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Reading Comprehension TasksСтр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒
The Lion’s Skin. Part I.
Words and word combinations to be remembered: notwithstanding – не смотря на to hesitate – колебаться to admit – признать to keep reason – сохранить здравый рассудок to enable – дать возможность to bear disaster – перенести катастрофу immense distress – огромное горе unfailing – неизменный, верный consolation – утешение desolate future – будущее в одиночестве to look upon – рассматривать в качестве homely – простой, скромный short – sighted eyes – близко – посаженные глаза ugly – некрасивый dyed – golden hair – покрашенные рыжие волосы weather – beaten – видавшие виды to marcel – завивать elaborately – тщательно to counteract – противодействовать impersonation – олицетворение, воплощение masculinity – мужеподобность wig – парик exquisite – изысканный mannequin – манекенщица bald pate – лысина in the flower of youth – в расцвете молодости jade – нефрит, гагат to smash to atom – разбить вдребезги ungainly – неуклюже, неловко exterior – внешний вид tender – нежный to exasperate – раздражать sincerity – искренность dainty muslin – изысканная кисея organdy – органди virginal silk – чистый шёлк uncouth – неуклюжий, неловкий clothe – покрывать infinite – безграничный tiresome – надоедливый, скучный to put out – выложиться rare capacity – редкая способность disinterested love – бескорыстная любовь malicious – злобный to grant – признавать damned fool – ужасный глупец affluent – богатый utensil – посуда revolting – отвратительный to spare – щадить wretch – несчастный tenderness of her heart – доброта сердца, отзывчивость to come under care – быть под присмотром conspicuous – заметный drawl – протяжное произношение to feel a pang – чувствовать острую боль to strain – напрягаться, переутомляться a scratch – царапина ailment – болезнь passionate – страстный attachment – привязанность a trifle prudish – немного скромный to mortify – уничтожать, обижать stand – offish – сдержанный, неприветливый prominent – видный bachelor – холостяк to be reserved – быть замкнутым, необщительным by hook or by crook – в любом случае to suffer agony – страдать от боли torture – пытка fluffy – пушистый, мягкий spinster – незамужняя женщина cheer up – приободрить pal – приятель husky chap – крепкий и рослый, здоровенный парень, детина chart – карта to do ones damnedest – лезть из кожи вон to discharge – выписывать to chaff – подшучивать fit for duty – пригодный к работе pauper – бедняк, нищий to cry one ’ s eyes out – выплакать глаза to be worthy of smb. – быть достойным к-л. hoarsely – хрипло to be crazy about – быть увлечённым to have an affair with – иметь дело с to flatter – льстить a slap and tickle – шумная возня to entertain the notion – питать намерение hard – bitten – стойкий, упорный; грубый, деловой stipulation – условие to attach any importance to – придавать значение sahib – господин to owe – быть должным to be worth one ’ s while – стоить труда, затраченного времени to turn down - отвергать, отказываться on one ’ s own responsibility – по своей собственной инициативе it is up to you – тебе решать to make sacrifice – приносить себя в жертву estate – поместье, имение tweed – твидовый kennelman – собаковод squire – помещик to fuss – суетиться, возиться pack of hounds – свора гончих buck – денди, щеголь to entertain a good deal – устраивать приём connoisseur – знаток palate – вкус to inherit – получать в наследство nouveaux – богатый выскочка prejudice – предубеждение whim – причуда, каприз fancy – фантазия loyal – верный, преданный to defer to smb. – считаться с to vex – раздражать to be vexed with (at) – сердиться на gigalo – наёмный партнёр (в танцах) to draw the line – разграничивать, ставить точку hob – nob – проводить время wastrels – никчёмные люди pervert – ренегат indulgence - терпимость, потакание, поблажка to frequent – часто посещать a man of integrity – честный человек to stick to smb. – быть верным to abide by smth. – придерживаться, оставаться верным abundant – густой weather – beaten - закалённый tanned – бронзовый bluff – прямой, грубовато – добродушный to have a way with – обладать обаянием, иметь подход к людям to dogmatize – говорить авторитарным тоном inanity – бессмысленность, бессодержательность amiable – любезный, дружелюбный to put on – напускать на себя
Vocabulary Tasks
I. Paraphrase the following sentence: 1. How much good there was in Hardy notwithstanding his reputation. 2. She was almost certain to smash one of the glasses to atoms. 3. Her own kindness was infinite. 4. In the short time they became conspicuous in the social life of the Riviera. 5. It seemed at unromantic ailment. 6. Like all Englishmen he was very reserved. 7. By hook or by crook she was going to marry him. 8. The matron, one of those New England spinsters, couldn’t bear make-up. 9. He began to chaff me.
