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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Explain what is meant by:


1. He was dressed in the affection of wealth to which co­loured people lent themselves. 2. She is said to reside in one of these houses. 3. A bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums which in this season had to have cost him a pretty penny. 4. The sur­roundings did not awe him nor was his manner deferential. 5. Oh, yes, Mother said, we are terrible about that. 6. There seemed to be no possibilities for life than those delineated by the music. 7. This was a most robust composition, a vigorous music that roused the senses and never stood still a moment. 8. ... until the entire room was made to glow with its own being. 9. His taste ran to Carrie Jacobs Bond. 10. He thought Negro music had to have smiling and cakewalking.


Give a summary of the text (p. 104).


Sometimes we accept invitations to go to the event, just to be polite, so we don't hurt other people's feelings. Write about an experience you didn't enjoy, but which you felt obliged to participate in.




2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:


 A. 1. He was given a little money and at times, in the spirit of adventure, he would set off to explore the town. 2. You should set aside some money for a rainy day. 3. He tried to set aside his dislike of his daughter's fiancee. 4. We should set off before dawn to get there on time. 5. The redundancies set off strikes throughout the area. 6. The bank helps peple wanting to set up business. 7. He set out to climb Everest. 8. Put the jellyinto the ice-box to set. 9. We are all set, 10.1 like the setting of the show. 11. He has set his heart on becoming a ballet dancer. 12. They sat up till the small hours seating the world to rights. 13. Did someone set fire to the house deliberately? 14. Di had never set foot in Italy before. 15. Jill is very set in her ways. 16. Stephen tut-tutted his way through the end-of-vacation examination papers he had set his freshmen students. 17. The chauffeur regretfully abandoned his plans for an afternoon at the railings. 18. Anthony could not have blamed Steve if through resentment he now decided to abandon his brother to the dreadful struggle that was to come. 19. The Forsytes resented encroachments on their property. 20. Kit had been called out once before during the night and his body resented the second disturbance. 21. He was a big man who resented the buttons on his shirts.


B. 1. It is said that the business of words in prose is primari­ly to state; in poetry not only to state but also (and sometimes primarily) to suggest. 2. White gloves to the elbow suggested a Royal Garden party. 3. It would be dreadful if something terrible happened and I were not at hand. 4. He spoke German without any suggestion of French accent. 5. Gentlemen, give a big hand to the band. 6. "I'm old enough to play poker and do something with it. I'll try my hand to-night," thought Hurstwood. 7. My doubts on that point, if I had any, were soon cleared. 8. The debate was conducted in the depressing atmosphere of a half-empty Chamber. 9. The curator's conduct through the museum was informative. 10. A pianist, bandlead­er, composer and arranger, Duke Ellingfon, had a major impact on jazz composition and playing. 11. It is the highland nearest to the shore which falls most abruptly. 12. When the adjective "abrupt" is used speaking about words and manners we mean that they are sudden and unconnected. 13. They say that to be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant. 14. He had been working at hospital for so long that he ignored the "No smoking" sign.


3. Give the English equivalents for:


приводить в определенное состояние, в движение; освобождать; пускать в ход машину; начать дело; сосредоточить мысль на чём-л.; твердеть; заживать; положить на музыку; задерживать; бросить привычку; бросить курить; бросить жену; оставить (потерять) надежду; оставить друга в беде; покинуть свой пост; отказаться от усилий; покинуть тонущий корабль;

возмущаться чьим-л. поведением; негодовать на чье-л. отноше­ние; обижаться на замечание; затаить обиду;

внушать; вызывать; подсказывать (мысль); намекать; наводить на мысль; говорить о; говорить само за себя;

