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E. standard managing keys


3.40 In figure keyboards of digit 3 are designated

A. key of control of moving of the cursor

B. sense lights of functions

C. the small digital keyboard

D. generalpurpose managing keys

E. standard managing keys


3.41 In figure keyboards of digit 4 are designated

A. key of control of moving of the cursor

B. sense lights of functions

C. the small digital keyboard

D. general purpose managing keys

E. standard managing keys


3.42 In figure keyboards of digit 5 are designated

A. key of control of moving of the cursor

B. sense lights of functions

C. the small digital keyboard

D. generalpurpose managing keys

E. standard managing keys


3.43 In figure keyboards of digit 6 are designated

A. key of control of moving of the cursor

B. sense lights of functions

C. the small digital keyboard

D. generalpurpose managing keys

E. standard managing keys



3.44 In desktop figure digit 1 are designated

A. Taskbar

B. Quick Launch toolbar

C. Tray

D. Start Menu

E. Icons


3.45 In desktop figure digit 2 are designated

A. Taskbar

B. Quick Launch toolbar

C. Tray

D. Start Menu

E. Icons


3.46 In desktop figure digit 3 are designated

A. Taskbar

B. Quick Launch toolbar

C. Tray

D. Start Menu

E. Icons


3.47 In desktop figure digit 4 are designated

A. Taskbar

B. Quick Launch toolbar

C. Tray

D. Start Menu

E. Icons


3.48 In desktop figure digit 5 are designated

A. Taskbar

B. Quick Launch toolbar

C. Tray

D. Start Menu

E. Icons


3.49 Which file extensions indicate only text files?

A. BMP and STK


C. TXT and DOC

D. BMP and GIF



3.50 Which file extensions indicate only compressed files?

A. ZIP and RAR


C. TXT and STK

D. BMP and GIF



Test SIWT_5: Desktop applications.

5.1. Device that captures a whole page and convert it to digital image

  1. external device
  2. CD-ROM
  3. internal device
  4. page scanner
  5. Modem


5.2. Moving the mouse around is called

  1. Drag
  2. Scroll
  3. Click
  4. Move the pointer
  5. Double-click


5.3. Pressing a mouse button and releasing it is called

  1. Scroll
  2. Double-click
  3. Click
  4. Move the pointer
  5. Drag


5.4. Pressing a mouse button twice quickly is called

  1. Move the pointer
  2. Drag
  3. Double-click
  4. Click
  5. Scroll


5.5.Holding a mouse button down while moving the mouse is called

  1. Double-click
  2. Drag
  3. Click
  4. Move the pointer
  5. Scroll


5.6.Rolling the wheel that some mice have is called

  1. Double-click
  2. Scroll
  3. Move the pointer
  4. Click
  5. Drag


5.7.Indicate a program for making simple calculations.

  1. WordPad
  2. Calculator
  3. Microsoft Windows
  4. NotePad
  5. Paint


5.8.Indicate a program for editing documents which can include simple graphics and text formatting.

  1. Paint
  2. Microsoft Windows
  3. NotePad
  4. WordPad
  5. Calculator


5.9.Indicate a simple program with basic tools for creating bitmap pictures.

  1. Microsoft Windows
  2. NotePad
  3. Paint
  4. Calculator
  5. WordPad


5.10. Indicate the graphical operating system for IBM PC computers.

  1. Calculator
  2. NotePad
  3. Microsoft Windows
  4. WordPad
  5. Paint


5.11. What is NotePad?

  1. a program for editing documents which can include simple graphics and text formatting
  2. a simple program with basic tools for creating bitmap pictures
  3. a program for making simple calculations
  4. a simple program for writing basic text-only documents.
  5. the graphical operating system for IBM PC computers


5.12. What is Calculator?

  1. a program for making simple calculations
  2. a simple program with basic tools for creating bitmap pictures
  3. a program for editing documents which can include simple graphics and text formatting
  4. a simple program for writing basic text-only documents.
  5. the graphical operating system for IBM PC computers


5.13. What is WordPad?

  1. a simple program with basic tools for creating bitmap pictures
  2. the graphical operating system for IBM PC computers
  3. a simple program for writing basic text-only documents.
  4. a program for editing documents which can include simple graphics and text formatting
  5. a program for making simple calculations


5.14. What is Paint?

  1.  a simple program with basic tools for creating bitmap pictures
  2. a program for making simple calculations
  3. a simple program for writing basic text-only documents.
  4. the graphical operating system for IBM PC computers
  5. a program for editing documents which can include simple graphics and text formatting


5.15. A picture defined as a series of dots.

  1. pixel
  2. brush
  3. fill
  4. bitmap image
  5. vector image


5.16. A single picture element, the smallest dot on the screen.

  1. bitmap image
  2. fill
  3. handles
  4. palette
  5. pixel


5.17. A set of colors.

  1. bitmap image
  2. vector image
  3. pixel
  4. fill
  5. palette


5.18. A tool for drawing lines.

  1. vector image
  2. brush
  3. fill
  4. pixel
  5. palette


5.19. Shapes on a selected object that allow you to change the shape by dragging the handle.

  1. pixel
  2. fill
  3. handles
  4. bitmap image
  5. palette


5.20. Colors an enclosed area with one color or pattern.

  1. bitmap image
  2. palette
  3. handles
  4. fill
  5. Brush


5.21. What operation is performed by Calculator’s function “x^y”:

A. exponentiation

B. evaluation of trigonometric function

C. putting the number into memory

D. multiplication of two numbers

E. memory clearing


5.22. What operation is performed by Calculator’s function “x^3”:


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