II. Paraphrase the following sentences using word combination from the text: 1. Unfortunately, the jobs that offered, were not very important but he didn’t reject them. 2. Captain Forestier had enough knowledge in wines. 3. His father was well known to have the best sense of taste in England and he received it as an hier. 4. He didn’t want to spent time with drunks. 5. His principles were very high and he was prepared to the faithful to them at any cost. 6. She wasn’t fond of him, she loved him. 7. She knew that she didn’t deserve him. 8. He was an honest man. 9. Captain Forestier was all for going to work but he had only one condition. 10. He had his whims and fancies but she thought that she had to be true to them. 11. But for the Hardy’s wonderful kindness she would have gone mad after the loss of her husband.
III. Find in the text synonyms for the following Russian words: Неуклюжий (4), глупый (2), вкус(2), раздраженный (3), скромный (2), быть верным (2), злобный (2).
IV. Give English equivalents for the following words and expressions: Сохранить здравый рассудок, рассматривать в качестве ч.-л., выложиться, оказывать услугу, щадить себя, здоровенный парень, лезть из кожи вон, с головы до ног (до кончиков ногтей), выплакивать глаза, по своей собственной инициативе, устраивать прием, придавать значение, отзывчивость, иметь дело с к.-л.
V. Give Russian equivalents: Unfailing sympathy, female impersonation, aggressive masculinity of one’s appearance, unfortunate taste, desolute future, infinite kindness, disinterested love,
malicious thought, affluent circumstances, revolting work, passionate attachment, hard-bitten people, nouveaux riches, amiable stupidity.
VI. Match the words: hooked pale-blue nose marcelled uncouth abundant skin tanned short-sighted dyed-golden eyes lined awkward movements lean wavy weather-beaten hair clumsy
VII. Insert prepositions or adverbs if necessary: 1. Her husband was everything in the world ____ her. 2. She succeeded only ____ looking like a vaudeville artist. 3. She spent a great deal of money _____ her clothes. 4. She had an unfortunately taste _____ choosing dresses. 5. When first you know her you took her ____ a figure fun. 6. She had a rare capacity____ disinterested love. 7. She was not rich ____ American standards. 8. It was during the last year of the war that captain Forestier came ____ her care. 9. They settled ____ in a handsome villa. 10. He was brought ____ when I happened to be ____ duty. 11. When I used to get to his bed ____ my round I was so breathless and my heart beat so I couldn’t make ____ whet was the matter ____ me. 12. I couldn’t imagine what he must be thinking _____ me. 13. Danger was a stimulant _____him. 14. He looked forward ____ our little chats. 15. I am not very good ____ guessing. VIII. Explain and expand on the following; 1. She tried to counteract the aggressive masculinity of her appearance. 2. She looked like a vaudeville artist doing a female impersonation. 3. Yet this ungainly exterior sheltered a tender romantic and idealistic soul. 4. She had a rare capacity for disinterested love. 5. Many a poor wretch took the last bitter step into the unknown with more courage. 6. I don’t believe his agonies were worse than mine. 7. Robert didn’t think the English quite up to the mark. 8. The trouble was that Captain Forestier was almost too perfect a type of the English gentleman. 9. Men like clinging silks and soft fluffy things … and I was at such a disadvantage in my nurse’s uniform. 10. It was then you saw in him all those generations of country squires that he had behind him. Reading Comprehension Tasks
Text A Mrs. Forestier was neither ____, beautiful nor ____; on the contrary she was absurd, ____ and foolish. She was as tall as ____ man; she had a ____ mouth, and a great ____ nose, pale-blue ____ eyes and big ____ hands. Her skin was ____ and ____, her hair was ____. She did everything she could to counteract the ____ masculinity of her appearance. Her movements were ____ and her gestures ____. Yet this ____ exterior sheltered a ____, romantic and idealistic soul. Her kindness was ____. She had a rare capacity for ____ love. Never an ____ or ____ thought had once passed through her head. Mrs. Forestier was a very nice woman.
