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The document (Annexure 12) indicates that NIA was actively involved through VAN DER WESTHUIZEN with the party. The writing style however is that of Military Intelligence. It is common practice to blame another Intelligence agency when one is protecting one's own interests. In essence, ACDP was formed and managed through the Intelligence network. The new leader of the ACDP is also believed to be just an extension of VAN DER WESTHUIZEN’s activities. The ACDP’s role was to draw votes from the black Christians in the ANC.



INKATHA was again managed through the security branch of the SAPS in Durban. The handler of this project was now retired Colonel Louis BOTHA. With the establishing of UWUSA, the Inkatha labour union, protection to BUTHELEZI was given by Durban security branch. The whole launch of UWUSA was paid for out of the secret fund of the Security branch in Durban. The Security branch paid for the buses that took the supporters to the launch. Everything BUTHELEZI had needed was given to him through Louis BOTHA to INKATHA from the Security Branch of the then South African Police in DURBAN. It is now also history that the Intelligence structures gave military training to IFP to counter the ANC. Since 1998 the IFP has also received financial support from the CIA. BUTHELEZI told the author that he had heard that Thabo MBEKI’s uses cocaine.




The author has been told by a former Colonel, who had worked at counter-espionage of the Intelligence section within the Security Branch of the police, of rumours that the PAC was established by the South African Military Intelligence to counter the ANC. A senior member of the PAC also confirmed that the rumour also existed within the PAC. However, it is more likely that this was planned through STRATCOM by MI to cause an internal rift.



It was widely rumoured that Eugene TERRE’BLANCHE had worked for the Security branch of the police. Some former members made affidavits in this regard, confirming the rumour.



The BKA was also a Security branch project. It drew all right wing radicals within the farming community into an organisation that was monitored by the Security Branch. This made it very easy to identify all future suspects.



Although widely believed to be the only clean political party, it is not to be. The Editor of this party’s newspaper is working for SASS, as the author had explained in Chapter one.




Once again a lot of speculation went around that, the Freedom Front was established by the Intelligence community, to draw right wingers into a party to prevent a civil war. If one looks at the facts, it is quite possible that the rumours can be true.


Jaap MARAIS (now deceased) told the author he had proof that Constand VILJOEN and Tienie GROENEWALD had received money, but failed to say from whom and why. In advocate Piet PRETORIUS’ book, VOLKSVERRAAD, (later published in English as ‘SELL OUT!’) he mentioned that Tienie GROENEWALD was a NIA informer. Another source told the author that there were suspicions within the party regarding GROENEWALD because of an alleged housebreaking where GROENEWALD’S computer, with sensitive information on it regarding Freedom Front information, was stolen.


General Constand VILJOEN has not received amnesty for the Freedom Front’s planning of a military intervention, confirming that there was a plan for a civil war. It might sound contradictory; because the author has just mentioned that the Intelligence community established the party, but the NP government needed a party that would have been able to intervene militarily if the negotiations had gone sour. It again sounds contradictory to the reader, for if the negotiations hadn't worked, the NP could have used their own power and intervened, as they would have had the Defence Force behind them. However, internationally the NP wouldn't have survived if they had done so themselves, so they needed someone else to blame hence the reason why the Freedom Front was created. So if military intervention would have been necessary, they could have used the Freedom Front as a scapegoat and blame it on the right-wing elements in the country.


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