bandwidth normally used on them. The usable bandwidth of many power and phone lines exceed 2 MHz for loops up to about 6,000 ft (1.14 miles) and much higher over much shorter loops - very usable for electronic surveillance, mind control and electronic attack. Metal piping, tubing and structures can conduct signals far higher in frequency than even power and phone lines (because most power and phone lines, pipes, etc. are unshielded, electrically noisy and inductive and leaky to high freqs, most high-band signals are under 200 KHz and high in volume level). Loading these unshielded conductors with all kinds of multiplexed and high-band signals they were not designed for may cause the wiring, piping, etc. itself and their terminations to resonate with strange sounds and noises which seem to emanate from walls and ceilings often on quasi-random and directional bases (e.g. strange sounds you can hear when standing in one position but not in another position, and/or at some times and not at other times, and/or during certain conditions of humidity and/or temperature but not at other conditions), often throughout most of a building, and often similar to the vibrating and humming of an old or defective power transformer. They can also vibrate and hum in the ultrasonic and infrasonic bandwidths when signals mix and produce sum and difference frequency components. The weird sounds can also sound like a distant motor running, distant voices, whispering and mumbling, spiritual and God-like voices, high-pitched voices, low-pitched voices, chattering, music, animal sounds, whistles, echoes, pulsing, pounding, popping, finger-snapping, digital data sounds, zinging sounds, whooshing sounds, theremin sounds, etc., especially when real time complex signal mixings of possibly several signals at once result in partially demodulated and/or multiply-mixed high-band signals. These weird noises can literally drive some people nuts! If you are hearing sounds, noises or even voices or Morse-code sounding digital data signals or control signals coming from your walls, ceilings or appliances or inappropriately while you are on the phone, you may not be imagining it. Also, high frequencies imposed on power wiring can adversely affect induction motors (especially compressor motors common to refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners), causing them to operate roughly, chatter noisily and possibly stall out (because induction motor speed is proportional to the frequency of its power source, multiple frequencies can harm them), and can cause lights to unusually brighten or flicker. Modulated high frequencies on phone lines can cause malfunction of phone and computer equipment (e.g. loss of broadband sync, inability or slowdown in using DSL or even dial-up, faxes, zons, etc. because of a "noisy line"). Our device types include several popular Wiring Hitchhiker Harassment Eliminator (WHHE) device-types designed to detect and filter out high-band signals from AC power lines (WHHE1), telephone lines (WHHE2), car 12VDC power bus (WHHE3), and powered and unpowered conductors of many types such as unpowered wiring, and metal piping, tubing and structures (WHHE4)
CELL PHONE MIND CONTROL / ELECTRONIC ATTACK, AND CORDLESS PHONE MIND CONTROL / ELECTRONIC ATTACK..Cellular phones, cordless phones, Ipods and other head-press wireless devices, especially in conjunction with satellites, are ideally suited as the perfect receiving and delivery systems for electronic attacks and mind control attacks, and it is now believed that electronic attacks and mind control attacks on both national and global bases are now routinely done through cellphones, cordless phones and other head-press wireless devices, and have been for years. Consider:
- (A) Almost everyone these days has one and often several cellphone, cordless phone, etc. head-press wireless device.
- (B) Cellphones, cordless phones, etc. can be reached from virtually everywhere in the world so one or just a few centralized mind control / electronic attack central control facility ("Mind Control Central") is now easily implemented. Today, you can almost as easily be electronically attacked and surveilled by a guy in Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, and the Mideast as you can from the guy next door.
- (C) Cellphones, modern cordless phones, etc. usually operate in the 800 MHz - 1,800 MHz band - ideal frequencies for mind control and electronic attack because of the brain absorption characteristics of these frequencies, and in a pulsed microwave signal format make this band ideal for remote sensing attacks.
