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Georgia’s national interests are intertwined with the strengthening of contemporary global security and stability. In addition to ensuring the country`s defence the GAF also contributes to regional and international security. Accordingly, the MoD will continue its transformation process to increase its interoperability with NATO. Cooperation with NATO member and partner states plays an important role in supporting Georgia’s national political and military goals. It is important for the GAF to broaden cooperation in security and military issues with NATO member and partner states as well as with the European Union (EU) and other international organizations.


Finally, along with ensuring country`s defence the GAF should have necessary capabilities to support international operations and contribute to regional stability.


5.1. F ulfilment of International Obligations and Participation in Multinational Activities Fulfilment of the state`s international obligations is an important mission of the GAF. The Armed Forces are actively engaged in international and multinational activities. It is important to deepen this cooperation through participation in foreign security assistance programs, foreign military training, courses and international exercises as well as other forms of defence diplomacy. Fulfilment of international obligations and participation in multinational activities by the GAF also contributes to strengthening international as well as regional security.


5.1.1. NATO I nteroperability and Cooperative S ecurity

Becoming a member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization remains a primary foreign and security policy priority for Georgia, a NATO aspirant country. NATO membership would greatly improve the country`s security and support political and economic stability. In order to enhance NATO

interoperability the GAF shall continue deepening bilateral and multilateral cooperation and shall participate in joint exercises and international multinational operations.


The MoD is actively pursuing defence system institutional building and modernization through existing cooperation mechanisms (the Annual National Programme, Planning and Review Process, NATO-Georgia Commission, Military Committee + Georgian Work Plan as well as other NATO programmes and initiatives).


The GAF will continue making significant contributions towards ensuring global security and stability. By participating in NATO-led international operations Georgia fully acknowledges the threats stemming from global challenges and accepts own responsibility as a member of the international community while at the same time acquiring important experience and knowledge that contributes to strengthening national security and increasing NATO interoperability.


Georgia shall continue its engagement in post-2014 period by participating in the “Resolute Support Mission”. The GAF will also participate as a member of the NATO Response Forces, the finest and most technologically advanced multinational forces of the Alliance.


5.1.2. I nternational, Regional and B ilateral Cooperation

Great attention is paid to participation of Georgia in peacekeeping and monitoring missions under UN aegis. The GAF is fully prepared to cooperate in such operations.


Integration into the EU as well as being an active participant in the EU neighbourhood policy represents one of the major foreign policy priorities of the country. Within the framework of Participation Agreement to engage in the EU-led crisis management operations, Georgia expresses its readiness to participate in various EU peacekeeping operations. Additionally, the MoD puts particular attention on active cooperation with the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) in Georgia.


Georgia is pursuing an active neighbourhood policy to enhance regional and own security. Georgia takes a keen interest in strengthening existing cooperation with the countries of the Caucasus and Black Sea region, most importantly with NATO member and partner states in the sphere of defence and security.


The United States of America is a key strategic partner. The MoD has an active cooperation program with the U.S. Department of Defence and is committed to further deepening and sustaining existing collaboration through the framework of the U.S. Georgia Charter on Strategic Partnership.


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