Text B Captain Forestier was almost too _____ a type of the English gentleman. He was at forty-five still a very _____ man with his _____ _____ hair and his _____ moustache; he had the _____, _____, _____skin of a man who is much in the open air. He was _____, _____ and _____. He looked every inch a soldier. He had a _____,_____ way with him and a _____, _____ laugh. In his conversation, in his manner, in his dress he was so _____ that you could hardly believe it. And his conversation, the way he dogmatised, the ______ inanity of his statements, his _____, _____ stupidity were all so characteristics of the _____ officer that you could hardly help thinking he was putting it on. Captain Forestier had high _____ standard. His principles were so high and he was prepared to stick to them at any cost. The Lion’s Skin. Part II.
Words and word combinations to be remembered: to pay off – расcчитаться, расплатиться to come into the baronetcy – получать титул баронета to be apt – быть склонным stuffy – консервативный to acknowledge – признать to make inquiries – наводить справки decent – приличный do take fancy to smb. – привязаться к к – л close – cropped – коротко – подстриженный slightly built – худой to incline – быть склонным, расположенным affable – приветливый, любезный to stiff – одеревенеть, остолбенеть never set eyes on smb . – в глаза не видеть hosts of fellers – масса приятелей malignant – зловредный disreputable – пользующийся дурной репутацией scamp – негодяй to turn a deaf ear to – не слушать, отказаться выслушать unreasonable – неблагоразумный to place confidence in – верить, доверять to call on one’s loyalty – призывать к верности to disapprove of – не одобрять к – л to go out of one’s way – лезть из кожи вон improper man – неподходящий, неприличный человек mocking look - насмешливый взгляд to put smb. on guard – предостеречь caressing – ласковый, нежный rascal – преступник to put up with – терпеть, примириться knack – умение, трюк, сноровка to back a horse – осаживать лошадь to resign one’s commission – подать в отставку irresistible – неотразимый regiment – полк notorious – пользующийся дурной славой, печально известный divorce case – дело о расторжении lax – слабый, вялый gutter – канава adequate income – достаточное состояние in due course – в свое время affluence – богатство complacency – самодовольство, благодушие clear conscience – чистая совесть old buffer – старый хрыч to peg out – умереть to sit for constituency – проводить заседание для избирателей to reflect – размышлять to give a start – напугаться to slip – незаметно войти engaging smile - очаровательная улыбка wary – осторожность to flash across smb. – осенить to bet – держать пари to fetch away – высвободить rot – вздор, ерунда snap – моментальный снимок overall – комбинезон scrap – скандал, потасовка to insult – наносить оскорбление to kick up a row – поднимать скандал slacker – лодырь out of charity – из –за милосердия to be down and out – разориться to enlist – добровольно поступить на военную службу valet – лакей scornfully – презрительно, насмешливо on leave – в отпуске to draw the long bow – преувеличивать, рассказывать небылицы gallantry – храбрость, смелость fake – подделка, фальшивка to get a commission – получить полномочия to get up on one’s hind legs – вставать на задние лапки snotty – сопливый to be astounded – быть пораженным a mean hound – подлый, гадкий негодяй to trade on – использовать в своих целях to live on wits – изворачиваться, добывать средства на жизнь не совсем честно swindler – мошенник, обманщик to get hold of – завладеть to be captivated – быть очарованным in pursuit of – в погоне за to stick at nothing – не остановиться ни перед чем lounging ease – праздная непринужденность casual manner – небрежные манеры haze – легкий туман в голове heroworship – преклонение перед знаменитостями to haunt – неотступно преследовать grotesque – абсурдный, нелепый pathetic – трогательный wretched fellow – бедняга to stalk – шефствовать Vocabulary Tasks I. Paraphrase the following sentences: 1. Eleanor took an immediate fancy to Sir Frederick. 