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Translate the text into English. GRAMMAR PRACTICE: Absolute Participial Construction
Лазер – это источник монохроматического когерентного света с малым расхождением светового луча светового пучка. Cлово «лазер» составлено из первых букв английского словосочетания, означающего «усиление света в результате вынужденного излучения». Действительно, основной физический процесс, лежащий в основе действия лазера, это вынужденное испускание излучения. Оно происходит при взаимодействии фотона с возбужденным атомом при точном совпадении энергии фотона с энергией возбуждения атома (или молекулы). В результате этого взаимодействия возбужденный атом переходит в невозбужденное состояние, а избыток энергии излучается в виде нового фотона с точно такой же энергией, направлением распространения и поляризацией, как и у первичного фотона. В настоящее время созданы лазеры на самых различных средах – газах, жидкостях, стеклах, кристаллах. Лазеры нашли широкое применение в науке, промышленности, медицине. Так, например, были разработаны технологии сверления тонких отверстий (диаметром 1-10мкм и глубиной 10-100мкм) с помощью лазеров средней мощности. Основная область применения маломощных импульсных (pulsed) лазеров связана с резкой и сваркой (welding) миниатюрных деталей в микроэлектронике и электровакуумной промышленности.
GRAMMAR PRACTICE: Absolute Participial Construction Translate the following sentences. 1. By early summer Blondot published twenty papers, Charpantier twenty, Becquerel ten, all describing new properties and sources of the rays. 2. His mother living in poverty, Pauling had to work full time while studying. From 1919 to 1920 he taught the course in analysis that he had just finished taking, earning the epithet ‘The boy professor’. 3. Plants grown in the dark are always colourless, chlorophyll becoming green only when affected by light. 4. This approach called “massively parallel processing” turns the computer into a factory, with thousands of parallel assembly lines churning out calculations and swapping results back and forth. 5. About 700 tons of graphite and 70 tons of uranium fuel from the core of the reactor, all being lethally radioactive, spewed onto the tarmac and the roof of the turbine hall in Chernobyl. 6. Ada (the daughter of the great short-lived Lord Byron) was fascinated with mathematics and is credited with writing the first computing programs, the fact reflected in the first programming language being named Ada after her . Convert the following complex sentences into simple ones using Absolute Participial Construction.
Example: It’s easy to feel sad about the world, since a billion people are still poor, the earth’s population is doubling, the environment is being damaged. It’s easy to feel sad about the world, with a billion people still being poor, the earth’s population doubling, the environment being damaged.
1. Up to 30 per cent of underground storage tanks and pipelines leak and one gallon of petrol contaminates millions of gallons of groundwater. 2. There are three Rs in environmental waste management – reduce, reuse and recycle; actually reuse and reduce are being neglected. 3. When Linnaeus completed his work on plant kingdom, he turned his attention to the animal kingdom. 4. There are thousands of cables required to carry all the channels of data from the detectors in the LHC and every cable is individually labeled and needs to be painstakingly matched up to the correct socket and tested. 5. Mendel’s prediction came true in 1900, when three European botanists, each of whom worked independently, obtained results that showed how plant heredity was governed. 6. Physicists have devised several theories of quantum gravity and each theory applied quantum principles in a distinct way.
VOCABULARY STUDY: Participles as linking words |
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