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A letter of application by an international student

Flat 17, 101 Factory Farm Ladywell Park Road

 Nottingham N1 6TN

26 April 2013


Mr Sheldon Roberts

Graduate Talent Coordinator

Smith and Jones


I am writing to apply for your store manager graduate scheme, as advertised on Smithandjones.org.  

I first became interested in a career in retail after working part time in a large department store in China (my home country) before moving to the UK to study.

I believe that retail work would be an ideal way to combine my experience and interests in customer service, problem solving and ecommerce. I confirmed my interest in joining a successful graduate scheme like the one you offer at Smith and Jones while attending a graduate recruitment fair at my university last summer. Speaking to graduates who had already completed such schemes and who were enthusiastic about the opportunities it had brought them inspired me to apply to your organisation.

Smith and Jones stood out as offering the most opportunities through its training scheme, as shown through the information on your website and your Investors in People award. I was also impressed by your focus on continuing professional development within your organisation for staff at all levels.

My long-term goal is to become a store manager for a successful department store in the UK and I believe that my BA (Hons) Hospitality and Service Management (predicted 2.1) will be a good base to start my career in retail.

I am a highly organised and personable student who recognises the importance of teamwork. While working at the department store in China I developed my leadership and customer service skills. I believe that I am able to speak to people at all levels whether a customer in store or a member of senior management at Smith and Jones.

As my pre-university education was in China, I am unable to translate my qualifications into equivalent UCAS points. However, as previously stated, I am predicted to achieve a 2.1 in my degree.

I hope that your organisation will consider sponsoring me as at present I do not have permission to work in the UK after I graduate. My institution advises me that employers can apply for a UK Visa Sponsorship licence from UK Visas and Immigration. Information can be found at https://www.gov.uk/uk-visa-sponsorship-employers or questions can be posed to the international student adviser at my university.

I hope that, on consideration of my attached CV, you will feel that I have the skills and experience to succeed on your graduate scheme and to become a valued member of Smith and Jones.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


Eve Ying


Task 7.

Read the text.

The Letter to Write When You Don't Get the Job

Don't get mad; get gracious. A follow-up letter after you don't get the job is so rare, you will stand out and it may lead to future recommendations or another job.

It’s the gracious letter sent by the candidate who got passed over in the final hiring decision, thanking the hiring manager for the interview, perhaps asking that they keep the candidate in mind for future openings, or even requesting feedback regarding what the candidate could have done better or communicated more effectively.

If you can muster the professionalism and grace to thank the people who interviewed you, rather than cursing them out, you could transform yourself from a reject into a pearl. We talked to hiring professionals and job seekers who plucked success from the ashes of rejection. Read on for their input on why you should write such a letter, what it might contain and the positive results that can come from having written them.

What to Write

Whom to Send It to. Normal thank-you letters are addressed to everyone who interviewed you. The big-boy/girl letter, however, only goes to the decision maker and/or the HR representative you dealt with. If the [rejection] letter you received is signed by the HR person … thank both of them. If it is signed by the hiring manager, you need to send a thank-you note only to that person.

What to Say. Thank them for considering you for the opportunity. Tell them what impressed you about the company or the department you were being considered for. Let them know you would like to keep in touch and would like to be considered for future openings.

Keep the letter brief and very positive. State that you were disappointed, but congratulate the hiring person(s) on having made a selection, and then wish them well.

In a final, short paragraph reiterate a positive point from their interview that reflected well on the interviewer and, again, state that they’d like to be considered for future openings.

Sample Letter


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