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Named after their Creators

a) algebra  b) cell c) counter d) cycle e) coordinates f) Daltonism g) dog          h) effect       i) hypothesis   j) lines        k) modulus  l) movement m) Pasteurization    n) pendulum   o) system      p) waves


Example:The Geiger … counter (c) was invented by Hans Geiger.

· Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) was a Danish astronomer, the greatest exponent of naked eye positional astronomy. Brahe is remembered for the Tychonic… (1), in which planets circled the sun, which in turn cycled the stationary earth.

· Cartesian … (2) is the most commonly used system of rectangular coordinates employed in analytical geometry. The term is used after Rene Descartes (1596-1650), a French mathematician, physicist and philosopher.

· 1800 Alexandro Volta invented the Voltaic … (3), the earliest continuous electric current source.

· 1801 Interference of light was discovered by Thomas Young (1773-1829), a British linguist, physician and physicist. He tried to resurrect the wave theory of light which had been occulted by Newton’s particle theory. He also suggested the eye responded to mixture of primary three colours and proposed modulus of elasticity known as Young’s … (4).

· 1808 The “modern” atomic theory was propounded by John Dalton. The word “…” (5) is used both to describe the atomic theory and a health disorder.

· Fraunhofer … (6) in the solar system were mapped by Joseph von Fraunhofer.

· 1824 Thermodynamics as a branch of physics was proposed by Sadi Carnot. Carnot … (7) postulates that the efficiency of a heat engine does not depend on its mode of operation but only of the temperature at which it accepts and discards heat energy.                        Thomas Young

· 1827 Frequent random Brownian … (8) of particles of the dispersed state of a fluid colloid   resulting from vibrations was observed by Robert Brown.

· George Boole (1815-1864) was a British mathematician and logician, chiefly remembered for devising Boolean… (9), which allowed mathematical methods to be applied to nonquantifiable entities such as logical propositions. In the 20th century it became important in the design of telecommunications systems and logic circuits, and hence in computer

George Boole                     technology.

· 1851 The rotation of Earth was demonstrated by Jean Foucault. The Foucault… (10) used to be fixed on top of the tallest St. Petersburg’s cathedral – St. Isaac’s as the replication of the famous experiment.

· Christian Doppler (1803-1853) (Austria) enunciated the so-called “Doppler… (11)”, which explains frequency variations observed when a vibrating source of waves approach or recede from one another.

· Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) invented a process for partially sterilizing milk originally by for improving the storage qualities of wine known as … (12).

· 1887 The existence of radio waves was predicted by Heinrich Hertz. The research of Herzian … (13) by other scientists culminated in invention of the modern radio.                                                                                                                      Christian Doppler

· Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), Russian physiologist, (the 1904 Nobel Prize winner) is best known for his work on the conditioned reflex. Regularly, over long periods, he rang a bell just to feed dogs, and found eventually they produced saliva on hearing the bell, even when there was no food forthcoming. In modern English Pavlov’s … (14) is used to describe a person doing something out of habit.

GRAMMAR PRACTICE: Complex Subject – I (GR-10 p. 201)


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