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Дайте ответ на нижеследующий вопрос:. 6. Затем, используя данный текст для получения дополнительной информации

How well are you informed about the state of Belarusian tourism? What can you tell about the main types of tourism typical of our country?

6. Затем, используя данный текст для получения дополнительной информации, расширьте свой ответ:

Tourism is an important sector of the national economy of Belarus.

Belarus has created all necessary conditions for the development of inbound tourism. Belarus is a state open to cooperation, including in tourism.

One of the popular types of tourism is agro-ecotourism which utilizes the capacity of rural regions, local historical and cultural heritage.

The development of cognitive, ecological and scientific tourism is closely connected with the formation of the tourism product in small towns and protected natural sites. This is possible through the implementation of state programs. They include the program for social and economic development and multiple use of the natural resources of the Pripyat Polesie for 2010-2015, the Naroch region development program for 2011-2015, the program for the development of the Belarusian part of the Augustow Canal for 2009-2011, the program for the development of a network of specially protected natural areas for 2008-2014, the Mstislavl and Mstislavl District development program for 2011-2016. The implementation of international tourism projects such as Unknown Europe in Grodno Oblast, Euroregion Poozerye, Bella Dvina in Vitebsk Oblast and many more will allow for an efficient use of the country’s historical and cultural heritage, its unique natural potential, ensure its protection, especially in small towns and rural regions.

In recreational and health tourism the focus will be made on the construction of modern spa and wellness centers, development of children’s health centers similar to the Zubrenok national children’s recreational center, guesthouses and holiday hotels for senior citizens and students in small towns and villages, development of recreational tours.

Development of transit and cross-border tourism will be continued as part of the programs on good neighborliness and twin-town relations with the regions of Russia and neighboring countries as well as the Union State tourism programs. More effort will be put into the development of international tourist routes including cross-border educational, sports, recreational, medical, environmental and agro-tours.

Sports tourism is closely associated with the development of necessary infrastructure in the regions with the use of water systems and natural resources, construction of sports facilities and ski centers, aquaparks, cultural and entertainment centers, ice arenas. Development of water tourism in the regions requires enhancement of the associated infrastructure along the rivers Dnieper, Dvina, Sozh, Pripyat, Berezina and their confluents, construction of quays, acquisition of sea vessels, extension of the tours to the country’s historical, cultural and natural sites, tailor-made tours and specialized programs.

Pilgrimage tourism is associated with visits to religious shrines and spiritual development. Travel operators will invest more effort in the development of tours to the religious sites of the Republic of Belarus.

The Sports and Tourism Ministry will focus on setting up the advanced tourism infrastructure, logistics, up-to-date tourist facilities in small towns, upgrading of the existing sanatoriums and wellness centers, development of road service and infrastructure of water systems and specially protected natural sites, hunting and fishing lodges, children’s tourism and local lore studies. New projects include construction of helipads near the tourist hubs, development of beach zones and health paths.

In general, tourism in the country will be promoted through the creation of the modern international tourist centers and complexes based on new technologies and also investment projects and international programs.

It should be noted that the national tourism policy is formulated in the context of the social development concept of the country and takes into account the transfer of the national economy on a path of innovative development. Educational policy in the tourism sector should take into account modern requirements for quality tourism services and human resources.


7. Перечитайте текст, сосредоточив внимание на его важнейших деталях, и выполните нижеследующие задания.

7.1. Выберите правильные варианты ответов на поставленные вопросы (на каждый вопрос – только один правильный ответ).

1. What is one of the most popular types of tourism in Belarus?

a) ecological tourism

b) cognitive tourism

c) agro-ecotourism

d) scientific tourism

e) health tourism


2. What international tourism projects are being implemented in our country?

a) Bella Dvina in Vitebsk Oblast

b) Unknown Europe in Grodno Oblast

c) Euroregion Poozerye

d) “a”, “b” and “c”

e) both “b” and “c”


3. What is the focus made on in recreational and health tourism?

a) the construction of modern spa and wellness centers

b) development of children’s health centers

c) guesthouses and holiday hotels for senior citizens and students in small towns and villages

d) development of recreational tours

e) all of the variants given


4. What rivers are the most important for the development of water tourism in Belarus?

a) Dnieper, Dvina, Sozh, Pripyat, Berezina

b) Svislach, Yaselda, Dnieper, Dvina

c) Sozh, Pripyat, Neman, Ptsich

d) Pripyat, Berezina, Bug, Vilija

e) Dnieper, Dvina, Sozh, Neman, Ptsich


5. What do some new projects include?

a) upgrading of the existing sanatoriums

b) construction of helipads near the tourist hubs

c) development of beach zones and health paths

d) both “a” and “b”

e) both “b” and “c”



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