Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Temperature and humidity conditions, conservation, restoration and exposure

Sleptsova Evdokia Semenovna, artist-restorer on fabric of the I category of the National Fine Arts Museum of RS (Y)

- Restoration of the miter from the collection of the Yakut State Museum of the History and Culture of the Peoples of the North of Em. Yaroslavsky

Spiridonov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, teacher of additional education in the museum management MBOU “Ulah-Anskaya Secondary School of A.I. Prituzov ” MR “ Khangalassky ulus ”

- The role of the school museum in the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the people (for example, the work of the museum “Ulah-Anskaya Secondary School of A.I. Prituzov”)

Anastasia Sleptsova, a guide of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- Children's Even set for ceremonial treatments from the collection of the Srednekolymsky Museum of Local Lore

Nogovitsyna Efrosinia Semenovna, Senior Researcher of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- Searches and finds in the collections of museums of Yakutia, Irkutsk and St. Petersburg

Filippova Elena Nikolaevna, Senior Researcher, MBUK “Khangalassky Ulus Local History Museum of G. V. Ksenofontov”

- About the first director of the museum of local lore in Khangalassky district Semen Dmitrievich Ivanov

Torgovkina Nadezhda Ivanovna, Researcher of the Yakut State Museum of the History and Culture of the Peoples of the North of Em. Yaroslavsky

- Diary of a doctor Mokrovsky. Documentary film as a way to present documents and photos from museum collections and family archives.

Poselskaya Sardana Ivanovna, Head of the Scientific and Educational Department of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- V International Yakut Biennale of Contemporary Art BY-18: description and analysis of management, marketing and curatorial project

Sergey Vasiliev, Head of the Laboratory " Center for three-dimensional modeling and virtual reality" FTI

- 3-D in the National Fine Arts Museum of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)  project “Rarities of Yakutia” as an innovative form in museum practice

Pestryakov Konstantin Konstantinovich, chief keeper of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y) in the Grant project of the RGO " Floating University on the Lena River - 2018"

Gavrilyeva Nadezhda Garievna, Candidate of Philology, Researcher of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- Educational projects of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

Vinokurova Antonina Afanasevna, Candidate of Philology, head of Department of Northern Philology, Institute of Nuclear Physics, North-East Subsidiary, North-Eastern Federal University of M.K. Ammosov

- Museum pedagogy in the context of traditional culture of indigenous peoples of the North of Yakutia

Frolova Olga Vasilievna, Methodologist of the Scientific and Educational Department of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- The project " Musical Album". From the practice of the Children's Museum Center of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

Fedorova Natalya Igorevna, Methodologist of the Scientific and Educational Department of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

-Multidisciplinary approach in preschool education on the example of the program “Art-garden” of the National Fine Arts Museum of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)  

Borisova Anna Sergeevna, specialist of the Museum of Statehood of the RS (Y) named after P.A. Oiunskiy, branch of the SBE RS (Y) “Yakut Museum”

- Great 100-year plan of P.A. Oiunskiy in the study of Yakut political scientists (museum pedagogy)

Gogoleva Natalia Konstantinovna, head of the House-Museum " Yakut deportation" branch of the SBE RS (Y) the Yakut State Museum of the History and Culture of the Peoples of the North of Em. Yaroslavsky

- Spiritual and patriotic education of schoolchildren in Yakutia (on the example of the activities of the Yakutsk Link House-Museum)

Yakovleva Marianna Nikolaevna, head of the kindergarten MBDOU “Child Development Center - kindergarten" Michil”

- Virtual museum as a means of socialization of children of preschool age (on the example of the work of MFDOU “Child development center – kindergarten “Micil”)

Master class from teachers of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center - kindergarten " Michil" village Churapcha Churapchinsky ulus (district) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

- “ Yakut Manor ” game -constructor

SECTION II. Section II “General Issues of Culture, Art and Art History. Ethnocultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia”. Moderators - Neustroeva G.G., Kravtsova Yu.V. (Exposition “The Art of Yakutia”, 1st floor, 3rd hall)

Bravina Rosalia Innokentievna, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, acting Head Department of Archeology and Ethnography of the Institute of Humanitarian Research and the Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

