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Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Avvakumova Sardana Vasilievna, Methodist of the Cherkekh Historical and Memorial Museum " Yakut Political Reference" - Organization of museum educational activities. From the experience of the Cherkekh Historical and Memorial Museum " Yakut Political Reference" Agafonova Elena Vladimirovna, graduate student of the Faculty of Philology of North-Eastern Federal University of M.K. Ammosov - Stories about the Russian bogatyr Ilya Muromets and fairy tales of Russian arctic old residents: motivational links, heroes, language Azhimetov Kudratulla Asatullaevitch, Tashkent Museum of Fine Arts (Uzbekistan, Tashkent) - Art of Uzbekistan Argunova-Low Tatiana, Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom) - Journey to the century: the story of a single exhibit Argunova Mira, a student of visual arts at the Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts, specialty " Easel painting" - Theme of the Arctic in the works of Marianna Lukina Wang Shue, Master, Ph.D. student of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen (People's Republic of China, Beijing) - Battle painting in the collections of the State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg) and the National Museum of China (Beijing) Gabaydullina Larisa Vasilyevna, Leading Methodologist GBU RS (Y) “Resource and Project Center” MK and SD RS (Y) - Experience of interaction of scientific, museum, educational institutions Gabysheva Luiza Lvovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Faculty of Philology, Department of General Linguistics and Rhetoric of the North-Eastern Federal University of M.K. Ammosov - Orientation axiological meanings of somatisms in the languages and culture of the Turkic peoples Gromova Olga Nikolaevna, Senior Researcher, State Budgetary Institution of Administration of RS (Y) " Museum of Music and Folklore of the Peoples of Yakutia" - Traditional musical instruments of the Evens and Evenks Detlova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Senior Researcher, Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local Lore KGBUK - Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local History in the literature about Siberia Konstantinova Albina Egorovna, Librarian of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y) - Collection of the museum in the albums-catalogs of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y) (2008-2018) Lavaulx-Vrecourt Henriette, curator of the East-North Asia Collection of the Ethnological Museum of Berlin in Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin) - Artifacts of Yakutia in the Berlin Museum of Ethnology Litvintseva Angelina Aleksandrovna, Senior Researcher, Krasnoyarsk Art Museum of Surikov (Krasnoyarsk) - Tapestry as a carpet picture. On the issue of ornamental and pictorial principles in the tapestry of the second half of the twentieth century. from the collection of the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum of Surikov Liao Duma, graduate student Russian State Pedagogical University of A.I. Herzen (People's Republic of China, Beijing) - The ethical concept in the works of Soviet artists of the 1970s. at the exhibition “CO-PRI-PRIVACITY” (St. Petersburg, 2017) Magda Mrovec, freelance artist (France) - Modern Art Manzhueva Natalia Fedorovna, Leading Methodologist GBU RS (Y) " ROC" - Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competencies of museum workers of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the system of additional professional education Matveeva Nadezhda Stepanovna, Methodist of the Scientific and Educational Department of the National Fine Arts Museum of the RS (Y) - All-Russian action “Night of the Arts” as a new form of interaction with visitors Nesterova Elena Vasilievna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Researcher at the Even Philology Section of the Institute of Humanitarian Research and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North, SB RAS - About derivational affixes of numerals in the Even language Ostrovsky Alexander Borisovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, researcher of the main category of the Russian Museum of Ethnography (St. Petersburg) - Personification of fear on the border of the developed space in the Nivkh culture Pierce Eleonora, Researcher (correspondence), University of Aberdeen (UK) - Reharmonizing value in a Siberian shamanic ritual: Gabriel Tarde and the post-Soviet national revival Rodionov Georgiy Nikolaevich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture and Urban Construction of the Engineering and Technical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University of M.K. Ammosov - D.I. Mendeleev and visual arts Savvinova Stepanida Nikolaevna, Candidate of Philology, Researcher at the Even Philology Section of the Institute of Humanitarian Research and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North SB RAS - Word formation of pronouns in the Even language Sapanzha Olga Sergeevna, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Arts Education and Decorative Arts, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts for Research, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen (St. Petersburg) - Soviet mass porcelain in museum collections: strategies for the formation of collections and their actualization Sem Tatyana Yuryevna, Ph.D. in History, Leading Researcher, Department of Ethnography of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East, Russian Museum of Ethnography (St. Petersburg) - Symbols of Tungus shamanism Feria Franzuaz Vincent, Professor at the University of Strasbourg; Feria Elua, Professor at the University of Paris 8; Borisova Isabella Zakharovna, Associate Professor, Researcher Izvir, North eastern Federal University of M.K. Ammosov - International Yakut Biennale of Contemporary Art: the practice of curatorial project Yu Wei, graduate student Russian State Pedagogical University of A.I. Herzen (People's Republic of China, Beijing) - Creation of the museum collection of the Central Technical Drawing School of Baron A.L. Stiglitz Yang Guangyu, graduate student Russian State Pedagogical University of A.I. Herzen (People's Republic of China, Beijing) - The role of art museums in modern Chinese society Yang Fei, Master, Ph.D. student Russian State Pedagogical University of A.I. Herzen (People's Republic of China, Beijing) - Exhibitions of modern Chinese artists in St. Petersburg (2010-2018)
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