рабочий сцены; из первых рук; продолжительные аплодисмен­ты; сделанный ручным способом; имеющийся в распоряжении; на руках; руки прочь; с одной/другой стороны; убирать со стола; от­кашливаться; распутывать дело; проясняться (о погоде); вести разго­вор; дирижировать оркестром; вести дела; вести переговоры; водить группу туристов; проводить урок; проводник; кондуктор; писать му­зыку; улаживать ссору; успокаиваться; крутой поворот; резкие ма­неры; отрывистый стиль; крутая тропинка; сказать что-л. резко (от­рывисто); не принять к сведению чеи-л. совет; пропустить замечание мимо ушей; не обратить внимание; игнорировать чье-л. присут­ствие; ничего не понимать в искусстве; не подозревать о существова­нии кого-л. (чего-л.); невежественный человек; держать кого-л. в не­ведении; пренебречь обязанностями; запустить дом (дела); не забо­титься о детях; запустить занятия.


4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:


1. Please, will somebody start the discussion? 2. Mrs Cassidi was fully determined to give her son a good education. 3. If you don't want to get some lung disease you must givemp smoking altogether. 4. Is there any wonder she felt injured about your criticism, it was so bitter. 5. Let's resolve this problem once and for all. 6. After many attempts the scientist eventually managed to carry put his experiment successfully. 7. The path was so steep that we could hardly make it. 8. She knew so many things that the average girl of eight did not know. 9. She paid no attention to the hint. 10. The bad mistakes you sometimes make bring to mind the idea of bad knowledge of. grammar. 11. When working he always keeps his tools within easy reach. 12. Pull yourself together, and start from the very beginning.


5. Use the essential vocabulary in answering the following questions:


1. When do people carry a chip on their shoulder? 2. What do some people do when they are in a tight corner and they can see no way out? 3. Why didn't you have a chance to tell him what you think of the whole situation before he left? 4. Why hasn't the orchestra played yet? 5. Why does the mankeep working when he must be in so much pain after the acci­dent? 6. What did his poor answer imply about his knowledge of the subject? 7. What do you do with your test paper after finishing it? 8. Why can't you put these questions on the examination paper? 9. When did the robbers manage to escape? 10. Why wasn't Mary able to express herself clearly?


6. Choose the right word: to ignore, to neglect or their derivatives.


1. The easiest way is to just... the letter, act as if I've never get it 2. Sometimes he was so busy that he ... to shave for a day, often his shirts needed changing and he ... these too. 3. She ... him, and let him standing with an outstretched hand. 4. The children were suffering from ... . 5. For a week after­wards he ... the financial pages. 6. He is also absorbed in sports to the ... of his studies. 7. If any exceptions to these rules occurred, they were quite simply ... . 8. The house was in a ... state. 9. The young officer decided that he could safely ... the whole thing. 10.... of the truth he committed the crime.


7. Fill in the blanks with postlogues:


1. It was a popular tune of the day set... new words. 2. The bad weather will set... our building plans. 3. There is no one to set... him as an actor. 4. The judge set... the decision of the lower court. 5. She set... her house work straight after break­fast 6. The pupils cleared ... when they saw the teacher. 7. Clear ... of the room, I want some peace and quiet. 8. Clear ... your desk before you leave school.



9. Translate the following sentences into English:


1.Она поклялась никогда не переступать порог этого дома. 2. Учи­тель задал ученикам трудную задачу. 3. Он откашлялся и продол­жал рассказ. 4. Опасность миновала, можно было действовать без промедления. 5. Дети, давайте поаплодируем артистам. 6. С одной стороны, работа была трудной, с другой — очень заманчивой. 7. Че­рез несколько минут корабль должен был пойти ко дну, и капитан приказал команде покинуть его. 8. Водитель резко повернул маши­ну, чтобы не столкнуться с автобусом, идущим навстречу. 9. Старая леди была шокирована грубыми манерами молодого доктора. 10. Соберитесь с мыслями и начните ответ сначала. 11. Несколько слов, случайно оброненных им, наводили на мысль, что все сказанное было чистейшей выдумкой. 12. У нее ужасно болела голова, но она, не обращая внимания на боль, продолжала работать. 13. Грейс воз­мущалась, когда ее называли ребенком.


10. a ) Give the Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs:


1. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

2. Don't take your harp to the party.

3. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

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