- (D) Your cellphone, cordless phone, etc. antenna is just a few inches from your brain - with some people, on a near constant basis - yet almost always 10+ times that distance from the nearest other human brain - so mind control / electronic attack victims - Targeted Individuals (TI) - can be easily isolated and individually selected for mind control or electronic attacks (either by calling them or piggybacking on one of their usual calls), or selected by characteristics filtered from databases (e.g. by race, political beliefs, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic group, gender, age, shopping habits, location, etc.), or enmass through computer-generated mass dialings (cordless phone, cellphone, etc. antennas have incredible direct and intimate access to your brain - no other antenna is routinely placed that close to the brain - so close that the brain is exposed to substantial levels of both the magnetic and electrical components of the electromagnetic fields).
- (E) Furthermore, the antenna's closeness to the brain with very little relative motion between the brain and the antenna also makes the targeting of specific regions of the brain also much more precise, automatic, continuous and easily done.
- (F) Furthermore, because of antenna closeness to the brain, you not only get a good dose of the wireless device's electrical component of the electromagnetic field but also its magnetic component - believed to be even more dangerous and disruptive to brain function and therefore more effective for electronic attack and mind control attack applications. Even if you wrapped your head in aluminum foil, which might shield you against most of the electrical component, aluminum foil is virtually transparent to the magnetic component. You would have to wrap your head in iron foil or an iron helmet, which is hard-to-get, expensive, heavy, stiff, and rusts.
- (G) Modern cellphones, etc. have embedded GPS systems where the user can be located just about anywhere on Earth within 15 x 15 meters (some within 2 x 2 meters), making secretly tracking YOU incredibly fast, easy, continuous, reliable, inexpensive, and covert.
- (H) Cellphone, cordless phone, etc. transmitted carrier frequencies can easily be time multiplexed and/or frequency multiplexed with other nearby frequencies modulated with electronic mind control and electronic attack signals which you are oblivious of and can't eliminate (however, while limited shielding is possible, shielding can worsen the situation (see herein); some say that many cellphone drop-outs are actually due to multiplexing problems).
- (I) Cellphone, cordless phone, etc. conversations can be eavesdropped upon in a variety of ways - this gives the mind controller and electronic attacker an ideal source of real time feedback to the malicious signals he/she is injecting into your brain (it is believed that some of these devices are also programmed to act as room bugs - continuously transmitting nearby conversations just by being turned ON - with or without you making a phone connection ).
- (J) Cellphone, cordless phone, etc. mind control attack techniques can be coupled with other mind control attack techniques, such as electronic implants.
- (K) Cellphones, cordless phones, etc. and their call records and data records can be hacked - making you vulnerable to mind control, electronic attack and surveillance efforts perpetrated by rogue states, terrorists and criminals.
ELECTRONIC IMPLANTS.. Electronic Weapon System Implants (EWSI) - commonly referred to as electronic implants - and their complexity and miniaturization have progressed tremendously in the last decades. There are now countless variations of electronic implant designs, implant functions, implant applications, and size, material, and placement (usually inside a tooth or shaded from X-Ray by an irregularly-shaped bone like vertebrae). The smallest electronic implants are less than the size of a grain of rice, and these implants can be injected directly into the body using a syringe. Reports indicate that nanomotor implants (tiny motors) and nanobot implants (tiny robots) are either now or will soon be in widespread use.
Electronic implants is yet another way of electronic tracking, targeting, controlling and attacking Targeted Individuals. Also, some full-up electronic transmitters and transceivers are now so small that they can be easily concealed in such external things as cellphones, Ipods, clothing, eye wear, jewelry, watches, pens, etc. - not even to mention RFID technology. The major efforts in this area now is to couple these types of devices with mind control and electronic devices to develop extensive and linked mind control networks of these systems so that huge invisible electronic nets can be thrown over urban areas, towns and gatherings so that everyone and even every animal under the net can be instantly tracked, viewed, overheard, controlled, programmed, punished, rewarded - electronically gang stalked if you will - at the push of a button. Network implementation and integration is now believed to be well underway in every major American city based on information we have recently received.