- “Oyuu-bichik” pictographic letter of the Yakuts (late XIX - early XX centuries)

Kaigorodov Semen Innokentievich, keeper of museum objects of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- Notes on tamgas on the crowns of the 18th - 19th centuries from collection of the National Fine Arts Museum of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Prokopyeva Alexandra Nikolaevna, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of History, North-Eastern Federal University of M.K. Ammosov

- Material culture of the Yakuts of the XIV-XVIII centuries in museums of Yakutia

Alekseeva Alena Viktorovna, teacher of GBPOU Yakut College of Culture and Arts

- Metalworking culture of the XVII-XVIII centuries on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Varavina Galina Nikolaevna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Junior Researcher of the Department of Archaeologists and Ethnography of the Institute of Humanitarian Research and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North of the SB RAS

- Ornamental heritage of the Evens and Evenks: symbolic language and visualization of geocultural images

Baskhardyrova Tatiana Dmitrievna, Senior Researcher, National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- Semiotics of folk art of Yakutia. Symbols and signs

Vasilyev Valery Egorovitch, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Humanitarian Studies and the Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North SB RAS

- Two tambourines of the shaman Savey and their ethnographic interpretation

Zhukova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Archaeologists and Ethnography, Institute for Humanitarian Studies and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North SB RAS

- Museum exhibit from the depths of history

Zarovnyayeva Varvara Ilyinichna, head of the exhibition sector of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- From the experience of the reconstruction of the chef with a breast and back decoration

Zvereva Anna Nikolaevna, artist of arts and crafts

-Yakut traditional female djabaka headdress: semiotics, design, technology

Yakovleva Tamara Alexandrovna, leading specialist in scientific and educational activities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture " State Russian Museum"

- The role of A.A.Karelin in preserving the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia

Ivanova-Unarova Zinaida Ivanovna, Professor, Department of Art History, Arctic State Institute of Art and Culture

- Return of the historical picture

Kravtsova Yulia Vladimirovna, Ph.D. in Art History, Chief Researcher at the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- Ethnic features of the motifs and images of the fine arts of Yakutia of the 1960-1980s (on the example of graphic heritage)

Neustroeva Galina Gavrilievna, Chief Researcher of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- Modern graphics of Yakutia: ways of development

Natalya Danilova, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Archeology and Ethnography, Institute of Humanitarian Studies and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North, SB RAS

- Geopoetics of Afanasiy Osipov: archetypical images in the symbolization of space

Timofeeva Vlada Vladislavovna , Ph.D. in Art History, Deputy General Director for Scientific Activities of the National Art Museum of the RS (Y )

- Images of the Arctic in the works of A.N. Osipov, N.N. Kurilov, M.G. Starostin

Rozhkova Ekaterina Nikolaevna, Curator of Museum Objects and Categories of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- Graphic artists about Platon Oiunsky (based on the collection of the National Fine Arts Museum of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Olesova Nyurguyana Vladimirovna, specialist in accounting for museum objects of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- The image of the shaman in the Yakut graphic

Pokatilova Iya Volodarovna, Ph.D. in Art History, Associate Professor of the Department of Folklore and Culture of the North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosova, Institute of Languages ​ ​ and Cultures of the Peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation

- To the problem of studying the arts: the nature of creativity

Petrova Anna Grigorievna, Ph.D. in Art History, Associate Professor, Head of the Design Department of the Arctic State Institute of Arts and Culture

- Traditional Sakha art in modern project culture

Mishchenko Maria Pavlovna, the guide of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y)

- Folklore motifs of the Russian estuary in the visual art of Yakutia

Sadovnikova Iya Ivanovna, Candidate of Philology, Researcher at the Even Philology Section of the Institute of Humanitarian Research and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North, SB RAS

- The word-formation paradigm of nouns denoting " tools of action" in the Even language

Zvereva Evdokia Viktorovna, post-graduate student of NEFU-2018, in the specialty “Cultural Studies”, leading methodologist, “Resource and Design Center” of the MCandSD of RS (Y)

- Chanting of the Djabaka hat (on the example of the work of S.A. Zverev-Kyl Uola “Djabak yryata”)


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