Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 6. Give English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations

       Востребованная специальность, трудоустраиваться, дипломированный специалист, квалификационные показатели, ключевые позиции инженера, технические тенденции, накапливать опыт, зарабатывать имя, амбициозный, узконаправленный предмет, Сопромат, принимать решения, производство, обслуживание, разрабатывать программное обеспечение, проектировать энергосистемы.

Exercise 7. Choose a proper word to complete the sentence

1. The word engineer is coined from the Latin words having the … “devise” and “cleverness”.

2. … suggests engineers spend their time engaged in various information behaviors.

3. Developing a product, engineers typically work in … teams.

4. The responsibilities of the engineer may include conducting and narrowing research and...

5. An electrical engineer would design the power systems, sensors, electronics and control...

6. A software engineer should develop the software that makes … behave properly.

(Research, analyzing criteria, circuitry, meaning, interdisciplinary, the robot, embedded software)

Exercise 8. Choose the best answer

1. Engineers fulfill objectives and requirements of the...

a) science                                                  b) society

c) nation                                                    d) disciplinary team

2. Many branches of engineering … in specific technologies and products.

a) specialize                                         b) qualify

c) monitor                                                 d) practice

3. … engineering includes structural and transportation engineering.

a). Electrical                                              b). Mechanical

c). Civil                                                     d). Software

4. Developing a product, engineers usually work in … teams.

a) international                                          b) interdisciplinary

c) business                                                d) secret

5. Engineers can be engaged in business … and … management.

a) software, electronics                             b) transportation, practical

c) administration, project                          d) specialization, fixed

6. Materials engineering … ceramic, metallurgical, and polymer engineering.

a) includes                                                b) performs

c) adjusts                                                  d) develops

7. Engineers are often engaged in organizational or business...

a) thinking                                                b) calculation

c) plan                                                       d) psychology

8. To get a(an) … in engineering a person should fulfill a project report or thesis and pass engineering board examinations.

a) certificate                                              b) examination

c) bachelor's degree                                  d) master's degree

9. A professional engineer is … to apply scientific methods to new solution of engineering problems.

a) competent                                             b) experienced

c) obliged                                                  d) required

10. An engineer spends a lot of time on researching, locating, applying, and transferring...

a) information                                           b) investments

c) data                                                       d) money

11. Many engineers use … to simulate and test a machine, structure, or system as well as to produce and analyze designs.

a) calculators                                             b) computers

c) advanced vehicles                                d) technologies

12. Engineers’ work forms the … between scientific discoveries and their applications to human and business needs and quality of life.

a) lake                                                       b) link

c) loop                                                       d) connection

13. The … of the engineer may include defining problems, conducting and narrowing research, analyzing criteria, finding and analyzing solutions, and making decisions.

a) purposes                                                b) aims

c) obligations                                            d) responsibilities

14. Engineers apply … in testing, production, or maintenance.

a) technologies of engineering analysis    b) techniques of engineering analysis

c) techniques of business projects            d) methods of 

15. Engineers should spend most of their time in … for new information and … it to the requirements of the society.

a) searching, trying                                   b) searching, selling

c) searching, adapting,                              d) adapting, granting


Text B

Exercise 9. Work with the dictionary and find the transcription and the meaning of the words:











to deal

to be dealt

to be aware


prophylactic                                                           to be charged with

machine                                                                  device


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