Texas Instruments (TI) has developed a technology, the AUDEO technology, which is a wireless sensor worn on the neck which captures neurological activity the brain sends to the vocal cords, digitizes these signals, and then converts the signals into clearly spoken speech. While the Audeo technology is admittedly an almost miracle for people suffering from serious neurological disorders which impairs or prevents speech, it is clearly another technology which can also be abused by governments, corporations and criminal and terroristic organizations to produce fake or doctored spoken words from people, including forced spoken confessions, which they never intended to make, simply by adding, removing and/or changing the actual words the person intended to speak to much more nefarious words. Furthermore, since it captures speech signals on their way to the vocal cords, this captured speech information can be used to modulate a carrier frequency and transmitted and divulged to eavesdroppers even before the person actually speaks the words, giving the eavesdroppers head starts on using/abusing the information to their own advantages. Or after intercepting the speech signals, the speaking of the signals can be instantly blocked or changed by the perpetrators to prevent the victim's thoughts from ever being verbally disclosed, thereby resulting in forms of thought interception and speech control, and giving perpetrators even more time to use/abuse the information before the victim can write it down. Andother example, a person may have a strong desire to tell a crooked politician, "Stop robbing the people!" but out of fear, mute the actual stating of the thought (how many times has anyone said something really bad under the breath, whispered or mumbled); however, the evil powerful politician can now intercept the thought to determine exactly what the person was going to say using a technology similar to Audeo, and therefore, be able to persecute, intimidate and control people based only on their strong thoughts and whispered and mumbled statements. Is a more effective form of mind control than this even possible! And evil politicians can use the technology to force crowds to cheer them - instead of jeer them by soon ordering these implants for everyone.
Texas Instruments is just one of many entities now engaged in such implanted electronics R&D with clearly huge potentials for abuse. The 2/12/09 issue of "Electronic Design's" cover story was dedicated to medical implants. Here they talk about medical signals generated by implantable devices which can be picked up via a Bluetooth-equipped cellphone, stating that, "the technology is already here." Is that person near you with a Bluetooth using it for normal cellphone uses? Or is he/she conducting an electronic attack or mind control attack against you or someone else? And if integrated with cellphones and Bluetooth technology, how about Ipod technology, telecoil technology (below), and with computers, speaker systems, megaphones, earphones, other phones, home entertainment systems, appliances, etc.? This article also states, "... neural implants are providing a vast range of information about how human beings behave." Is this a tacit admission that widespread implant monitoring of the populace is going on? Even St. Jude's Medical Center is doing medical implant research. Their device consists of 16 implanted electrodes, each individually programmed using external inductive coupling, to produce pulses of different intensities and frequencies to control pain. How difficult could it be to convert such a device to produce pulses which induce pain? Purdue University researchers developed a miniature device three times the width of a human hair, implanted underneath the scalp, records neural signals relayed to it by monitoring electrodes in various parts of the brain allowing doctors to "predict" upcoming seizures. How difficult would it be for a similar system to induce seizures or thought control? This device is so advanced that it transmits 10 times more data than other modern implantable transmitters while using a tiny 8.8mW of power. Could a similar system transmit vast amounts of data on your thoughts? Typically, the circuits used by modern electronic implants consume little power, and their long-lasting electronic implant batteries are quickly recharged using silent and non-invasive inductive-coupling devices - once implanted, they don't need to be removed to be serviced during a lifetime. Electronic implants can also deploy nanomotors and nanobots technology to crawl through and invade parts of the body like parasitic worms and wreak all kinds of havoc on the mind and body. I've been told that these technologies are just fine if well-regulated.
