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Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Another qualified commander.
Вопрос 104 In accordance with EASA AIRCREW regulation, an operator shall ensure that a pilot does not operate an
aeroplane as commander unless he has carried out at least:
Ответы 1 3 take-offs and 3 landings as pilot flying in an aeroplane or an approved flight simulator of the type to be
used, in the preceding 30 days.
2 3 take-offs and 3 landings as pilot flying in any type of aeroplane or an approved simulator, under the
supervision of an examiner, in the preceding 60 days.
3 Take-offs and 3 landings as pilot flying in an aeroplane of the same type/class or in a flight simulator of The aeroplane type to be used, in the preceding 90 days.
4 3 flights as commander in an aeroplane or an approved flight simulator of the type to be used, in the
preceding 90 days.
Вопрос 105 How is VOR information in N Canada airspace referenced?
Ответы 1 True North.
2 Grid North.
3 Magnetic North.
4 Gyro North.
Вопрос 106 During an ILS procedure, if the information transmitted by the appropriate services and received by the crew
contains parameters below the crews operational minimums, the point beyond which the approach must not
be continued is:
Ответы 1 the glideslope interception.
2 the FAF.
3 Ft above the aerodrome.
4 the middle marker.
Вопрос 107 According to EASA AIR OPS, a category IIIA precision approach (CAT IIIA) is an approach which may be carried
out with a runway visual range of at least:
Ответы 1 250 m
2 50 m
3 M
4 100 m
Вопрос 108 Who has the final say if someone is allowed in the cockpit?
Ответы 1 Commander
2 operator
3 safety manager
4 flight safety officer
Вопрос 109 The minimum time track is a track defined for:
Ответы 1 a period of 24 hours.
2 a period of 12 hours.
3 A given travel.
4 aircraft flying in MNPS airspace.
Вопрос 110 In the event of a contingency which required an en-route diversion to an alternate aerodrome across the direction of the prevailing "NAT" traffic flow and if prior АТС clearance cannot be obtained an aircraft not able to maintain its assigned flight level
Ответы 1 Start its climb or descent while turning to acquire an offset by 60 NM from its assigned route or track.
2 Start its climb or descent while turning to acquire an offset by 15 NM from its assigned route or track.
3 Start its climb or descent while turning to acquire an offset by 30 NM from its assigned route or track.
4 Descend below FL275.
Вопрос 111 One shall not initiate any flight made in accordance with instrument flight rules unless the available
information indicates that the conditions at the aerodrome of predicted destination or, at an aerodrome of
alternative destination, are: (EASAAIR OPS)
Ответы 1 at the predicted time of arrival better than the minimum conditions required for aerodrome use.
2 at the predicted time of take-off equal to or better than the minimum conditions required for
aerodrome use.
3 at the predicted time of arrival, and for a reasonable period before and after such a predicted time,
equal to or better than the minimum conditions required for aerodrome use.
4 At the predicted time of arrival equal to or better than the minimum conditions required for aerodrome Use.
Вопрос 112 The operator shall establish and maintain a flight data monitoring programme for aeroplanes with a
maximum certificated take-off mass of more than:
Ответы 1 5700 kg
2 15000 kg
3 Kg
4 10000 kg
Вопрос 113 A manual inflation handle:
Ответы 1 Is generally not applied on slides.
2 serves to actuate inflation of a slide when automatic inflation fails.
3 serves to inflate a lifejacket when the normal inflation function fails.
4 operates a hand pump for manual inflation of a slide.
Вопрос 114 According to EASA AIR OPS, for a non-pressurised aircraft, the supplemental oxygen is:
Ответы 1 therapeutic oxygen specially carried for certain passengers.
2 used for protection against smoke and carbon dioxide.
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