2. I’ve ever set eyes on you in my life. 3. One met such hosts of fellers. 4. I’m bound to tell you that I thought him very attractive. 5. His look was so caressing that you couldn’t think he meant you harm. 6. Lady Hardy had more to put up with than any suspected. 7. The future offered him affluence position and respectability. 8. I’d told you to have my car washed by nine and it wasn’t ready so I kicked up a row. 9. Thompson told me then, your father had been a pal of his and he’d taken you on out of charity because you were down and out. 10. I am not going to give you away. 11. Robert placed such confidence in her. Reading Comprehension Tasks I. Agree or disagree with the following statements: 1. Sir Frederick was young and single. 2. Robert did not want to invite the Hardys to luncheon because Lady Hardy was an actress. 3. Robert recognize in Frederick his old acquaintance and was delighted to see him. 4. Robert was a wonderful host. 5. Robert thought that Fred Hardy was a proper man for them to associate with. 6. Sir Frederick felt that Robert disapproved of him and tried to be stiff with Eleanor. 7. Sir Frederick always thought of his past with self satisfaction. 8. Fred Hardy had got the goods on Robert and wanted to give him away. 9. Fred hardy understood that Robert was a common swindler who had got of a silly woman to keep him in luxury and idleness.
II. Answer the following questions: 1. Why was Eleanor so pleased? 2. Why did she take an immediate fancy to Sir Frederick? 3. How did he look like? 4. Why was Robert upset when their guests had gone? 5. What charmed and admired Eleanor in her husband? 6. He was a wonderful host, wasn’t he? 7. Why did Robert ask her wife not to associate with Sir Frederick? 8. Was it difficult for Eleanor to be stiff with Sir Frederick? 9. What was Fred Hardy’s past? 10. What did Fred Hardy know about Robert’s past? 11. Why did he want Robert to come clean? 12. What did Fred understand at the end of their conversation?
The Lion’s Skin. Part III. Words and word combinations to be remembered: to be ablaze – пылать primly gay – очень веселый trunks – спортивные трусы thronged – переполненный to stand a chance – выстоять, выдержать gala dinner – праздничный обед tapestry – гобелен drought – засуха to bolt out – захлопнуть glow – зарево to crackle – трещать fiery torch – огненный факел spark – искра, вспышка tinder – сухое гнилое дерево to awe – inspire – внушать страх furnace – печь to go up in flame – охватить пламенем brushwood – кустарник grime – грязь frantic – неистовыйt to shift for oneself – обходиться своими силами kindling – растопка portable – движимый filthy – грязный begrimed with soot and sweat – запачканный сажей и потный anguished – мучительный, страдальческий distraught – обезумевший to stagger – пошатнуться, дрогнуть bounder – пройдоха dazed – ошеломленный, потрясенный crossly – сердито, раздраженно to mutter – бормотать, ворчать imposture – обман, мошенничество to pay smb. out – отплатить to cherish a vice – лелеять порок stranglehold – безвыходное положение conventional brain – обычный ум sham – обман. Фикция spurious heroism – поддельный героизм rip – распутный unscrupulous ruffian – бессовестный негодяй to bear anguish – выдержать страдания
Vocabulary Tasks IV. Translate into English. 1. Стояла ужасная жара. Пляжи были переполнены отдыхающими. 2. Из-за засухи в лесу разразился пожар. 3. У них было мало шансов выстоять. 4. Дом был охвачен пламенем. 5. Взвод, который обычно боролся с огнем, еще не прибыл, и им пришлось обходиться своими силами. 6. Воды не было, и они пытались сбить огонь. 7. Когда Гарди освободил животных, обезумевшие звери бросились в безопасное место. 8. Она никогда не забудет те слова Фреда, которые помогли ей выдержать страдание. 9. Фреду Харди пришлось сообщить Элеанор страшную новость о смерти ее мужа. 10. Чтобы предотвратить дальнейшее распространение огня, они начали копать траншеи и валить деревья.