Based on so-far unverified reports, telecoils / magnetic induction loop systems are more and more being hijacked and subverted into mind control attack and electronic attack transmitters. Telecoils (also referred to as Tele-Coils, TCoils, T-Coils, TSwitches, T-Switches, magnetic induction pick-up coils, etc.) are today installed in many hearing aids (about 80% of new hearing aids) and basically operate on a system where the speaker audio is outputed to a magnetic induction system (basically, a large magnetic coil of the right impedance wired to the speaker output of an audio system, which can be a public address system, various entertainment equipment, computer audio output, etc.) as an extrasensory means of "hearing" audio for the hearing impaired. The telecoil is embedded in the hearing aid itself (or possibly in the electronic implant!), and is a form of an assistive listening device. The magnetic induction coil transmitting antenna is located somewhere within the targeted room / area, and is usually vertically oriented. They are usually well-hidden and cannot be detected without special electronic equipment. Today many public and private forums have secreted magnetic induction coil systems to support telecoils hearing aids. The magnetic coil can be, for example, wrapped around a pillar in large meeting rooms / areas such as churches, auditoriums, conference rooms, classrooms, theaters, airports, stadiums, arenas, theme parks, museums, etc. - they are about as fast and cheap to make and install as a typical audio speaker system. This technology can also be hacked into or converted into surveillance systems where the spy, for example, stands just outside of a conference room / courtroom outfitted with a telecoil hearing aid, can intercept conversations occurring within the conference room / courtroom from a magnetic loop bug placed there by either the conference / court personnel or secretly by himself. A person can also be secretly "enslaved" as a spy if they have an telecoil electronic implant in which the electronic implant acts as a radio repeater / ultrasonic repeater and, unknowing to the victim, receives the telecoil-type audio signal, and then amplifies, converts and uploads it to a remote radio receiver / ultrasonic receiver. If such an electronic implant were to experience electrical leakage or just from the processing / retransmission of the signal by the electronic implant, a small amount of the signal can be received by the brain circuits, thereby possibly making the victim feel that he/she is also listening to the remote conversation. Even when used as intended, it is believed that the magnetic signal of the magnetic induction loop system can be more effectively manipulated into a subliminal mind control system than standard audio which is limited by one's hearing bandwidth. It is also believed that the embedded telecoil itself can receive actual brainwaves and through a repeater system built into the hearing aid or electronic implant, amplify, convert and re-transmit one's brainwaves; and also that the telecoil can also be wired as a transmitting antenna to transmit signals (e.g. control signals) into and/or out of an hearing aid or electronic implant. To ferret out these possible new, insidious and devastating electronic implant / telecoil magnetic loop system technolology abuses requires an EMF Direction Finder or EMF Triangulator. Note that the same telecoil magnetic loop systems can also be easily wired to serve as magnetic loop RECEIVING antennas to serve other surveillance, mind control and electronic attack functions. We predict the telecoil technology will eventually meld into Bluetooth or some other cellphone / IPod technology. Like virtually all mind control technology, much more investigation into possible abuses of this technology is required.
An increasingly popular use of electronic implants is for secret communications. Basically, two or more people have implanted into them electronic implants which are radio transceivers tuned to the same frequencies and modulation modes. Transducers are installed at the vocal cords and at the auditory semicircular canals. Then, completely silently and secretly, each person communicates with each other anywhere from a few feet away to half way across the world through satellites without the use of any external phone or radio. The first auditory transducer is used to transmit the received speech from the sender into nerve impulses interpreted by the receiver's brain as the voice of the sender (but can also be used to send recorded messages or any other sound or noise). A second auditory transducer is used to pick up the sounds that the person is hearing - eavesdropping if you will - then transmitting those sounds to the receiver along with the "voice" tremors picked up by the vocal cords transducer. Thus, at all times, each person is simultaneously both a receiver and a sender. A limited version of such implant are implanted into victims who are not supposed to know that they have such an implant. This is easily done by excluding the first auditory transducer, thereby making the communications only one-way in which the victim is unknowingly the constant sender, and by doing so can monitor what the victim hears and says at all times. This is a powerful system used in espionage, surveillance, mind control and electronic harassment of all types. We now understand that an advanced version of this powerful system is being field tested, which also includes a transducer that monitors the optic nerve to essentially turn people's eyes into remote spy cameras. While these systems are rarely used on members of the general public, if you believe that somone seems to know virtually everything you say and/or hear no matter how private, then you might consider this type of electronic attack as a possibility. Aside from detection and removal of the implant - both difficult to do - the only other electronic countermeasures are personal jamming and shielding.
We have heard of electronic implants being encased in small mercury sacks or bags to give the electronic implants a changing and more undefined and amorphous-like or bone-shaped appearance to X-Rays. If the Hg sack leaks inside the body, the Hg gets into the bloodstream and can then poison the brain and body. The first detectable symptom of an electronic implant may be mercury poisoning..
'Microwave Surveillance'..