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Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
The manufacturer and approved by the certification authority.
2 the operator from a main list drawn up by the manufacturer.
3 the operator and is specified in the Operation Manual.
4 the operator and approved by the certification authority.
Вопрос 127 Refer to commercial aircraft operations. In what part of the operations manual would you find information for de-icing procedures?
Ответы 1 Part A
2 PartC
3 Part D
4 Part В
Вопрос 128 Who shall amend the MEL after any applicable change to the MMEL within the acceptable timescales?
Ответы 1 The manufacturer.
2 The state of registry.
3 The operator.
4 The pilot-in-command.
Вопрос 129 Refer to commercial aircraft operations. In what part of the operations manual would you find type specific information?
Ответы 1 Part D
2 Part В
3 PartC
4 Part A
Вопрос 130 The Master Minimum Equipment list (MMEL) is established by:
Ответы 1 the manufacturer of the aircraft, but need not to be accepted by the authority.
2 the operator of the aircraft, and accepted by the authority.
3 the operator of the aircraft, and accepted by the manufacturer.
4 The manufacturer of the aircraft, and accepted by the authority.
Вопрос 131 In which part of the operations manual would you find information regarding company routes and instructions?
Ответы 1 Part A
2 Part В
3 Part D
4 PartC
Вопрос 132 The holdover time of an anti-icing procedure, for a given ambient temperature, will be longest in weather conditions of:
Ответы 1 steady snow.
2 Frost.
3 rain on a cold soaked wing.
4 freezing fog.
Вопрос 133 After de-icing/anti-icing still in freezing conditions, how should you position the aircraft?
Ответы 1 In propwash but not jet wash.
2 In jet wash but not prop wash.
3 In neither.
4 In prop and jet wash.
Вопрос 134 When anti-icing has been applied, when must you make sure it is still active?
Ответы 1 On rotation.
2 Until one can use one's own anti-icing equipment.
3 When clear of icing conditions.
4 At brake release for take-off.
Вопрос 135 An aircraft having undergone an anti-icing procedure must be free of anti-icing fluid at the latest when:
Ответы 1 releasing the brakes in order to take-off.
2 It is rotating (before lifting-off).
3 it is implementing its own anti-icing devices.
4 leaving the icing zone.
Вопрос 136 When taking off, in winter conditions, the wing contamination by ice or frost will cause the following effects:
1) An increase in the take-off distance.
2) A decrease of the take-off run.
3) An increase in the stalling speed.
4) A decrease of the stalling speed.
5) A decrease of the climb gradient.
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
Ответы 1 2, 3,5
2 1,2,3
3 1,3,5
4 2, 4,5
Вопрос 137 The greatest possibility of ice build-up, while flying under icing conditions, occurs on:
Ответы 1 only the pitot and static probes.
2 The aircraft front areas.
3 the upper and lower rudder surfaces.
4 the upper and lower wing surfaces.
Вопрос 138 For a given ambient temperature and type of de-icing fluid used, in which one of the following types of weather condition will the
holdover (protection) time be shortest?
Ответы 1 Frost.
2 Freezing fog.
3 Freezing rain.
4 Steady snow.
Вопрос 139 According to EASA AIR OPS, an operator shall not operate an aircraft in expected or actual icing conditions unless:
Ответы 1 The aircraft is certificated and equipped to operate in icing conditions.
2 the aircraft is sprayed with de-icing fluid before flight.
3 the aircraft is sprayed with anti-icing fluid before flight.
4 the flight is planned so that a change of cruising level can be initiated rapidly.
Вопрос 140 The application of a type II anti-icing fluid on an aircraft on the ground will provide a:
Ответы 1 protection time up to 24 hours.
2 limited time of protection independent of the outside temperature.
3 protection against icing for the duration of the flight.
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