Reading Comprehension Tasks Discussion Tasks The Lion’s Skin. Part I.
Words and word combinations to be remembered: notwithstanding – не смотря на to hesitate – колебаться to admit – признать to keep reason – сохранить здравый рассудок to enable – дать возможность to bear disaster – перенести катастрофу immense distress – огромное горе unfailing – неизменный, верный consolation – утешение desolate future – будущее в одиночестве to look upon – рассматривать в качестве homely – простой, скромный short – sighted eyes – близко – посаженные глаза ugly – некрасивый dyed – golden hair – покрашенные рыжие волосы weather – beaten – видавшие виды to marcel – завивать elaborately – тщательно to counteract – противодействовать impersonation – олицетворение, воплощение masculinity – мужеподобность wig – парик exquisite – изысканный mannequin – манекенщица bald pate – лысина in the flower of youth – в расцвете молодости jade – нефрит, гагат to smash to atom – разбить вдребезги ungainly – неуклюже, неловко exterior – внешний вид tender – нежный to exasperate – раздражать sincerity – искренность dainty muslin – изысканная кисея organdy – органди virginal silk – чистый шёлк uncouth – неуклюжий, неловкий clothe – покрывать infinite – безграничный tiresome – надоедливый, скучный to put out – выложиться rare capacity – редкая способность disinterested love – бескорыстная любовь malicious – злобный to grant – признавать damned fool – ужасный глупец affluent – богатый utensil – посуда revolting – отвратительный to spare – щадить wretch – несчастный tenderness of her heart – доброта сердца, отзывчивость to come under care – быть под присмотром conspicuous – заметный drawl – протяжное произношение to feel a pang – чувствовать острую боль to strain – напрягаться, переутомляться a scratch – царапина ailment – болезнь passionate – страстный attachment – привязанность a trifle prudish – немного скромный to mortify – уничтожать, обижать stand – offish – сдержанный, неприветливый prominent – видный bachelor – холостяк to be reserved – быть замкнутым, необщительным by hook or by crook – в любом случае to suffer agony – страдать от боли torture – пытка fluffy – пушистый, мягкий spinster – незамужняя женщина cheer up – приободрить pal – приятель husky chap – крепкий и рослый, здоровенный парень, детина chart – карта to do ones damnedest – лезть из кожи вон to discharge – выписывать to chaff – подшучивать fit for duty – пригодный к работе pauper – бедняк, нищий to cry one ’ s eyes out – выплакать глаза to be worthy of smb. – быть достойным к-л. hoarsely – хрипло to be crazy about – быть увлечённым to have an affair with – иметь дело с to flatter – льстить a slap and tickle – шумная возня to entertain the notion – питать намерение hard – bitten – стойкий, упорный; грубый, деловой stipulation – условие to attach any importance to – придавать значение sahib – господин to owe – быть должным to be worth one ’ s while – стоить труда, затраченного времени to turn down - отвергать, отказываться on one ’ s own responsibility – по своей собственной инициативе it is up to you – тебе решать to make sacrifice – приносить себя в жертву estate – поместье, имение tweed – твидовый kennelman – собаковод squire – помещик to fuss – суетиться, возиться pack of hounds – свора гончих buck – денди, щеголь to entertain a good deal – устраивать приём connoisseur – знаток palate – вкус to inherit – получать в наследство nouveaux – богатый выскочка prejudice – предубеждение whim – причуда, каприз fancy – фантазия loyal – верный, преданный to defer to smb. – считаться с to vex – раздражать to be vexed with (at) – сердиться на gigalo – наёмный партнёр (в танцах) to draw the line – разграничивать, ставить точку hob – nob – проводить время wastrels – никчёмные люди pervert – ренегат indulgence - терпимость, потакание, поблажка to frequent – часто посещать a man of integrity – честный человек to stick to smb. – быть верным to abide by smth. – придерживаться, оставаться верным abundant – густой weather – beaten - закалённый tanned – бронзовый bluff – прямой, грубовато – добродушный to have a way with – обладать обаянием, иметь подход к людям to dogmatize – говорить авторитарным тоном inanity – бессмысленность, бессодержательность amiable – любезный, дружелюбный to put on – напускать на себя
Vocabulary Tasks
I. Paraphrase the following sentence: 1. How much good there was in Hardy notwithstanding his reputation. 2. She was almost certain to smash one of the glasses to atoms. 3. Her own kindness was infinite. 4. In the short time they became conspicuous in the social life of the Riviera. 5. It seemed at unromantic ailment. 6. Like all Englishmen he was very reserved. 7. By hook or by crook she was going to marry him. 8. The matron, one of those New England spinsters, couldn’t bear make-up. 9. He began to chaff me.
