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Translate the sentences and identify the functions of the words in bold (Participle II or Past Indefinite).

1. What distinguished Rutherford from his colleagues – and the reason why he is remembered today as one of the greatest experimental physicists of all time – was his special qualities as a scientist.

2. Sir Neville Mott (1905-1998) was a distinguished theoretical physicist and Cavendish professor in Cambridge, best remembered for his contributions to solid-state physics.

3. In 1636, Hobbes traveled to Florence to meet Galileo and became convinced that the law of inertia was the axiom he had been seeking.

4. It was while studying for his Ph.D. at Indiana University that Watson became interested in genetics.

5. Kekule was a noted teacher, but is now mainly remembered for his celebrated dreams, in which came to him the two inspirations that changed the face of chemistry.

6. Scornful of tradition, Babbage infuriated and bewildered his elders.

7. Noise annoyed Babbage and he campaigned against organ grinders; irritated neighbors responded by paying street musicians to play outside his window.


Match the response from column B to the statements from column А .

Example: 1. I am puzzled by this problem. c) Ask Peter. He is likely to help you

               A                                                                   B

1. I am puzzled by this problem                a) Amazingly, I don’t feel sleepy.

2. Pr. Brown’s lectures are difficult.         b) But it is embarrassing to call at 1a.m..

3. It is difficult to combine work and study. c) Ask Peter. He is likely to help you.

4. Ann is likely to have notes on maths.    d) Yes, his explanations are confusing.

5. You must be exhausted after staying up all night. f) Thrilled? I am scared!

6. I couldn’t help laughing at his jokes.     e) I am surprised that I manage to cope.

7. I am thrilled about the exam.                  g) Shocking, you mean.

8. The test results are rather disappointing. h) Yes, his jokes are always amusing.


VOCABULARY STUDY: Participle I/II as Adjectives

12. Complete the sentences using the words from the box:

a) complicated      b) emerging                    c) presiding d) sobering             e) sophisticated             f) tantalizing g) towering            h) upsetting                         i) unyielding



Example An (b) emerging  field of science is experimental mathematics: the discovery of new mathematical results by looking at many examples using a computer.

1. Hobbes pictured a person as …  a mechanism acted upon by external forces.

2. To Hobbes there was nothing mysterious or … about such an idea of man as an automaton.

3. The striving of scientists to reach beyond the current limits of human learning is constant and … .

4. Scheele discovered oxygen in 1772, but for various heart-breakingly … reasons could not get his paper published in a timely manner.

5. James Clerk Maxwell was a … genius of nineteenth-century physics.

6. Alexander Eiffel was a … engineering genius.

7. The physical form of a material can affect its toxicity. One… example is asbestos, with two chemically identical forms - serpentine and chrysotile asbestos.

8. Marie Curie was determined to isolate this element, which proved an incredibly difficult task. The problem was so … that her husband joined her in her quest.

Distribute the participial adjectives according to the feelings, reactions and attitudes they express.

alarming       amazing   amusing  annoying appalling astonishing baffling      bewildering    boring bothering   challenging confusing daunting       disappointing dazzling devastating disgusting      disturbing embarrassing entraining exciting  exasperating   exhilarating  exhausting fascinating frightening    frustrating    humiliating   impressing intriguing infuriating irritating     mortifying      overwhelming pleasing  puzzling   rewarding    scaring       startling stunning  tantalizing       terrifying    thrilling     tiring  unnerving


WORD FORMATION ( suffixes of abstract nouns)

Fill the table


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