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IV. Translate into English. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
1. Стояла ужасная жара. Пляжи были переполнены отдыхающими. 2. Из-за засухи в лесу разразился пожар. 3. У них было мало шансов выстоять. 4. Дом был охвачен пламенем. 5. Взвод, который обычно боролся с огнем, еще не прибыл, и им пришлось обходиться своими силами. 6. Воды не было, и они пытались сбить огонь. 7. Когда Гарди освободил животных, обезумевшие звери бросились в безопасное место. 8. Она никогда не забудет те слова Фреда, которые помогли ей выдержать страдание. 9. Фреду Харди пришлось сообщить Элеанор страшную новость о смерти ее мужа. 10. Чтобы предотвратить дальнейшее распространение огня, они начали копать траншеи и валить деревья.
Reading Comprehension Tasks I. Mate the beginnings of the sentences in Part A. with the endings in Part B. Part A. 1. It had not rained for weeks, and because of drought … 2. On fourteenth of July the Forestier went over … 3. The Hardys had sent their servants out too but… 4. The boy told them that fire had broken out in the Forestiers’ woods. 5. It was summer, the heat was unbearable… 6. To be on the safe side people advised Robert… 7. The Forestiers gave their staff leave to go to Cannes because … 8. Suddenly there was … 9. Men in trunks and women almost naked … 10. To cut one of them down would be like…
Part B. a) … the beaches were overcrowded. b) … lay in the sun. c) … there had been several forest fires along the coast. d) … to cut down some of the trees, but he couldn’t bear. e) … having his leg chopped off, so magnificent were they. f) … to a gala dinner at Monte Carlo. g) … there was a national holiday there. h) … they stayed at home. i) … a ring of the bell and a loud knocking on the door. j) … and asked for the help. II. Fill in the blanks with the words and word combinations from the text. 1. When they came a number of men were already ____ . 2. Hardy ____ them 3. They were trying ____ the flame because there was no ____. 4. After week of ____ everything was as dry as ____. 5. And the best way to stop ____ was by ____ trees. 6. But the men were ____ and only two r three had ____. 7. At the back of the house there were kennels and ____. 8. The animals were ____ with terror. Hardy ____ them____ and they rushed ____. 9. They began ____ from the house all the things as were ____. 10. At last ____ came and began ____ trenches and ____ trees. 11. They tried ____ the fire spreading ____ the hills. III. Put the sentences in right order. 1. They had not gone far when they heard somebody calling. 2. Hardy tried to hold him but in vain. 3. Then suddenly a verandah at the back bursted into flames. 4. The lights of the car were seen speeding along the winding road. 5. The women decided to get the servants together and carry everything they could get out to the Hardys’ house. 6. More than in an hour they could found him lying dead with the dead dog in his arms. 7. A few minutes later Forestier had his wife sprang out of the car. 8. The two men walked towards where the soldiers were at work to help them 9. The maid told that Eleanor’s dog had been shut up in the house and now she was on heat. 10. At first in that filthy fellow Robert didn’t recognize Fred Hardy. 11. They looked round and saw a woman running after them. 12. The forest was blazing. 13. Forestier ran back to the house hoping to save wife’s dog. IV. Answer the following questions: 1. What was the weather in the towns along the Riviera? 2. What was the consequence of the drought? 3. What did people advise Robert to do? Why didn’t he follow their advice? 4. Where did the Forestier go on the fourteenth of July? 5. Why did they let their staff go to Cannes on that day? 6. What were the Hardys doing on that day? 7. Who came to them and what news did he bring? 8. How did people help to save the Forestiers’ property? 9. What difficulties did they face with while fighting with a fire? 10. Why did Robert run back to the house? 11. Did he manage to save the dog? 12. Did Fred Hardy approve of Robert’s sacrifice? What was his attitude towards it? Discussion Tasks I. Say everything you can about Eleanor, Robert, Fred. 1) appearance 2) character 3) past 4) present II. Discuss the characters of the book. Give your impression of Eleanor, Robert and Fred. |
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