II. Paraphrase the following sentences using word combination from the text: 1. Unfortunately, the jobs that offered, were not very important but he didn’t reject them. 2. Captain Forestier had enough knowledge in wines. 3. His father was well known to have the best sense of taste in England and he received it as an hier. 4. He didn’t want to spent time with drunks. 5. His principles were very high and he was prepared to the faithful to them at any cost. 6. She wasn’t fond of him, she loved him. 7. She knew that she didn’t deserve him. 8. He was an honest man. 9. Captain Forestier was all for going to work but he had only one condition. 10. He had his whims and fancies but she thought that she had to be true to them. 11. But for the Hardy’s wonderful kindness she would have gone mad after the loss of her husband.
III. Find in the text synonyms for the following Russian words: Неуклюжий (4), глупый (2), вкус(2), раздраженный (3), скромный (2), быть верным (2), злобный (2).
IV. Give English equivalents for the following words and expressions: Сохранить здравый рассудок, рассматривать в качестве ч.-л., выложиться, оказывать услугу, щадить себя, здоровенный парень, лезть из кожи вон, с головы до ног (до кончиков ногтей), выплакивать глаза, по своей собственной инициативе, устраивать прием, придавать значение, отзывчивость, иметь дело с к.-л.
V. Give Russian equivalents: Unfailing sympathy, female impersonation, aggressive masculinity of one’s appearance, unfortunate taste, desolute future, infinite kindness, disinterested love,
malicious thought, affluent circumstances, revolting work, passionate attachment, hard-bitten people, nouveaux riches, amiable stupidity.
VI. Match the words: hooked pale-blue nose marcelled uncouth abundant skin tanned short-sighted dyed-golden eyes lined awkward movements lean wavy weather-beaten hair clumsy
VII. Insert prepositions or adverbs if necessary: 1. Her husband was everything in the world ____ her. 2. She succeeded only ____ looking like a vaudeville artist. 3. She spent a great deal of money _____ her clothes. 4. She had an unfortunately taste _____ choosing dresses. 5. When first you know her you took her ____ a figure fun. 6. She had a rare capacity____ disinterested love. 7. She was not rich ____ American standards. 8. It was during the last year of the war that captain Forestier came ____ her care. 9. They settled ____ in a handsome villa. 10. He was brought ____ when I happened to be ____ duty. 11. When I used to get to his bed ____ my round I was so breathless and my heart beat so I couldn’t make ____ whet was the matter ____ me. 12. I couldn’t imagine what he must be thinking _____ me. 13. Danger was a stimulant _____him. 14. He looked forward ____ our little chats. 15. I am not very good ____ guessing. VIII. Explain and expand on the following; 1. She tried to counteract the aggressive masculinity of her appearance. 2. She looked like a vaudeville artist doing a female impersonation. 3. Yet this ungainly exterior sheltered a tender romantic and idealistic soul. 4. She had a rare capacity for disinterested love. 5. Many a poor wretch took the last bitter step into the unknown with more courage. 6. I don’t believe his agonies were worse than mine. 7. Robert didn’t think the English quite up to the mark. 8. The trouble was that Captain Forestier was almost too perfect a type of the English gentleman. 9. Men like clinging silks and soft fluffy things … and I was at such a disadvantage in my nurse’s uniform. 10. It was then you saw in him all those generations of country squires that he had behind him. Reading Comprehension Tasks
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