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B. the instructions the computer receives

C. the built-in set of instructions used to start up the computer

D. cables, keyboard, mouse, and monitor

E. something that is soft


17. Informatics is:

A. A science about the laws, methods of measurement, storage, processing and transmission of information with the use of computer;

B. Reflection of the material world in the form of signals and signs understandable to certain group of people;

C. The description of the software necessary to operate the computer;

D. The description of structure and functions of the computer at a level, sufficient for comprehension of principles of operation and command system of the computer;

E. The description of the software.


18. The object of study of informatics is:

A. information;

B. cybernetics;

C. programs;

D. files;

E. air.


19. The information is:

A. A science about creation and changing of various documents;

B. A science about the laws, methods of measurement, storage, processing and transmission of information with the use of computer;

C. Reflection of the material world in the form of signals and signs understandable to certain group of people;

D. The program for processing the files of graphics;

E. The chaotic and useless set of characters.


20. The information processed by the computer is encoded:

A. with the help of usual digits;

B. only with the help of zeroes and ones;

C. with the help of characters;

D. with the help of digits and characters;

E. all answers are correct.


21. The information cannot be represented as:

A. Ones and zeroes;

B. Various devices;

C. Drawings;

D. Sounds;

E. Characters.


22. What is 1 bit:

A. Corresponds to four binary units;

B. Eight sequential bytes;

C. The unit of information equal to 1024 bytes;

D. The binary unit which can be either 0 or 1;

E. The largest unit of information equal to 1024 Mb.


23. What is NOT the property of information:

A. Compulsion;

B. Reliability;

C. Value;

D. Availability;

E. Relevance.


24. The information is called visual:

A. if it is perceived by the person through organs of sight;

B. if it is perceived by the person through the organs of taction (skin);

C. if it is perceived by the person through olfactory organs;

D. if it is perceived by the person through organs of hearing;

E. if it is perceived by the person through organs of taste perception.


25. The information, which does not depend on personal opinion, is called:

A. Authentic;

B. Actual;

C. Objective;

D. Useful;

E. Clear.


26. 1 byte contains

A. 8 units

B. 16 bits

C. 4 bits

D. 8 bits

E. 6 bits


27. 1 kilobyte contains

A. 1000 bytes

B. 1024 bits

C. 1024 bytes

D. 100 bytes

E. 16 gigabytes


28. In computer the number 123 occupies

A. 1 byte

B. 7 bytes

C. 2 bytes

D. 16 bits

E. 3 bytes


29. In computer the number 256 occupies

A. 1 byte

B. 10 bits

C. 2 bytes

D. 3 bytes

E. 3 bits


30. In computer the number 2325 occupies

A. 1 byte

B. 4 bytes

C. 2 bytes

D. 3 bytes

E. 3 bits


31. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number 0 in binary system?

A. 0000

B. 0011

C. 0100

D. 1010

E. 0111


32. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number 1 in binary system?

A. 1011

B. 1110

C. 1100

D. 0101

E. 0001


33. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number 2 in binary system?

A. 1010

B. 0010

C. 0001

D. 1110

E. 1011


34. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number 3 in binary system?

A. 0111

B. 1001

C. 0011

D. 1000

E. 1011


35. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number 4 in binary system?

A. 0100

B. 0000

C. 0111

D. 1010

E. 0010


36. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number 5 in binary system?

A. 1011

B. 0101

C. 0110

D. 1100

E. 1110


37. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number 6 in binary system?

A. 0001

B. 1010

C. 0010

D. 0110

E. 1011


38. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number 7 in binary system?

A. 1000

B. 0101

C. 1101

D. 0000

E. 0111


39. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number 8 in binary system?

A. 1111

B. 0001

C. 0000

D. 0100

E. 1000


40. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number 9 in binary system?

A. 0111

B. 0101

C. 1111

D. 1001

E. 0010


41. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number A in binary system?

A. 0100

B. 1011

C. 1010

D. 1101

E. 0110


42. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number B in binary system?

A. 1000

B. 0011

C. 1011

D. 1110

E. 1010


43. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number C in binary system?

A. 0101

B. 1001

C. 1011

D. 1100

E. 1101


44. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number D in binary system?

A. 1100

B. 1001

C. 0101

D. 1110

E. 1101


45. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number E in binary system?

A. 1110

B. 1101

C. 0001

D. 0111

E. 1111


46. What number corresponds to hexadecimal number F in binary system?

A. 1111

B. 1100

C. 1000

D. 1110

E. 0101


47. What number corresponds to binary number 0000 in hexadecimal system?

A. 9

B. 2

C. 0

D. 3

E. 6


48. What number corresponds to binary number 0001 in hexadecimal system?

A. 8

B. 1

C. 2

D. 4

E. 3


49. What number corresponds to binary number 0010 in hexadecimal system?

A. F

B. 4

C. 2

D. 8

E. 5


50. What number corresponds to binary number 0011 in hexadecimal system?

A. 2

B. 5

C. 7

D. 3

E. B


51. What number corresponds to binary number 0100 in hexadecimal system?

A. A

B. 4

C. 3

D. D

E. 2


52. What number corresponds to binary number 0101 in hexadecimal system?

A. B

B. 5

C. E

D. C

E. D


53. What number corresponds to binary number 0110 in hexadecimal system?

A. 6

B. 8

C. A

D. 2

E. 5


54. What number corresponds to binary number 0111 in hexadecimal system?

A. C

B. A

C. 7

D. 5

E. 4


55. What number corresponds to binary number 1000 in hexadecimal system?

A. 8

B. 4

C. 9

D. 6

E. 5


56. What number corresponds to binary number 1001 in hexadecimal system?

A. 2

B. 6

C. D

D. 9

E. 7


57. What number corresponds to binary number 1010 in hexadecimal system?

A. B

B. 5

C. 7

D. A

E. 6


58. What number corresponds to binary number 1011 in hexadecimal system?

A. B

B. 1

C. C

D. 7

E. F


59. What number corresponds to binary number 1100 in hexadecimal system?

A. E

B. D

C. C

D. 9

E. 4


60. What number corresponds to binary number 1101 in hexadecimal system?

A. 5

B. 2

C. B

D. D

E. 0


61. What number corresponds to binary number 1110 in hexadecimal system?

A. A

B. 2

C. 7

D. E

E. B


62. What number corresponds to binary number 1111 in hexadecimal system?

A. C

B. 6

C. E

D. F

E. D


63. How many digits are in hexadecimal system?

A. 32

B. 10

C. 2

D. 16

E. 8


64. How many digits are in binary system?

A. 32

B. 10

C. 2

D. 16

E. 8


65. How many digits are in decimal system?

A. 32

B. 10

C. 2

D. 16

E. 8


66. In what system the number 10 is the greatest?

A. binary

B. decimal

C. hexadecimal

D. binary and decimal

E. it is the same in all the systems


67. In what system the number 10 is the smallest?

A. binary

B. decimal

C. hexadecimal

D. binary and decimal

E. it is the same in all the systems


68. In what system the number 0 is the greatest?

A. binary

B. decimal

C. hexadecimal

D. binary and decimal


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