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The Future of Communications

 We're in for the communications ride of our lives. The coming year will see cell phones small enough to hide in your pocket, really! And small enough to take anywhere in the world.

The promise of videophones is coming true.

There will be tiny hand size computers that know your favorite subjects, and Internet will be everywhere.

Although Albert Brooks lampooned videophones in his movie " Mother, " technologists believe 2000 will be the year of video messaging. You will be able to see whom you're talking to.

AOL's new software pushes video mail. A plethora of video cameras jack into your PC. The technology is there to put you on camera all the time.

Some folks live their lives on camera already. Web cameras already check the surf, check the traffic.

It may be just five years before we can chat on giant screens like Star Trek's Captain Kirk. " Kirk Out."

Want words only? Breakthroughs in palm devices make it easy to stay in touch. There are units you never plug in updated by radio waves. In the next five years, cell phones will sense their locations, and feed you information about where you are.

Paul Saffo of the Institute for the Future says, " You're walking down Sutter Street in San Francisco. Your phone chirps at you. A little message comes up on the screen and it's an electronic coupon from a Chinese restaurant a block and a half away in your direction of travel, and it says if you get here in the next 10 minutes we'll give you half off a dinner.'"

The other coming breakthrough makes high-quality videophones possible, even easy. It uses broadband wireless, rooftop boxes to take in enormous gobs of video, data, games and conversations on one signal.

The big winners here are rural areas or countries with little cable or telephone service.


1. Утверждение: We already have Pocket Computers which can be used for Internet using, watching video, listening audio and so on.

a) истинно

b) ложно

c) в тексте нет информации


2. Утверждение: It is possibly to locate someone through his mobile phone.

a) истинно

b) ложно

c) в тексте нет информации


3. Утверждение: We can use the cell phones to navigate in big city.

a) истинно

b) ложно

c) в тексте нет информации


4. Big screens are useless waste of sources and can’t be used for chat.

a) истинно

b) ложно

c) в тексте нет информации


5. Укажите основную идею текста:

a) Perspectives of Mobile Phones.

b) Video conversations on the cellular phones.

c) New improvements in your mobile phone.

d) Cell phone as example of new communications.

Car of Future

Ever since Nicolas Cugnot, a Frenchman, invented the first self-propelled road vehicle in 1770 there has been no shortage of companies willing to make a better automobile. Over years their efforts have given users the gasoline engine, the electric starter, tubeless tires, fuel-injected engines and anti-lock brakes, these are only a few innovations. What is next? Here are some examples of what the car designers are working at in the world today.

Engineers are experimenting with a state-of-art system that enable drivers to see better after dark. This “night vision” system uses infrared sensors that can detect a human figure at night more than 1, 600 feet away. That’s five times the distance at which conventional headlights are effective. The sensors pick up infrared rays emitted by any object that gives off heat. An image-processing system scans the information from the sensors, creating different images for different objects. The images are then displayed on a cathode – ray screen built-in a car’s instrument panel. It is like black-and-white photograph of an object ahead, and the system is passive, which means no lights are needed to illuminate the object in front of the vehicle. But the biggest problem will be reducing costs and the other one is the size of the sensor mechanism which is too big now.

One of the latest applications of sophisticated electronics is the wheel-computerized system that not only monitors air pressure in automobile tires but adjust it automatically this system in addition enables a driver to set tire pressure while seated.


1.Утверждение: “Night vision” system is based on the sensor which pick up ultraviolet rays.

a) истинно

b) ложно

c) в тексте нет информации


2. Утверждение: Some automobiles are already equipped with computer control systems with monitor and control system in the seat.

a) истинно

b) ложно

c) в тексте нет информации


3. Утверждение: Automobiles have carried only few improvements since its appearance.

a) истинно

b) ложно

c) в тексте нет информации



4. Утверждение: “Night vision” system can be used only at short distance.

a) истинно

b) ложно

c) в тексте нет информации


5. Какой абзац текста (1, 2, 3) содержит следующую информацию: Engineers design “night vision” system.


6. Какой абзац текста (1, 2, 3) содержит следующую информацию: The main problems of “night vision” system are big size and expensive cost.


7. Ответьте на вопрос: What is the main advantage of “Night Vision” system?

a) Long distance of detection.

b) Ability to see in darkness.

c) Ability to hide switching off lights.

d) Big size of the system.


1 David Bonamy. Technical English 2 Course Book. Longman, 2008, p.127

2 David Bonamy. Technical English 2 Workbook. Longman, 2008, p.80

3 http: //engblog.ru/means-of-transport

4 https: //interneturok.ru/english/5-6-klassy/unit-1/travelling-means-of-transport

5 http: //en.enlizza.com/means-of-transport-services-in-english/

6 http: //paper_en_ru.academic.ru/5546/means_of_transport


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