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Complete the sentences with the words from the active vocabulary.

1. He got a six-year jail sentence, a harsh … for a first offense.

2. His elder brother Edwin was next in … to the baronetcy, but he was a total invalid.

3. At that time, a slave was considered ….

4. The … of peace in the region is the main goal of the UNO.

5. The building … are very strict about the materials you can use.

6. Anyone who disobeys this … will be punished.

7. He called the protesters a threat to the social ….

8. At the time, the law gave women very little … from violent husbands.

Insert one of the following words into the text in an appropriate form.

Instrument, appeal against, trial by jury, code of laws, punishments, legal measures, assembly, legal systems

Law in Ancient Greece

The absolutism of power in the monarch was typical of … until the time of the Greeks around 300 B.C. Before the Greeks people believed that their laws were given to them by gods, represented by their kings. The Greek system emphasized that law was made by man, for man, and could be changed by man. Instead of being a … of total social control of the whole population by a monarch, the law was to serve peace and prosperity of the people.

    In the year of 621 B.C., Draco, Athenian lawgiver, drew up Greece’s first written …. This harsh legal code punished both trivial and serious crimes in Athens with death. The word draconian is still used to describe repressive … In 594 B.C. Solon, Athens’ lawgiver, repealed Draco’s code and published new laws, retaining only Draco’s homicide statutes. He revised every statute except that on homicide and made Athenian law more humane. He also retained an ancient Greek tradition – …. Enslaving debtors was prohibited, along with most of the harsh … of Draco’s code. Under Solon’s law citizens of Athens could be elected to the … and courts were established in which citizens could … government decisions.


4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. В англосаксонському праві головний акцент робили на кримінальному праві, хоча певна його частина регулювала питання управління державою, громадського порядку та діяльності церкви.

2. У десятому столітті була створена нова пенітенціарна система, яка спиралась на оголошенні поза законом, конфіскації, тілесній та смертній карі. 3. Звичаєве право могло бути порушено або змінено спеціальним указом або поданням, підставою для яких була королівська влада. 4. Римський вплив на англосаксонське право не був прямим та здійснювався головним чином через церкву. 5. Тілесні покарання були заборонені в Швеції в 1979 році. 6. Хтось має взяти на себе відповідальність за збереження миру в регіоні.


The influence of Roman law is shown by the wealth of legal terminology, retained by all legal systems. For example, in British law many Latin expressions are used in everyday legal practice. Match Latin expressions from the box with the definitions in the list. The first has been done for you as an example.

Pro tempore               Nolo contendere

Compos mentis         Sine qua non

Doli capax                 Bona fide

Inter alia                     Status quo

Toties quoties            Vice versa

Habeas corpus            Casus belli

Prima facie            Per capita Ipso facto

definition answer
1. equivalent to plea of guilty Nolo contendere
2. of sound mind  
3. absolutely essential  
4. for the time being  
5. capable of crime  
6. in good faith  
7. among other things  
8. the current situaton  
9. in the opposite way  
10. a legal remedy against wrongful imprisonment  
11. at first sight  
12. for each person  
13. by that very fact  
14. as often is necessary  
15. grounds for a dispute  


2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. brutal corporal and capital punishments the Anglo-Saxons at their disposal had

2. entire kin you had broken your oath and a serious crime if your could be punished committed

3. 12 in his day, the could be anyone old enforced on penalty years or over.

4. the presiding king local officials the were agents of the courts of

5. central crime and were English the problem the early kings violence for

6. in hierarchy the new there a of courts state Anglo-Saxon in shire and borough was each



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